So, on Tuesday, she decided I needed to detox. She wanted me to go to inpatient for two weeks, but that is not possible with my job and I have two young children and am a single mom trying to hold onto my home. She gave me a prescription for Ativan for 24 hours. It was 1mg and I took 2 tablets at 4pm, 8pm, 7am, 11am and had my follow up with her yesterday, Wednesday at 5pm. I followed it exactly and added a 12pk of beer! That voice in my head said, you are so calm, you can enjoy one! I was sooo wasted I don't remember most of the day and my boyfriend thought it was just the Ativan....what a liar and cheat and deceiver I am!
At my appointment I told her exactly what I did and although she seemed disappointed, she told me the Ativan would not work for me and gave me a new regime to follow. I see her again in two weeks. This is what I would love input on:
-300 mg of neurontin. Take 2-3 caps four times a day, as needed for anxiety. (I have never heard of neurontin and was using xanax for the anxiety, but she had me dump them and told me they were evil.)
-25mg of Topamax. one tablet, twice a day for one week. At week two, one tablet in the morning and two at bedtime. At week three, two tablets, two times a day.
- 15mg of remeron. half to one tablet at bedtime as needed for insomnia.
I know early on, I have trouble sleeping, so she prescribed this...afterall, this is ALL she does. She only treats alcoholism and opiate addictions. So, i'm okay with the remeron, I think.
The topamax scares the crap out of me because I heard it causes memory loss, slurred speech, dizziness and some other nasty side effects, but I don't know how my dosage is compared to how much others had that suffered that.
I'm afraid on the Topamax, I will be driving and forget where I am going, or forget how to do my job....things like that....I hope I am just worrying for nothing....after all, she is a dr. and prescribed it to me.
The only thing I have taken for anxiety, except the ativan is xanax and i'm scared of the neurontin as well.
PLEASE, PLEASE, has anyone had any experience with any on these? I told her about this program and how Topamax is recommended and she smiled and said she has been using it to treat alcoholism for years, so i have faith that she knows what she is doing, but I am still scared.
Thanks for listening, as my name says...I have been struggling for a long, long time and i hope i have finally found my answer.
Tammy: anyone: