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To my fellow drinking mothers

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    To my fellow drinking mothers

    I remember "loving" playing with my kids when they were small... Armed with a glass of wine...
    I remember "enjoying" play-dates, but only with certain mommies.... Armed with a glass of bubblies...
    I remember "thriving" on entertaining.... With all foods paired beautifully with the best matched alcohol... And of course the shots for "atmosphere"...

    I remember overhearing my kids say, (and me pretending it was not important), "let's go ask Mom now, she is in a good mood"... "GOOD"?!?!

    When I first went AF 2 years ago, I came across a book (not diary) in my daughter's room, she was 10 then... As I opened it I read: "I am sooooo glad Mommy stopped drinking, she is sooooo nice to me again".... I realised there and then that I lost my licence to drink in front of them, as they came to differentiate between my "good" moods, and being under the influence... They were so proud of me! And then the on and off rollercoaster started...

    I have 3 great kids, now 18, 16 and 13... Clever, healthy, good looking, etc... Thank God they didn't have to rely on me for those qualities, because I was busy on another plane, pouring booze down my throat!

    I decided to write this, hoping that mothers with young ones would be motivated to quit sooner than what I did! Exposing our kids to as much as possible when they are young, is something we can not catch up later with. Example: If you want your child to enjoy being in the kitchen, don't do as I did? I wanted to be alone, because that was my drinking time whilst cooking....

    I look at them today, and I can see very clearly where I could have done much better... Don't get me wrong, the "world" would not easily fault them, but I am accutely aware of where my presence and interest would have made a difference in their lives... No rewriting history though! I often tell them, that they don't only learn from me (parents/friends/TV) what to do, but also what NOT to do...

    This was written with love, compassion, humilty, and most of all, HOPE for all of us!

    Here is to sober motherhood, ad infinitum!

    Sol xxx


    To my fellow drinking mothers

    FANTASTIC post Sol!

    I am so very grateful I kicked the booze before my kids could remember, it is the one thing that I never stop feeling gratitude for.

    I grew up with an alcoholic father and bear the scars to this day, it really affected me and gave me dreadful hang up's.

    Sober Motherhood ROCKS!

    Thanks for sharing Solitaire, if this helps even one mother to think of quitting, it would be wonderful xxx
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      To my fellow drinking mothers

      As soon as I started reading this my heart sank to my stomach. I have 3 under 5 and am on the path to sobriety. My last drink was nearly a week ago and I continue to say no. I don't want my kids to see me during that "bad" mood. I put my children first. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It pushed me further in the right direction.
      Living life to the fullest.


        To my fellow drinking mothers

        MtnMomma;1266461 wrote: As soon as I started reading this my heart sank to my stomach. I have 3 under 5 and am on the path to sobriety. My last drink was nearly a week ago and I continue to say no. I don't want my kids to see me during that "bad" mood. I put my children first. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It pushed me further in the right direction.
        Awwhhhh MM, they won't remember, you are in a wonderful position now, they will never know a drunk mammy...good for you, keep it up!
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          To my fellow drinking mothers

          solitaire... yes that is me i am you... mine are 14 and 9.. my oldest told me last december. "mum, do you know what 9yr old asked santa for this year?" i said no what "he asked him to help you stop drinking"
          I too passed the point of no return with the kids. and i too can't go back and spend quality time with them. i pissed away years of thier life.. It makes me feel sick.. and not to mention that my drinking has pissed away our finances as well. when they ask can they go snowbaording or have a birthday party I have to say no we can't afford it. (my oldest gets mad becasue he knows i drank all our money) and we really can't. and that is also changing their lives.. we (my husband and I have literally drank ourselves into financial ruin. line of credit maxed, credit cards maxed.. loans maxed.. and 5 days before payday and there is 0 in every account...

          alcohol has ruined my families lives and it will continue into my grandchildrens lives I am sure.. we have no savings or pensions..

          please please if anyone out there has a young family STOP NOW before you are where i am..
          AF since Sept 2013...


            To my fellow drinking mothers

            Hi All
            Great post Sol!! As a father my greatest regret in my life is the time I wasted drunk. Time taken away from my children. From my family. Can never be made up but life for all is so much better without al in it.

            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
            AF 5-16-08
            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
            AF 5-16-08


              To my fellow drinking mothers

              Caper, I don't know you, but, as we start feeling better after quitting AL, in my case already on day 2, kids forgive UNCONDITIONALLY!!! We have the chance to show our kids we are victors and NOT victims!!! But that is only if we lead by example... I saw my eldest, then 15, on Facebook, SO very drunk, with people posing around him... I can not tell you what that did to me!!!! Luckily, we have turned the situation around.
              "What ifs" can not serve me... If only I had all the money I drank away etc... How about, if I quit, how much more will I have the end of the month...
              We can do it, and the rewards are HUGE!
              Be strong, be loved xxx


                To my fellow drinking mothers

                I have a lot of regrets about my daughters younger years also. I know there were countless times where I got her all set up in her room so she wouldn't come out and bother me while I was drinking. Or the huge sigh of relief after she went to sleep so I could drink freely. To think of all the nights I was passed out with a young child in the house...oh the shame. BUT, I can't live in the past. We all realize our mistakes, and all we can do from here is move on. I think I've come to peace with my daughter, we've talked about it and I've been completely honest with her. I want her to know that drinking is a problem for me, and one I wish I'd never started. Maybe she can learn from my mistakes. Solitaire, you are so right, kids DO love unconditionally...we could take a lesson from them!
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  To my fellow drinking mothers

                  My relationship with Tigger has improved so much since i gave up drinking. it is one of the things keeping me strong
                  I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                  They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

