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    F'ing insomnia SUCKS...

    not got any sleep tabs, not drinking anymore....I'm awake and it's 2:31am in the morning..!!!!!

    shite on TV all 200 + channels.. .. HEEEEEEELP...i Just wanna go sleep, got school 4 Ollie & work early 4 me...somebody bash me on the head... (

    any good suggesttions plzzz????


    I hear ya - it sucks right

    Best thing its probably to hop into bed and close your eyes.

    Even if you can't sleep the resting does help and you will not feel so "out of it" in the morning

    Hot milk has no medical reason why it should work, but sometimes it does - might be worth taking some with a little honey mixed in
    :wings: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."



      Yep doesn't it on..!

      went thru all this a few years ago when I got clean of the AL shite..

      but after several problems..bit by bit my resolve went down the toilet....!

      have been on and off dry for a few months..
      now it's about 3 weeks and am back to this sleepless shite..

      got my little boy to get up 4 school & ready for school at 8am

      in 1 hour..directly after that gotta make a big deal happen so we earn money enough to live for the next month or many I can't fuck it up..!

      then after I gotta go to school to finish my Spanish course (which I speak fluently. but I need the degree to earn more dosh)

      fuck why can't I sleep..?? plzz someone come & bash me on the head to knock me out..plzzz

      But I can't sleep......



        Mands;1270136 wrote: I hear ya - it sucks right

        Best thing its probably to hop into bed and close your eyes.

        Even if you can't sleep the resting does help and you will not feel so "out of it" in the morning

        Hot milk has no medical reason why it should work, but sometimes it does - might be worth taking some with a little honey mixed in
        yep have tried milk & ovaltine, which I love...
        normally always works..went to bed, snuggled down with ollie..nothing..
        took dogs out again for a walk thought that might help..

        But I just can't fall asleep...what the hell will I look like in the morning for school and then 4 this deal...

        I wanna sleep..I have zero thoughts of alcohol....

        I can't get into the chat for some reason so I left posting crap messages...sorry...



          Hey Ladyjan, i get what you are going thru. It was the main reason i was terrified to quit drinking the last fews years of my drinking. You just have to know you will be fine. Sleepnessness can be very disorienting and depressing but you will get through this. It took a couple of weeks for my sleeping to get normal and now i sleep like a baby most nights. I do take Calms Forte and it does help me to sleep better. Have you tried any of the natural sleep aids? I would never take any RX sleep aids. I know i am an addict and i know those things would take over for me.

          Try to sleep when you can. When i first quit almost a year ago i slept alot especially after work. Can you take naps at anytime during the day or evening. Even a 15-20 minute nap sometime during the day gave me new strength and energy.

          Maybe take a hot bath tonight before bedtime. That helps me too.

          I hope you feel better. You will get thru this trust me.
          AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

          Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.



            LJ, I feel for you, not being able to sleep and then anticipating what that will do to your next day is the worst. I have wanted someone to knock me out too... anything just to sleep and get those zzzzz

            Do try to lay down and rest your body.. if you can, turn off your mind or count sheep. When I can't sleep I listen to the radio really quietly.. sometimes that helps.

            Wishing you the best, you should be so proud of your AF time in the past 3 weeks though!



              LOL join the club!

              2:30 am here, and Im ready to start the day.........been dealing with it for years. It used to take OTC sleeping pills, beer and my old friend Jack to get me down.

              I dont know if I could call it "sleep" but at least my eyes were closed the whole night. So for now I just grin and bear it.....thank GAWD the internet never sleeps
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11




                3:45 a.m. here - I've always been an early riser, but this is ridiculous! I tried 1 tab of Calms Forte a couple of days ago for a nap. It did allow me to nap, but gave me an uneasy feeling as it felt similar to the calm AL provided so haven't had any more since. Strangely, not only am I wide awake at night, I continue to be wide awake most of the day ???

                Agree that with 200+ channels on TV, amazing there's not much worth watching.

                A couple of days ago, I awoke very early. We had a power outage. No TV, no internet, no what the hell am I going to do???? I found a flashlight and read books on my laptop. Luckily the power came back on before my battery died

                I'm hanging in there. Many say this doesn't last forever.
                "Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs



                  It's awful isn't it? I've started drinking decaf spearmint and chamomile tea. It took 4 or so bad nights but have finally been sleeping better. Still up early but without guilt!
                  AF since 2/22/2012



                    Thanks for the tip Almostfamous! Certainly worth a try!
                    "Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs



                      You bet Westies! Honestly, I've never been a huge hot tea drinker but I find it relaxing in the evening. I just purchased the cheapy store brand but made sure it was caffeine free.
                      AF since 2/22/2012



                        Hi Ladyjan. I am (unfortunately) the queen of sleep problems!! Here are a few things I do that seems to help.

                        * Valerian Root (alternative to Melatonin - Melatonin gives me wierd dreams)
                        * Darken the room as much as possible and turn off all sound (i.e. no TV, and we will soon be getting black out shades in the bedroom - we even cover up all digital clock lights, etc.)
                        * Making myself go to bed and get up on a schedule whether I'm tired / sleeping or not.

                        It's a battle for sure. I hope your situations improves!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.



                          Hi all thx for all your suggestions and help...

                          I just had warm cup of valeriana tea..which was nice with a slice of lemon and sugar..

                          also the chemist at last managed to give me my prescribed A.D.'s which really help chill me out, but have not been able to get for the last two days, they have a new crazy prescription system which is driving everybody mad...!!

                          none the less I have my tabs and taken them and feeling very lets hope you don't hear from me in a couple of hours...!!!

                          I hope so.. night,night..fingers crossed etcc.. gonna hop in bed with my little monster....
                          and hope to see all in the morn...thx for taking time to talk with me over this... :l :l :l



                            Sleep well & sweet dreams tonight lady j.
                            Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                            Author Unknown :h

                            AF - Sept 4, 2012
                            10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                            2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                            Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                            AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                            Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!




                              it's 02.12 in my land and I'm as tired as heck......

                              but I can't geet to sleep......:upset: :upset: :upset:

