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Army Thread Monday 13th February

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    Army Thread Monday 13th February

    JackieClaire;1261670 wrote: I quite like house work...............she whispers.
    I think you can get tablets for that, just sayin.

    Stirly mindless vandalism makes my blood boil.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Army Thread Monday 13th February

      Recluse;1261665 wrote: Hiya stirly , how's Mr stirly coping with being back at work? Are you managing to get some time off now and again?Thanks for asking, Panda-Man. Mr. Stirly is doing much better. Went to work by himself today again. I was home but bogged down by the above-mentioned housework and working on the laptop for the store - the usual replies to e-mails, etc., etc. I did manage to have a bit of spare time for myself late afternoon so Skyped with my Mom. It had been a while and we'd had some good news to talk about. Will fill you in in a minute.
      KTAB;1261666 wrote: Thanks Oney, missed you posting this earlier.

      Evening folks, home and hungry again :H
      :hello: KTABbers. How's the new job going. I'm sure you've posted about it but as you know I've been AWOL on and off and haven't read back over the posts from the last few days. Hope things are going well.

      JackieClaire;1261668 wrote:
      How very,very sad, Stirls.:l
      I usually simply do not watch the television. It makes me so very sad to see what those stupid irresponsible people are doing to other people's property. It makes me wonder what kind of an environment they were raised in and just how small their fecking brains are. I used to scold my kids for throwing gum wrappers on the ground and not in the bin. And dawg help them they should ever damage something that belonged to someone else on purpose - they were punished immediately. Even as kids if they threw down one of their or their brother's toys in a wee fit of anger, they were scolded roundly. I have never understood what they think they are achieving by setting vehicles and buildings afire. A few years ago, they set fire to a bank in the centre of Athens and three employees of the bank died in the fire. One of them was a young woman, pregnant with her first child. I cried my eyes out at the thought of her poor husband and family. Feck. And this was supposed to be such a happy weekend for us and all of this shite has just clouded it all over. Feck and double feck.

      On another subject - I hope Jan has some positive results from her meeting.
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Army Thread Monday 13th February

        stirly-girly;1261663 wrote: :wavin:

        And to borrow the bailout money we have to adhere to the restrictions leveled by the countries lending us the money and the Greek people are simply not willing to accept the restrictions - especially the ones that require the number of public servants to be lowered and wages and pensions to be slashed. It would mean very hard times ahead for the middle and lower income families either way, I'm afraid. Just a shite situation all round.
        You've summarized the situation pretty well, stirly. The basic problem is that there are no easy choices left any more because in the past policy makers always took the easiest choices and now all the easy choices have been used up, in a manner of speaking. Those restrictions that you mention will come about regardless of whether the Greek government is successful in adhering to the restrictions imposed by the prospective lenders or not. What would happen if Greece defaults? No-one would be prepared to lend to Greece, so the government would immediately have to balance its budget, so the reduction in public spending will come about anyway. I suspect what is happening now is more about sending a warning message to the other countries that are in danger of defaulting - e.g. Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and Italy.


          Army Thread Monday 13th February

          Oh and yeah, the vandalism is mindless and pointless. How can burning down shops etc possibly help the situation?

          Edit: Bye zenners.


            Army Thread Monday 13th February

            I know it must be absolutely horrible for you, Stirls, but it's good that we're getting information from someone over there in Greece rather than just watching news headlines.

            Good news though about Mr Stirls. Is he getting plenty of rest when he gets home.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Monday 13th February

              evening guys
              I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
              Audrey Hepburn


                Army Thread Monday 13th February

                JackieClaire;1261670 wrote: I quite like house work...............she whispers.How can anyone actually like housework.
                mama bear;1261672 wrote: I am sorry Stirly.....
                and Mel IS a pig...but he used to be so handsome!!!I liked him too. As long as he was just starring in movies. As soon as he started to open his gob and spew shite, I stopped liking him. Mind you AL didn't help the situation. Not that that's an excuse. There are lots of drunks out there (and here ) and they don't say and do that kind of crap.
                mama bear;1261673 wrote: I DESPISE housework too Stirls.....just come llok at my house!!Well actually you'd never know that I don't like housework unless I told you so. I do it, I just don't like to do it. Mr. Stirly is a neat freak. If he had his way, this place would look like a furniture exhibit. I don't think a neat pile of interior decorating magazines or a cookie tin sitting on the counter in the kitchen are clutter. He'd like for all things to be out of site. Except for his cigarillos, his lighter, his cell phone, sunglasses, cell charger and high blood pressure thingey. It's okay for them to take up space on the end tables in the living room. But don't leave anything else lying out in plain view. Mind you, he wouldn't dare mention that my desk needs to be tidied a bit. Might bring down the curses of the Gargoyles on his head. Speaking of which, I miss Tracy.
                KTAB;1261676 wrote:
                I think you can get tablets for that, just sayin.

                Stirly mindless vandalism makes my blood boil.
                Yep, me too. I can understand the stealing part if they are in need and desperate and want to sell the goods to make some money, even tho' it's against the law and against my nature. But to rob a store and then set it on fire, not knowing if there are apartments above it and it could endanger lives is beyond me.
                Zenstyle;1261679 wrote:
                That's awful Stirly... ( Very sad to see...
                It is indeed. The worst part is that they can't ever seem to catch the vandals.

                Zenstyle;1261679 wrote:
                Had to meet a tow truck just now to get a friend's car taken away (he's out of town). My heart was in my mouth... reckon there was a millimetre's clearance between the bed of the truck and his exhaust when the mechanic reversed it on... :wow:
                Um, er, younger son drives like that. To say that being in the passenger seat while he is driving fast on a busy 4-lane highway is taking your life in your hands would be putting it mildly. I have had several minor heart-attacks while driving with him.
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Army Thread Monday 13th February

                  yes Stirl...AL did not help, did it??
                  I think Mr Mama Bear and Mr Stirls are twin brothers!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Army Thread Monday 13th February

                    just popping in briefly, had to share, just had one of the greatest moments of my life when a bookt hat i had contributed to was talked about on a small radio stationf ro about 5 mintues by blind melon's bassist brad smith. huge deal for me, first piece of published art + thanks from a brillieant musician from one of my favourite bands
                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                      Army Thread Monday 13th February

                      Speaking of good things to watch, this is an excellent documentary about Ozzy Osborne. He is clean 5 years now and the way he describes his addictions in the last part of the film ring so true for many of us I would think. Recommended.

            [/video]]God bless Ozzy Osbourne [COMPLETE IN A SINGLE FILE] - YouTube
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Army Thread Monday 13th February

                        Congrats Inchy thats great.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Army Thread Monday 13th February

                          That is just fantastic, Incherooo. Blooming well done you.

                          Ktabbers, I'll have a lewk at the link later on.

                          I must away and feed Mr JC.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Monday 13th February

                            Evening everyone. Very cold all day here i was so glad to get home put the heating and get some dinner. Just pizza tonight as i didn'nt get back till after 6.30. Morrocan chicken sounds lovely i have never had it. Thanks for the info on the film oney i'll watch that tonight if i can stay awake till the end as it starts at 11.30. Stirly its so awfull to see lovely buildings being destroyed and mindless vandelism it doesn't solve anything. We have lots of cutbacks and job losses here too and i have a friend living in Portugol and itd bad there also. The world seems not a nice place anymore still we have to look for the good and try stay positive. Hi to everyone else hope yo all have a nice relaxing monday


                              Army Thread Monday 13th February

                              Recluse;1261684 wrote: You've summarized the situation pretty well, stirly. The basic problem is that there are no easy choices left any more because, in the past policy makers always took the easiest choices and now all the easy choices have been used up, in a manner of speaking. Those restrictions that you mention will come about regardless of whether the Greek government is successful adhering to the restrictions imposed by the prospective lenders or not. What would happen if Greece defaults? No-one would be prepared to lend to Greece, so the government would immediately have to balance its budget, so the reduction in public spending will come about anyway. I suspect what is happening now is more about sending a warning message to the other countries that are in danger of defaulting - e.g. Portugal, Spain, Ireland, and Italy.Thanks for your input, Reccie. You always help me to better understand the situation. We get all caught up in the frenzy and can't always get a clear picture of what is going on. Plus we get so many different opinions from the politicians and the political reporters that my head starts to spin.

                              JackieClaire;1261690 wrote: I know it must be absolutely horrible for you, Stirls, but it's good that we're getting information from someone over there in Greece rather than just watching news headlines.

                              Good news though about Mr Stirls. Is he getting plenty of rest when he gets home.Yes, he's resting and he's eating well. I did treat him to Stirly's low-fat bacon-cheeseburgers with oven fries today and he literally hoovered them up. He was going to go for a long walk but passed on it. He still needs to build up his stamina a bit. And needs to gain back a couple of kilos that he lost. But, IMHO, he is doing better than expected.
                              littlepinkcat;1261691 wrote:
                              evening guys
                              Hiya Pinky! And Bye. Sorry but have to go walk the dogger and then to bed. Hope you've had a fine and productive day.
                              Zenstyle;1261685 wrote:
                              I'll have to read back to hear what your news is Stirls, as I need to go to the gym. But "good" news sounds mighty fine!!! I'll check in when I get back... xxx
                              The good news is that older son proposed to his girlfriend and of course, she accepted. I say "of course" because she loves him to bits, as he loves her. I am so happy for them - they are just so suited for each other. And they are hoping to get married this year if they can manage to pull things together. Of course, it all depends on whether Mr. Stirly will need chemo or not and what condition his health will be in. Anyway, in spite of the negative factors in our life at the moment, I am trying to be as positive as I can. Shite happens. Life goes on.

                              Off to walk the dogger, as usual at this time of night.

                              Wishing all of you...

                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Army Thread Monday 13th February

                                well done inchy
                                I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                                Audrey Hepburn

