I quit drinking and I have not lost weight...and the reason:
I replaced AL with cookies... all sorts of cookies, good cookies, bad cookies, cheap, expensive, .. no matter.. I eat them morning noon and night... Perhaps if I go cold turkey and stop for a week or so then I can slowly introduce them back, 1 at a time. You know, MODERATE..!
Its not easy, I wake up in the middle of the night craving cookies. I stash them in my van, hide them in my purse, make excuses to go to the grocery store alone so I can buy the really good expensive cookies and not share them. Then I smuggle them into the house and hope the kids don't notice the bag and ask me whats inside.. I look at them like a deer caught in headlights ?its broccoli! Now go to bed?
For bedtime I have them stashed in my night stand and try to eat them quietly so my husband doesn't hear me. One night he wasn't quite asleep and he caught me. he rolled over and said "are you eating cookies at this time of night?" AARRGGHH caught red handed. I swallowed down my bite of cookie and said ? no! your dreaming go back to sleep?
i have done terrible things while on a cookie Binge. I pushed an old lady in the grocery store because I thought she was reaching for the last box of shortbread?s. Another time I yelled to a big pregnant woman that was waddling too slow in the aisle ?hurry up fatty!!? so I could get to my gingersnaps. I went to a family party and brought a basket of cookies (just in case) and became belligerent when they ran out and didn't open them. On one visit to my in-laws I paid my 5 year old nephew to go and steal me a few oreo's... I felt so guilty the next day, I called him to apologize.
Oh and the guilt in the morning. the only thing that makes the shame go away is another cookie. I check my night stand for a left over cookie and I pray that i haven't eaten them all, and I have enough to last me till i get to the grocery store.
Its terrible, how can i stop? Is there a drug like antabuse.. perhaps called antacookie? Should I start smoking again to relieve the cravings? Maybe cookies anonymous.?
Can i moderate? Is it possible? Or am i fooling myself? Is it too late for me?
disclaimer: Take it in the spirit it was meant... funny. I am totally making light of addiction but i realize it is not a laughing matter. Sometimes we need to have a giggle at our own expense. I in no way wish to belittle anyone?s battle with alcohol.