I'm just learning how to post, so bear with me - please!
I've had all the products for a few weeks, but seriously started it on Friday, the 5th of january, so it's only 4 days, but it is amazing that I haven't had a glass of wine in that many days, and I even been out socially and not drank!!. I've read the book; take the vitamins; and listen to the hypnotic tapes (and wonder why they don't make these tapes to lose weight!!), but I don't take Topamax or anything like it. Thnik I am missing out on something???
Also, can someone tell me what they experience when they listen to the tapes? Any mood changes?
Do you think you did or did not get hypnotized? And, does anyone have a copy of the order in which you are suppose to listen to the tapes??? I mis-placed mine and don't know how to get it.
Well, I've said my peace for now.
Good luck to all and Cheers! :thanks: