Oh poor dissalusioned Fan...you are only better at thinking you are better because thats what we make you think....makes our lives so much easier!!!!
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Ok so how bout we start a new game??
Ok so how bout we start a new game??
Oh poor dissalusioned Fan...you are only better at thinking you are better because thats what we make you think....makes our lives so much easier!!!!"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky
Ok so how bout we start a new game??
a slight differnce too which i feel i have to add...you guys sit there quite content watching tv with hands down pants...and we are not impressed by this at all, you may even recieve several looks of discust or even the odd comment if were really p****d off!! However if it was the other way round....you looked over in our direction and we had our hands down our pants you would almost certainly assume that we wanted sex......need i say more!!!"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky
Ok so how bout we start a new game??
No No Fan you have it all wrong...making your lives easier..by letting you know you are the man of the house and we are just feeble little woman means that all those jobs that we could actualy do ourselves...decorating, changing fuses, mowing the lawn, cleaning out the loft...i could go on well they get done by you...cause even tho we are quite capable....why have a dog and bark yourself!!!!"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky
Ok so how bout we start a new game??
Nope....I decorate, mow the lawns, move rubble, change fuses, clean, cook, put out the trash, do the shopping and go to work
the only thing I don't do is drive...I am HOPELESS with anything mechanical, and also cannot find my way even with a map...I have to turn it around to face whatever direction I am going...and can barely find my way out of my own bedroom door unaided...people like me should never be left in charge of ANYTHING more dangerous than an electric toothbrush......
Ok so how bout we start a new game??
Yes indeed fan they are very much fun whilst cleaning ones teeth.....as for other uses...iv never had the need to find out!!!!!"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky