Was doing well until last night, then tied one on and couldn't even get up to put my son to bed. It amazes me - you can be doing so well and then BAM! Now I have to make it through today feeling like crap - I hate these days...
No announcement yet.
So Tired...
So Tired...
I am so sick and tired of disappointing my family....
Was doing well until last night, then tied one on and couldn't even get up to put my son to bed. It amazes me - you can be doing so well and then BAM! Now I have to make it through today feeling like crap - I hate these days...Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."Tags: None
So Tired...
AA, maybe you are at your breaking point now? Maybe that 'click in your head' sound has finally arrived for you?
I know all too well the disappointed feelings we get when we cannot function as a normal human being.
Just think of this as a possible turning point for you. I am thinking of you and please be kind to yourself today.
So Tired...
AA it always hurts worse when you are hung over believe me I know. For today as Accountable said be kind to yourself flush your system with plenty of liquids water tea etc. It helps! Its much better than beating yourself up.
Take care!!!
kitkatAF since 12/11/2008:ranger
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:
So Tired...
With you
I'm new herre and I know exaclty how you feel. Things go so bad for me yesterday that I had to go to the Docs as I was scared of the DT's. She's given me some stuff to get me through it but it's gonna be a strugle.
But people on the this site will help.
We will get there!
So Tired...
Okay - I'm sitting in the basement, look over and see the words 'Super Sized!' The kicker, It's a can of jock-itch medication that I bought for my son...
Super-sized - too funny...Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."
So Tired...
You can do it, I have messed up slightly once and really big once more but you know what I learned something from it. I don't know exactly what but I feel different about why I drank. I was under the impression that I can give myself permission to drink, but now I think that is not necessary and is not what I need.
So Tired...
Dear AA
Missed our chat last night, sorry. I just had to gety some sleep.Remember how we were curing the ills of the world, and ourselves...... well, let's do it. We've al fallen over,gone to work (or not) te next day feeling physically dreadful and mentally devastated that we have done this to ourselves....again. But the greatness in you is that you do start over again. Let's work together on this if you like. I was smashed Sunday night, but Mon, Tues AF so we're both aout even.
Jock itch for your son! Like Rocky said, don't drink it.
Wouldn't it be great ifwe could switch off all the prompts that get us to take that first drink. A double lobotomy perhaps. Hmmmm, maybe not.
Keep in touch. I'm interested in your cycling sport. Tell me more.
So Tired...
Hey Rags - the kicker is that I am a damn good cyclist (won a bronze medal for my category) Too bad that I am a drunk - I could do soooo much more.......Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."