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    11 DAYS AF

    11 days AF now i hopei can continue with it , still embarking on my self improvement programme ie gym diet etc ... also on a new med celexa for anxiety and ithas helped a bit already
    thing with me is that ineed not to be too rigid with myself ie just take things easy. dont go over the top on the health thing either cosi f i do then ill say .. oh whats thepoint and go back to drink again .. so being moderate with myself is what is important to me at the moment theni can keep plodding along with what im trying to achieve ... it was john lennon who siad " life happens when your making other plans" ie being flexible at this moment in time is important as before it was always one extreme or the other ie binge drinking then a few days AF then drinking again which obvoiusly got me nowhere .. well at least i know that now ,
    so heres to the days ahead
    best wishes all

    11 DAYS AF

    Congrats at 11 days and I agree with taking things easy and not taking on too much at once.
    Take care and keep truckin' along

    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      11 DAYS AF

      Hi jay, Welcome and congratulations on your 11 days AF....It looks good when you see it in print, makes you realise how much you have achieved....Yes I agree with you when you say not to be too rigid with yourself, don't go from one extreme to the other, find a place where you can achieve your goals but you also feel comfortable with it, don't put pressure on yourself, after all this programme is called MY WAY OUT, and as long as you are doing this primarily for yourself then you can do it at your speed.....

      Please keep reading, posting and reading again, there is some wonderful help and wisdom here...USE IT....

      I wish you good luck,

      Louise xx
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        11 DAYS AF

        Good job, Jay! Sounds like you are starting to get yourself into a better place. 11 days is wonderful!! Definitely take this at your own pace.

        All the best!
        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          11 DAYS AF

          Hello Jay,
          let me give you a hearthy pat on the back. 11 days AF is awesome. Yes, you get to determine at your own pace how you choose to change your life for the better. You are well on your way.
          xoxoox Lori
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            11 DAYS AF

            Well done Jay
            11 Days is worth shouting about.
            You are right not to be too rigid, be comfortable with yourself and start to build a new life for yourself where Alcohol has no place.

            Best wishes to you

