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Not doing so good.

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    Not doing so good.

    I havent had an AF day since last week. UGHHH. I am very frustrated.
    The only good thing was that my daughter didnt see me drink.
    I am starting to get angry because I feel like I am letting this beat me. I have so many reasons why I dont want to drink,so why do I let it get the best of me??I want to get the supplements but I have to wait till hubby gets paid this week. He is still being supportive. He just tells me to keep trying.
    I am starting to feel blessed to have him.
    My goal today is to stay AF till ATLEAST sat.
    I will not let the drink get me.I have the power to do this. I am better than this.

    Not doing so good.

    Daisy - I understand your frustration - everyone here does. You can beat this, you will beat this. It sounds like you have a good support system and that is essential, I think. At least for me it is. Work on staying AF today. Just today and worry about each day as it comes. Make it as manageble as possible. Little successes empower you. You can get there. Hang in there and hang out here!


      Not doing so good.


      hang in there and get the sups and take it one day at a time.

      I tooo have not been af for a long time. I need to get down to 1 to 3 drinks a night for awhile before I stop. I did not do good over the weekend at all but held it to 3-4 last night. I too need to save up to get the sups and or cd's.

      Keep us informed as you get the sups and how it is going.

      Everyone here is here to support you
      Control the Mind


        Not doing so good.

        Daisy....sounds like you have a plan an you have to try your hardest to stick to it....but dont beat yourself up if you fall...we are all here to support you no matter what time it is. I had such a bad time on sun night and i really really wanted to drink but i came here instead and i just read lots of peoples posts to remind me why i didnt wanna by the time id finished all the shops were the option to drink was gone.

        Good luck honey and remember were always here for you


        Lou-Lou x x x
        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


          Not doing so good.

          daisy...... oh you sound frustrated!!! You must not get mad at yourself. Just keep trying. Take it one day/one night at a time. When you place too much pressure on yourself, it tends to set you up for disappointment. Start some positive self-talk, and keep reminding yourself you are worth it.


            Not doing so good.


            I can understand what you are saying. I lapsed so many times before. You need to take some time out and maybe write down your reasons for not drinking and then whenever you get tempted read through them to remind yourself. (Or when you wake up the next day after drinking, write how you feel).

            Like all things, when it's forbidden it becomes more tempting, therefore don't think you can't drink, tell yourself you DON'T want to drink.

            If you find yourself drinking during the evenings at certain times it might help just to change your routine a little. Do more things with your daughter, like evening shopping, or help her with her homework, girly things like hairs, manicures etc (sorry I'm just passing on suggestions as I am not sure how old your daughter is).

            Take each day as it comes. Don't be to hard on yourself. And remember you have a circle of support here on MWO. Unfortunatley, I can't advice on any supps whether they will help or how, but I'm sure someone else may be able to advice you.

            Mandy x


              Not doing so good.

              You do have the power, Daisy. Think of it as feedback, not failure. Try to examine why you gave in to having a drink and see if you can't get past that. It's a process, not a win or lose situation.


                Not doing so good.

                Daisy you can do it.
                Go to general dicussion and read the poll started by Jen. It really helps.

                Be strong and take 1 day at a time.

                :l :h :l :h
                "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                Catherine Pulsifer


                  Not doing so good.

                  Pretend its tomorrow that works for me alot. Like this day is done, there is no time left to drink.

                  Hope that can help?



                    Not doing so good.

                    I'm pulling for you. ??Maybe try this??

                    Try to rehearse in your mind EXACTLY what a booze "episode" will play out like. Example for me--get home feeling giddy, because I know I'm going to drink. Look at the wine bottle--cool. Open it--cool. Savor first drink--cool........

                    [whole bottle gone, I'm worthless for the rest of the evening (to the point that I don't even enjoy anything. Can't even read a single page of my latest bedside book because I can't focus.
                    Fall asleep.
                    Wake up at 2AM feeling anxious, can't fall back asleep.
                    Finally fall asleep at ~4AM, but now have to wake up in 45 min and sincerely do not want to.
                    Hoping the strong coffee will help me out with the daily horrible feeling (THAT I HAVEN'T FELT NOW FOR 4 DAYS--YES!!!).
                    Go on run--drag my ass through it.
                    Feeling better by 1-4PM, even giddy (because I know there is some booze looming on the horizon).]

                    Not cool.

                    Lets tally this up--perhaps 1 hour of "cool" and the rest of the day sucks.
                    Here's my point: While staring at that bottle, THINK VERY CLEARLY AND SERIOUSLY ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO DO WITH THE NEXT 18 HOURS OF YOUR LIFE.

                    Chances are (has worked for me anyway) that you might just think twice and not do it. Then, go stuff yourself with a good meal or something (then it'll be tough to catch a buzz) and you're safe until tomorrow.

                    Seriously, my thoughts are really with you, and I'm hoping any little bit of advice that we all throw at you might help.



                      Not doing so good.

                      Great advice boozefree!

                      You can also try the AVERT tool at the link below. It has helped me tremendously!

                      Rational Recovery Center - The Internet Center for Self-Recovery
                      :h :h :h :h


                        Not doing so good.

                        Thanks everyone for all the advice. I wil be using it!
                        Well I didnt drink today!


                          Not doing so good.

                          Great job on not drinking yesterday, Daisy! That's really good news.
                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            Not doing so good.

                            Daisy, Daisy, la la la la la la....
                            Great job - you are doing it. Keep reading and posting.
                            Love Lori
                            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                              Not doing so good.

                              Like your post BFF - that's me exactly.

                              I know exactly where your coming from Daisy. I have only had 2 AF days since way before Christmas. Its really frustrating. I go fine during the day its just when evening comes those wine bottle keep chinking.


