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Bi Polar

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    Bi Polar

    Went for a doctors appointment today and he has said he is 99% sure that I am Bi Polar. Have to see a psychiatrist to confirm 100%, but if this is true then I am hoping this is a turning point in my fight against alcoholism and these binges I go on.
    Any experience or knowlege of Bi Polar would be greatly received.
    Cy x
    To Infinity And Beyond!!

    Bi Polar

    Hope things turn out all right cy.. my doctor only gave me a certified 51/50 chance...Ha! So I only get Zoloft.......Good recovery for ya ! Tony
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Bi Polar



        Bi Polar

        Spam? I have been on this site for yrs and recently returned for support and help after a terrible episode. This is anything but spam anon.
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Bi Polar

          My mother and sister were both bipolar and both died of alcoholism. I went to a psychiatrist last week and got put on meds for bipolar. You're right, Cy. It would be great if it helped with my alcoholism. I've got 17 days today. Good luck to you.


            Bi Polar

            Ah, I see. Soz about the misunderstanding. I'm feeling good and positive about the future now that I have something to look into, research and deal with. I'm hoping I will then be able to move on in my life in a positive way. But tdy I feel good.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Bi Polar

              And to you sped. It would be good to keep up with your progress and vice versa if you like. I am at the mo waiting for a psychiatrist appointment to see what first steps to take. Pls feel free to pm me.
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                Bi Polar

                Cy and Sped, so glad you both are on your way to getting the proper kind of treatment -- really hope it helps you overcome the drinking! Alcohol is such a tenacious beast. I think so many go undiagnosed correctly. Sending you peace and strength.:l


                  Bi Polar

                  Hi Cy. I was thinking of you last week while at a big AA event. I heard a speaker who was medically detoxed over 100 times, but he finally got sober and has been for 10 years now. If he can do it, we can do it too.

                  I am really glad to read of your doctor appointment and possibly getting to the root of a big problem!!! If you are indeed bipolar, there is just so much hope for you feeling a ton better with proper medication. I know quite a few people who really struggled until getting a proper diagnosis and treatment for bipolar, ADHD, etc. I'm so glad to read the hope in your posts!!!!

                  Hang in there.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Bi Polar

                    Hi Cymru. My sister's husband is bipolar, and takes Lithium and (I think) Wellbutrin. He's been on these for quite a few years now, but for a long time was misdiagnosed (perhaps as just depression) and on the wrong meds. At one point he went on this wild spree -- ran my sister into bankruptcy, took off to Florida for awhile (we live in Ohio, so this would be at least a 24-hr drive), got a tattoo; all kinds of craziness. He's also had suicidal thoughts. He finally came back and they sorted everything out. He is MUCH better now, but even as of recent has been off the meds because he had a job change and lapse of insurance, so no coverage for the meds. He was OK for a couple weeks but my sister could see a lot of the tension creeping back.

                    From what I understand, bipolar is very difficult to diagnose, so I'm glad you have found a good doctor and proper treatment. I don't really know the connection between bipolar and AL, though. My brother-in-law drinks occasionally but not to excess. If you'd like me to get more information from my sister, I can.

                    (And btw, I know you've been on these boards for a long time, too....just like me! I don't know what happened with that spam post; like Zenny said, something must have gotten deleted.)


                      Bi Polar

                      How are your feeling?
                      I was glad to see you come back to MYO but sorry to hear your struggling.
                      You sound very much more positive, so good to hear

                      Having a diagnosis and knowing what your dealing with is very reassuring in itself.
                      I have SAD which I use a lite box for in the winter.
                      With SAD you get peaks and troughs in your mood a little like Bi-Polar, though with SAD I am lucky to know when it will affect me and know when I am most at risk of having low moods and indeed drinking again. Taking it easier at these times helps greatly.

                      I wish you all the best with your treatment and am very glad you're feeling (a bit) better xx
                      To see a world in a grain of sand
                      And a heaven in a wildflower.
                      Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
                      And eternity in an hour.

