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How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

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    How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

    I have no way of knowing this, but I would bet that NOBODY, aside from my wife and perhaps my mother know the extent of my wine drinking.
    I'm pretty sure that people at work, church, running friends, neighbors have ANY idea.
    Just curious if others here exist like this.
    Makes me wonder how many zombies like me there are walking around.

    BTW--4d, no booze. Feels darned good.


    How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

    I can relate BFF,

    I think my husband is the only one that knew the extent of my drinking. I always wondered if anyone noticed at work. I would go in with a hangover and the usual bright red eyes, puffy face. I now think how could they not have noticed. No one ever said anything to me, so I'm not sure.

    :l :h
    "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
    Catherine Pulsifer


      How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

      Congrats on 4 days. That is so great.
      My husband and mother were the only one's who knew the extent of my drinking. Felt bad for them.
      The rest of the world only got very rare glimpses of me getting out of control.
      However before I found this site I started wondering if people at work were catching on or if I was just getting paranoid. I was titlting back quite a bit, staying up really late at night then dragging my butt into work at the crack of dawn. I was exhausted and wondered if I still smelled of alcohol. It's nice not to have that worry now.

      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

        I always thought the same thing NP. I thought I could smell myself so they probably could too

        :l :h
        "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
        Catherine Pulsifer


          How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

          You'd be suprised. When I came clean to a friend of mine who I thought I had "fooled" said she thought something was different but couldn't put her finger on it. She never thought it was drinking.

          Once her & I talked about people hiding their drinking & she spoke of a woman at her work that smelled like booze when you walked near her but never acted like she was drunk & nobody ever said anything to her. Don't be fooled. People know. Some people just mind their own business & say nothing.

          They may not think you're drinking per se...but attitudes change, personalities change, looks change etc. Maybe I'm paranoid...and an observer. I can spot us a mile away. As much as we try to be slick it eventually catches up to us the longer we drink.

          Yeah...I remember someone saying something to me after I quit drinking b/c I got pregnant & word got around ....a woman said to me :
          "hey congrats...I just heard you're pregnant. I said to Jack "boy SeaBreez looks good lately" & he said you're pregnant. Not to say you don't normally look good". I knew I normally looked like crap on days I was hungover which were many!

          But you're right Bird....people would fall over knowing how much I consumed in a day! Probably more than they would in a week! LOL!
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

            It's in the eyes

            I'm on day 21AF and for the first time in years can look at myself in the mirror.
            I mean really look into my eyes, and they are no longer red and watery.

            I play a lot of golf, and have really started to notice when I'm playing in the morning how many people turn up with those red eyes and shaky hands. Also how many have a beer or other alc at the half-way point.

            I think there are many many people out there with this problem, they just havent realised it yet.



              How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

              I agree it is all in the eyes.... you can really tell who is a hard core drinker.

              My sister once said to me "Although you wear expensive perfume, you still smell like booze even after a couple of days of being AF". This was purely horrifying to me.

              I really wasn't fooling anyone!


                How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

                Seabreeze - I think you hit the nail on the head.

                "Don't be fooled. People know. Some people just mind their own business & say nothing."

                I am sure people know. They talk to each other about it but not to the person involved.
                Enough is enough


                  How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

                  I was very creative! Had many "hiding spots " around the house so my kids woudn't stubble on it. But usually drank it all so just had to keep replacing my bottles. What a way to live. My husband would know from my breath and usually if I drank at night I would snore loud when I went to that was a dead give away!! Ha! Well no more! Can't do it anymore...too much work!! Day 43 AF!! Yay!


                    How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

                    I hear people talk about people at work who are drinkers, I wonder is they ever talked about me that way....

                    halfway through day 5af....and going strong...
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

                      I'm not sure how well I hide it I certainly try!
                      This is the only place I can be honest and it's such a relief. Why I do I hide it? I'm ashamed and see it as a weakness but is crushing me.


                        How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

                        As you can see from the posts, we all try to disguise it. We've all had the feelings of guilt, shame, remorse, so we really do understand how you're feeling.
                        Yep, this is a great site, where you can be completely honest and eveyone will understand and care.
                        Don't let it crush you. Don't give it power. Allow yourself to be kind to yourself. Swap feelings of shame for feelings of pride and confidence that you are doing something about it, starting to take control. It may take a little time, but be patient with yourself. You'll find you have wonderful reserves within yourself to overcome your drinking problems. You've started the journey by joining MWO. There are many people here who will give you so much support.


                          How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

                          Hi ya all

                          My husband could tell whenever I had a drink - he could smell it. No matter how much I rinsed my mouth with mouthwath, had gum or strong mints.

                          However, I did think I was hiding it well from my mother-in-law. I used to put my empty bottle in one of my cupboards, with the intention of throwing it the night before the refuse was collected. (I didn't want anyone rumaging through the bins - and bottles are not the quietest of things). But I'd forgotten for a few weeks. So imagine my horror when I got back from work into my bedroom and all 2 weeks worth of empty bottles were lined up in my room. Mother-in-law knew I was drinking, she obviously needed evidence. What better proof!!

                          So in answer to the question.....I couldn't hide the fact I had a drink. Well, not with blood-shot eyes, slurred speech and the fact I couldn't even walk in a straight line.


                            How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

                            For what it's worth, I thought, no, I was sure I was keeping my drinking a secret... until I found out from a conversation with a neighbor that , in fact, several people in our neighborhood were talking about my "drinking problem". I just about died!! And, this conversation only happened after I had to plead and beg for this friend to fess up... she was so worried about upsetting me!! Not that we should concern ourselves more with what "others" think, but I'm willing to bet it's much less of a secret than we'd like to think. It's just a very awkward subject for anyone to bring to the person in question. Even my husband was happier in denial...



                              How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

                              Most people could not tell I was drinking unless I was to the point of passed out, I could even carry on a phone conversation, problem is....i couldnt remember it the next day. I have even fooled my boyfriend into thinking i cut down a couple of months back, i had to admit to him that i just quit this past weekend, he was a little surprised. I don't really know if anyone else knew, probably not, they all think i am a health nut!
                              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                              James Gordon, M.D.

