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Army Thread Monday 27th February

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    Army Thread Monday 27th February

    Good morning troops

    Apologies for my absence over the past few days, I've not been feeling terribly chatty of late, but normal service is now resumed.

    Moving swiftly on, and that day that a certain young lady has been looking forward to for a while (!) has finally arrived.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY oners!!! I hope you have a fantastic day with lots of pressies. And if you're feeling a tiny bit older this morning, remember that your life officially begins today, so go ahead and enjoy it! :l

    And to the rest of you, whether you're working or resting or holidaying or convalescing or conferring or anything elseing, have a brilliant Monday and week to come.

    Army Thread Monday 27th February

    Good morning Recciebear!
    Its good to see you back. I know so well that feeling of not wanting to talk. So easy to isolate ourselves too. Glad that its passed now and hope that you are feeling better

    Its monday so I best get a wriggle on, no peace for the very wicked
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread Monday 27th February

      Morning army, Reccie nice to see you back, we were starting to get concerned. I have been known to disappear for days at a time as well, what is it with this retreating back into our shells?

      Hello there squirrel features.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Army Thread Monday 27th February

        Morning Reccie and starty. I know the feeling reccie i get days like that too but as often now but i know the feeling. Good to se you and thanks for starting the tread. I had a lovely evening with friends yesterday. We are Irish set dancing for fun at one of the houses what a night we'll never be river dancers lol but its an evening out and good to start socialising again asi wasn't going to go now i'm glad i did and will go next week and untill we finish. Rain forcast for today so not sure what i'll do for the rest of the day but for now another coffee. Oh oney have a lovely day i hope you lovely pressies. When i turned 40 i thought i wud feel differant and life wud change but in my case it didn't just went on the same theups the downs the bumps hi lows etc but its not the same for everyone. Anyway time for another coffee.:cupajoe:


          Army Thread Monday 27th February

          Morning ktab xpost.


            Army Thread Monday 27th February

            Morning FF, coffee drank, porridge scoffed and whoooosh I'm off to park on the M50, see ya later.
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Army Thread Monday 27th February

              Good Morning Reccie, Starty KTAB & Firefox,

              Just a quick check in to let you know that all is good here, work keeps me really busy and out of mischeif

              KTAB & Reccie, :goodjob: on your sober days, I am so proud of both of you!!

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONEY!!!!

              Love & hugs to everyone, I still think about you all even when I'm not posting!!! ... xxx


                Army Thread Monday 27th February

                Good evening all good Army folk....
                Well after the gefuffle in our nation's capitol to-day, Australia i now re-opened for business!


                  Army Thread Monday 27th February

                  Good morning Army

                  Hi Reccie Nice to see you back you were missed

                  Hello Betty, Starty,ktab, Foxy the dancer and Rags with the new Prime minister??

                  Happy birthday One to Many (full title)


                    Army Thread Monday 27th February

                    Did not see you there Molly. One has to be quick posting these days!
                    Hello Molly


                      Army Thread Monday 27th February

                      Good morning Reccybear, Starters, KTabbers, Fireyfoxy, Betty, Rags, Mollers, Our Whizzy and all those yet to drop by.

                      I'z orff to the doctors this morning to get me tummy poked. Ooooooooooooh what a treat.

                      And a Happy Birthday to our Oney.

                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Monday 27th February

                        Morning. off to work

                        robosapien is a programmable robot. its just that Tigger found the buttons to make it burp fart and make puking sounds. as only Tigger could.....
                        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                          Army Thread Monday 27th February

                          mollyka;1269657 wrote: Mornin Jackie --- good luck with the tummy poking - let us know how you get on --- just make sure they have you alright for Saturday:l
                          I'll be there come Hell or high water.

                          Marnin' Pingu.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Monday 27th February

                            Morning anon molly JC and pingu. In awnser to your question yesterday anon the dishwasher got plumbed in last wednesday. The tread is getting busier everyday which is gud. Off to get porridge for brekkie be bak later.


                              Army Thread Monday 27th February

                              Morning Army

                              Happy Birthday Oney hope you have a very special day :h

                              JC hope your ok, whats wrong with your tummy :l

                              Pleased to report all my faculties are now coming back

                              Mr P is 3 years sober today
                              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

