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Army Thread 24th February

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    Army Thread 24th February

    That's a symptom of womanhood, JC
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread 24th February

      tiptronic_ct;1267936 wrote: That's a symptom of womanhood, JC
      I must be married to a woman then


        Army Thread 24th February

        Hiya Troopers!!
        anon;1267728 wrote: Mr A hates me being out of sight. I think it is control not love.
        Mind you he is not plying me with drinks at the moment as he has finally admitted he gets it.Mrs. A - if Mr. A is able to take care of himself, get a light meal or order in then there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to leave him. I mean on his own for a couple of days, not leave him altogether.:H And good that he's finally stopped offering you drinks. I would have been tempted to crack a bottle over his melon.
        mollyka;1267733 wrote: Joe used to be a bit like that, he seems to have got over it tho --- oh I'm deffo not talking bout plying me with drinks I'm glad he's 'got it' bout the drink, that must make a big difference.
        I love Sainsbury's, we don't have them here tho - used to go to Newry ostensibly to get cheap groceries - 'fraid it was always the cheap booze that I woz chasin
        Anyway - never really watch daytime tele, but it's on in the background and Dr. Phil is talkin to someone who drinks a gallon of vodka a day -- crikey - even I didn't drink that much - gawd, he tapered down to 10 bottles of wine a day feckin hell!!!! oh he's sober now! Gonna go watch this - he looks great! He's in Guns and Roses apparentlyI have seen that mentioned before - someone drinking a gallon of vodka a day. How the hell can you get that much booze down yer throat and still function? It's not like 4 bottles of wine which is still a lot. Vodka is like 40% AL.
        JackieClaire;1267770 wrote: I'm here, I'm here.

        Just been talking to Nurse Whizzy.

        Didn't get out of me pit 'til 12. Had awful stomach and back pains last night and didn't get to sleep 'til after 3am. From looking at the gods of google and talking to Whizzy sounds like something's up with me gall bladder.

        Orff for a read back.
        Jackie - it can be very painful but I think it can also be manageable if you be careful what you eat. My Mom suffered for years and things like fried foods, fatty foods like bacon and such would set it off. If I remember well, when you had that attack after Christmas, you'd been indulging in some foods much higher in fat than you'd been used to during the time you stuck closely to the SW diet. I hope you get it looked after soon. My SIL has to have hers removed and apparently it's done through a very small incision any more. My Mom finally had hers removed and has a 6-inch decision where they did the surgery.
        coriander;1267787 wrote:
        hey anon, I could meet you at the airport for coffee if you let me know dates, & i could scoot orf from the farm for a"day trip"........hmm, might be a go-er!!!! How cool is that!!!
        Mrs. A - if Corry Ann Der is offering to drive all the way to Perth to meet you, take her up on it. First of all, she's a darling and you'll fall in love with her accent and her pretty and very funny self. And second, she lives a rooly, rooly long way from Perth so she'll be driving for hours just to get there. WooHoo. An Australian-Irish meet-up!!!
        satz123;1267844 wrote:
        Whats going on ? Everyone meeting in Dublin ? An AA ( after alcohol) meeting ?
        :H Cute Satz. Maybe you could join them this time. Do you live near Dublin?
        Zenstyle;1267882 wrote:
        Mornin/arvo folksies!

        Jacks... I don't much like the sounds of that. Do you have a Dr appointment scheduled? I hope so! And I hope it doesn't screw up your weekend... I'm presuming you've already bought the plane ticket...

        Let us know how you're doing...

        My mouth is much better today. Now I have loads to do around the house... ugh! I'm going to go to the gym but I'm not going to run... I'll stay away from the dreadmill for a few days and do the cybex or something till the pain's totally gone.

        Satz... JC is going to Dublin to stay with Mollers next weekend... and so far Oners and Mario are in for a meet-up with them...No doubt KTABbers will show up at some time if he can manage it.

        Zen - glad to hear your mouth is feeling better. You might want to lay off Jim for a couple of days tho'. Just saying...
        RingingCedars;1267911 wrote: Good advice on the Cohosh JC--maca, primrose and sage are very helpful too.
        Yoo Hoo y'all. Hiya RC!!
        startingover;1267925 wrote: What are the symptoms of the mental pause?

        Panno, stick at it hun
        Men-no-pause is shite, Startypants. I won't go into too many details here and risk boring any male Army members who may be about. The hot flashes and the insomnia are the worse. Especially the hot flashes. Picture standing in line somewhere in the summer when you're wearing light clothing and the air condition is on full and suddenly you start to sweat like a stuck pig and you've got little rivelets running down yer back, the backs of yer thighs and between yer boobs and yer swiping yer face every 2 seconds with a hankie so that the sweat doesn't drown yer orbs. Luvverly. Oh, and they happen at night too. So bad that you have to change your jammies and the sheets.
        JackieClaire;1267929 wrote:
        Crikey now there's a question, Starts, which I would love to go into in detail but I'm orff to an NA meeting.

        I seem to remember being angry at absolutely bugger all.

        Anyhoo bacinabit.
        Have a good time Jackie. Let us know how it went.

        Hiya Tipster!!! Almost missed you...
        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


          Army Thread 24th February

          anon;1268112 wrote: I must be married to a woman then
          Good one Anon! I think I was married to a woman too!


            Army Thread 24th February

            Hello Stirly!:l xpost


              Army Thread 24th February

              Evening folks, another tough week done and dusted, tough in the sense of work not tough as in I wanna drink. Going out to see a client soon then to my sisters. Meeting another client in the morning then going through things with my (ex) business partner. Flips sake it will be time to go back to work monday morning before I know it. Not able for all this, I'm no spring chicken yis know, more like an ol boiler now I think about it. Still its way better than the brink of financial disaster I almost hit although I reckon it will take years of steady employment to get back on a level key.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Army Thread 24th February

                Panno, I reckon if there was an olympic medal for not getting past a couple of days I would enter. Ok if I may my advice would be firstly to live on the boards to get you over that bridge of the first few days. Secondly come here BEFORE the first drink is taken. I was so guilty of not doing that, want to know why? simple, I didnt want to be dissuaded is why. So if you are serious come on down the time is right.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Army Thread 24th February

                  evening guys, hows everyone? i'm just reading back x
                  I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                  Audrey Hepburn


                    Army Thread 24th February

                    startingover;1267925 wrote: What are the symptoms of the mental pause?

                    Panno, stick at it hun
                    the mental pause, ha ha i love it
                    I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                    Audrey Hepburn


                      Army Thread 24th February

                      Mental pause? I've been having one of those for years, and I'm a geezer last time I looked.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Army Thread 24th February

                        i am having a mental pause over this whole weekend, just chilling for me
                        I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                        Audrey Hepburn


                          Army Thread 24th February

                          Gotta run, sorry.
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            Army Thread 24th February

                            KTAB;1268151 wrote: Evening folks, another tough week done and dusted, tough in the sense of work not tough as in I wanna drink. Going out to see a client soon then to my sisters. Meeting another client in the morning then going through things with my (ex) business partner. Flips sake it will be time to go back to work monday morning before I know it. Not able for all this, I'm no spring chicken yis know, more like an ol boiler now I think about it. Still its way better than the brink of financial disaster I almost hit although I reckon it will take years of steady employment to get back on a level key.
                            :goodjob: But I know what you mean about years of steady employment to get back on a level key. I feel a bit overwhelmed about it all sometimes but I'm trying to make the best of the situation. I think getting into a routine, rythm or whatever and then making the best of your down time really helps.:l I'm still trying to work this out now-I'm not saying I've got it down pat yet!:H


                              Army Thread 24th February

                              KTAB;1268151 wrote: Evening folks, another tough week done and dusted, tough in the sense of work not tough as in I wanna drink. Going out to see a client soon then to my sisters. Meeting another client in the morning then going through things with my (ex) business partner. Flips sake it will be time to go back to work monday morning before I know it. Not able for all this, I'm no spring chicken yis know, more like an ol boiler now I think about it. Still its way better than the brink of financial disaster I almost hit although I reckon it will take years of steady employment to get back on a level key.
                              Oh KTAB, you have so much to be thankful for with this new job. You can pay your mortgage which means you can keep your home. I know it's a huge adjustment you've had to make - just the driving back and forth is daunting - but the option, which, as you say was financial disaster would have been so, so much worse. And even if it does take years to get back on a level key, that's doable. You've got many, many productive years ahead of you and being the hard working, intelligent man that you are, I'm sure that you'll be back on your feet financially sooner than you think.

                              On a different note - this is the last weekend before Lent and there are carnivals here and people dress up, etc., etc. I was wondering if I could borrow your grass skirt and coconut bra.
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Army Thread 24th February

                                Zenstyle;1268168 wrote: I've just made a microwave meal (TV dinner thingy) and it sucks!!! Yuck.
                                Blah! I know-I keep buying those things and I'm almost always unhappy with em! So why do I keep buying them?:H
                                Stirly-hasn't Lent already started? Or is it different in Greece?

