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I feel like crap

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    I feel like crap

    Went to the pub yesterday to watch the Bears game - great game. Started having too much fun. Started with coffee. It never got to 50 degrees in Arizona. Then switched to scotch and soda - planned on drinking very slowly, which I did. Next game started and we watched the first half of that. One turned into four (these are doubles, mind you). Went home, took a nap. Went out to dinner - had a beer (yuck). Went home and watched a movie and sipped on a drink all night long - only drank half of it before I "fell asleep".

    I have stuff to do today and I don't feel like doing any of it. What a waste. I know I'll feel better tomorrow. When am I going to learn? I feel like I've been poisoned. I want to crawl back into bed and have it be tomorrow.


    I feel like crap

    Me too
    Control the Mind


      I feel like crap

      Yes, why do we do this? I asked someone this question this morning but why are the mornings after and the wasted days and the guilt and remorse not enough to keep us from overindulging? Is the drink REALLY all that great? Nope. Hope your day gets better Barb!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        I feel like crap

        Hi WW and Rocky.
        It'll get better. Stick with it.


          I feel like crap

          I ditto on what Lush and paulb said.... I hope the both of you feel better soon!


            I feel like crap

            I agree too. It's just such a vicious cycle that gets so tiresome. I hope you feel better and get back on track soon. Take Care

            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              I feel like crap

              Thank you guys. I feel like the only thing that is going to make me feel better is a drink! I tried getting some work done, but no one is open because it's a holiday, so I feel like taking the rest of the day off. My boss is in Hawaii, so I probably won't hear from him all week (one more week of freedom).

              I'm drinking a ton of water (getting a lot of exercise going to the bathroom) hoping that will help. Can't get any worse.

              Rocky - hope you feel better.


                I feel like crap


                Yea I could type the same thing you are.
                I have not officially started the program as outlined in the book, I'm just trying to cut down, with little success. I feel like if I did not drink myself to sleep, I'd be tossing and turning all night.
                Have you tried the sups, Topa, or CD's yet?
                Control the Mind


                  I feel like crap

                  Yes - I've done it all.

                  In August, I was AF for six weeks, with just the supplements and the CDs. Lost 12 lbs and felt great. After that I lost 12 lbs and did mods for a while (sort of). Then the holidays came along and I got the "blues" and had a few episodes.

                  I'm taking topa, 150 mg. I was at 200, but I was really in a fog and a black mood (don't know if that was the holidays or the topa). I do know that it was my first sober Xmas because I just did not feel like drinking. It relieves the cravings, but it doesn't change the mindset - if you want to drink, no pill in the world is going to stop you. Yesterday really is an exception to the rule nowadays. I've decided to do at least another 30 days dry and just got carried away.

                  The CDs are really good, but I haven't had time to listen to them the last couple of days (maybe I'll do that when I am finished with this post). I had some really good days last week because I pulled the CDs out and listened to them.

                  This program does work, but work is the key word. We can talk ourselves into and out of anything if the mood strikes us.


                    I feel like crap

                    Well you have had some good success, that's great!
                    Would you recomend doing all three together for someone just starting? (sups,topa, cd's)

                    I need to turn the corner & need all the help I can. I already know that jsut wishing or wanting not to drink is not enough...
                    Control the Mind


                      I feel like crap

                      Rocky, what do you like to drink? Topa makes beer taste like crap to me, and I used to love it.

                      The supplements didn't work for me, but some people swear by them (I love the All One vitamin powder, tho). The Kudzu didn't seem to help me, but you will find others on this sight who swear by them. I had huge problems with the magnesium - my digestive system went haywire. The I-glut is excellent - it really helps kill the cravings.

                      I strongly recommend the CDs, because I am a big believer in "mind over matter". Our minds are like giant computers that can be programmed to channel our beliefs and thoughts in any direction that we choose. We choose them but repetition - hypnosis helps to speed up that process and deeply implant the beliefs we want. It truly is a choice.

                      As for the topa, that is a personal choice. It is a great aid, but I did it without it. It definitely slows me down. Would you talk to your doctor about it or are you thinking about ordering it on line?


                        I feel like crap


                        I usually dring vodka on the rocks. I can start saying I'll just have one when I get home and have 6 or 8.

                        How many CD's are there?

                        I did not know you could order the TOPA on line, how does that work without a RX?
                        Control the Mind


                          I feel like crap

                          There's a couple of pharmacies (Aclepsa, Riverpharmacy) that you don't need a prescription. They come from Canada, Mexico, or India. I've ordered from Acelpsa and Riverpharmacy without problem. It's cheaper to go through your own physician of course.

                          There are four CDs, one is a "clearing", which is a new concept in hypno cds to get you ready for the hypnotic one, the hypnotic, one is subliminal, and the other is sleep learning. You would need to devote 1/2 hr to an hr or so. The subliminal I listen to while working.


                            I feel like crap

                            Thanks Barb

                            I need to get started at it...
                            Control the Mind


                              I feel like crap

                              Rocky, then just start. Do something. I take it you've read the book? How about ordering the CDs? Or try the supplements - what could it hurt? How about cutting back on the drinks? Maybe starting later in the day so you are having less? Space them out? If you had told me that I would go one single weekend, let alone six, without drinking unless I was pregnant, I would have told you that you were nuts.

                              You don't have to do everything, but do something. You'll feel so much better if you do. Or if you have the money, order everything. You will feel so empowered if you take some kind of action - trust me.

