Quite a day was had yesterday. Remember the student house saga? Well... VICTORY!!! The Municipality had laid a criminal charge against the owner. We were asked to attend a mediation session yesterday, the outcome of which was that the students living there without permission have to move out immediately. Plus the owner was sentenced to 50 hours of community service. Woo-fecking-hoo!!! It took a year and a half of pestering officials, writing letters, laying complaints etc etc, but we did it - the permananet residents in the neighbourhood pulled together.
Plus Mrs. T and I went out in the middle of the week. Unheard-of, I tell ya. My mom nominally looked after the kids (it was more the other way round), whilst we went to Le Quartier Francaise's Tasting Room The Tasting Room - Le Quartier Français - Franschhoek - South Africa followed by a movie in their small cinema (leather seats and all). Lovely stuff!
Anyhoo... Have a lovely Thursday, folksies!