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How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

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    How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

    No greater the fool...

    .... out there was me! I was totally in denial about how much I drank. I figured everyone tossed back a bottle everynight... and two on weekends. I mean, I can fit 2 glasses of Zin in MY wine glasses.... can't you?

    I am pretty sure everyone knew... but was also in denial. Successful career, two great kids, a beautiful home.... sounds like most of us here.

    BFF, I too also walk around in my sober state trying to 'pick 'em outta the crowd!

    Changeling, putting is a breeze without the DT's, is'nt it !

    Newgrl- LOL- of the 'lost' phone conversations! Had MANY of those...

    Have a great day everyone,

    8 days AF
    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


      How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

      Olly wrote: For what it's worth, I thought, no, I was sure I was keeping my drinking a secret... until I found out from a conversation with a neighbor that , in fact, several people in our neighborhood were talking about my "drinking problem". I just about died!! And, this conversation only happened after I had to plead and beg for this friend to fess up... she was so worried about upsetting me!! Not that we should concern ourselves more with what "others" think, but I'm willing to bet it's much less of a secret than we'd like to think. It's just a very awkward subject for anyone to bring to the person in question. Even my husband was happier in denial...

      Olly- what triggered my reaction is the 'husband in denial.' I know he knows I drink too much; he probably does too. But we aren't doing much about it or talking about it -- I am dreading the conversation. We already had a conversation a year ago, and then I got pregnant. Have since had a beautiful baby boy, but drinking has snuck back in.



        How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

        Hi CS, yeah, it's an awkward situation. Besides, my husband is from a different (more judgemental) culture than I am so I've been really reluctant to discuss it openly and honestly with him. Funny thing is, now that I am keeping an AF state of mind and not drinking like I use to, we are actually able to discuss around it quite easily. Before I was so defensive that I immediately dismissed even the lightest comment he might make. Now, with two months under my belt I'm able to tell him "I just don't want to drink", "No thanks, I don't want any wine", "I'm tryng to get some time under my belt without alcohol". He has never stopped in his tracks to ask why. So, maybe he wasn't in as much denial as I thought... but just unable or unwilling to address it.

        Newgirl.. I too am, for the most part, very good at appearing "normal" when I drink. The conversation my neighbor had was more about the "smell of alcohol" (I'd run upstairs to gulp of glass of wine during our summer afternoons sitting at the playground together...) However, I have been staggering drunk in public on a few occassions... memories that still make my stomach flip-flop... ugghhh. There's nothing like seeing yourself on a video camera when you think you're "acting normal" to know that if you've drank enough to black out, you've drank enough to show it. Ugh, again. But, those days are behind us!!! Yes.

        Okay all,
        off to work for me.


          How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

          Wow....newbie is the first day..and although I am not in shock to discover that all of your posts could have come from me, I am saddened it took me this long to get here. I can drink at least a bottle of wine per day, although I don't and its only becasue I don't want my husband to get upset and say"you think you're drinking a bit too much?" This is the first time that I have admitted that I really do drink too much. I just do not stop after one or two glasses of wine, I really set out to drink more and more. It is sad, but I am here to get a grip on things. Thanks for being here, I am glad I found you. Fuzzie


            How many of you hide/hid your drinking well

            :welcome: FUZZIE..........

            :l NANCY
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10

