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Hi All, Confession time ........

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    Hi All, Confession time ........

    I 100% agree with what Pixie said. Getting caught up in the numbers can be defeating. What needs to be focused on are the changes you are making for the positive.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Hi All, Confession time ........

      Hi Paula...Look sweetie..I know that you were aiming for your 30 days, but I agree with the post earlier (sorry, cannot remember who it was) about not beating yourself up about the slips. Shame and guilt are the BIG issues for problem drinkers, now you're trying to get out of this thing and DO something about that Monster, lessen up on these two negative feelings. We're supposed to be here for something better..Credit for the great achievement so far, and learn from the slips..that way, it will make it easier to move forward, which is always the direction you want to be going.
      And don't forget the big picture! Yes, concentrating on one day at a time, is a great way to go to reduce those 'unclimable mountain' fears, but in the end, what you, and everyone else here is aiming for, is a controlled, healthy LIFE with regard to the vino vampire....And your drinking pattern of late reflects just that:h.......................Much love to you missus xxx


        Hi All, Confession time ........

        Hi All,

        Many many thanks for all of your lovely replies....

        Thursday is the day that I do my day job & my evening job as well, So I haven't been able to check in till now .....

        What a wonderful suprise it was to get all of your lovely comments.

        I'm back to AF tonight .....

        You know the really strange thing about this is, that if I didn't have you guys here, I wouldn't have even done any AF days, I owe you an awful lot, thanks .....

        Sending much love and hugs to all of you.

        Thanks again, :loveyou: :groupluv: :loveyou: :groupluv:

