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Hi All, Confession time ........

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    Hi All, Confession time ........

    Hi All, I got to day 17 AF, then had 2 glasses of wine tonight ........

    I should have known better, I went to the wholesalers today & my hubby said, bring two cases of that Hardys wine that we like .... I said, no cos we'll drink it, he said 'don't worry i'll lock it in the garage' .......

    What happened ......, 7.30 came, I was cooking dinner, Wine on the kitchen unit talking to me, I opened it, Steve shared it and said 'well done you did 16 days'.

    I have to say that I don't actually feel bad .... 16 days AF is more that I have done as long as I can remember ..... and 2 glasses is better than 2 bottles .......but feel bad that I didn't manage 30 days after feeling so good ..... why do we do it????????? ...........

    Soooo although I haven't managed 30 days, I think that I should feel OK that I did 16 ..... Is that A COP OUT .... Should I feel bad? Help me out guys, ....... Paulb .. What so you think? ...........

    Love you all, Paula xx

    Hi All, Confession time ........

    Hi Paula,
    Day 16 is better than no days at all. Keep up the good work, as you said 2 glasses is better that 2 bottles.


      Hi All, Confession time ........

      2 glasses is a normal intake of wine so i wouldnt even let it phase you.
      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Hi All, Confession time ........

        Bless, you are both so nice, but I'm sure that you can relate to how I feel ....

        Thanks sooo much to you both, Paula :h :l :h


          Hi All, Confession time ........


          Major CONGRATULATIONS! Don't be hard on yourself, 2 glasses of wine is a hard thing to do. But, you did it. Remember, you have to give yourself alot of credit for getting as far as you have..



            Hi All, Confession time ........

            Brandy, thanks sooo much, I lnow that i've made a good step, but cos i was aiming for 30 days AF i just feel a bit bad .... thanks so much for posting .........


              Hi All, Confession time ........

              I Know even, my typing gets worse ....


                Hi All, Confession time ........

                I'm with New Girl, 2 glasses of wine is normal intake and not worth beating yourself up over. What matters is you stopped at 2 and there were 17 days that preceded that where there were zero! Even if you kept it going at 17 steps forward, one step back, you'd still be making huge strides towards the ultimate goal, so don't let this little slip up get you down:hiya:

                hugs :l


                  Hi All, Confession time ........

                  Hi Paula,

                  Be gentle with yourself. 2 drinks is standard, and you are doing brilliantly. I truly believe that if we keep beating oursleves up after every slip (what the doc told me Tues) that it just fuels the low self-esteem and then things keep happening over again. It made sense to me. So, be gentle

                  Lots of love
                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    Hi All, Confession time ........

                    Paula...if anything id say well just had two glasses of wine and stuck at that...if it was me id be raiding the cellar for the rest of it!!!! you did good sweetie, you have shown strength and willpower


                    Lou-Lou x x x
                    "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                      Hi All, Confession time ........

                      Forget about it!

                      If you can have 2 glasses of wine and go another 16 days.... you've conquered something HUGE! Don't beat yourself up about it.... just be mindful that 2 glasses tonight can lead to 4 tomorrow and 2 bottles by the weekend- as it does for me!

                      "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                        Hi All, Confession time ........

                        I agree Paula... You did well. Two glasses is NOTHING compared to your average of two bottles. I think we tend to get a little hard on ourselves.

                        And on that note - don't beat yourself up about it! You should feel proud of all those AF days you had!!! If I had a drink tonight, I wouldn't feel so bad about it. I have 19 days under my belt and that is the most in years besides being preggo which in that case I had no choice.

                        Honestly, a couple of glasses sounds good. Wish I had some here. (DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD???) Hey we are only human!!


                          Hi All, Confession time ........

                          Hi Paula,

                          I am with everyone here, 2 glasses and stopping is great. I know i slipped up last weekend and had a couple of drinks on friday and sat, but was proud of myself for stopping at 2. I am trying tostay af from sun to thurs and keep it to a couple of drinks on the weekend.
                          Don't beat yourself up, go back af tomorrow.

                          Good luck and take care.
                          :l :h :l :h
                          "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
                          Catherine Pulsifer


                            Hi All, Confession time ........

                            If you are drinking "normally" then do not beat yourself up. Heck....when we're not drinking normally beating ourselves up doesn't help. You drank normally. You go girl.



                              Hi All, Confession time ........

                              Thank you...

                              for sharing that, so that we can learn from it. I'm going to use your story to remind me not to cave in on day 17 (I hope).
                              Live through your bad emotions (remember Tuesdays with Morrie?) and start afresh tomorrow.

                              All of our thoughts are with you.


