Morning Red and G Bloke!
No announcement yet.
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Miss Behaving;1273589 wrote: Think it was just random Bridge. I just wished I'd been quick enough to say something smart about my nephew's wedding in Sydney at the end of the month. so that they might have given me easy questions to answer!
And the answer to the question is "Cocktail". When I answered the phone I had Mrs Google open in front of me. Why didn't I just look it up?????
I've done one of those post pregnancy, with Jennifer Byrne on ABC radio. How come your always so much smarter when you dont have a phone in your hand?
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
byebyebridgetjones;1273590 wrote: It's getting serious.
I just woke up and had chocolate for breakfast.
Don't tell anyone.
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Morning B, G. R, Nicey (of course you are noticed) and Happy.
Have got over my inadequacy. Now am doing B&I stuff.
Off to the fabric warehouse to finally decide on what my outfit for the all-important wedding will be made of. Then I can spend the afternoon playing the ukuleleNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Happy Sunday all! Still raining......
BBJ - I feel a little odd now. Isn't it normal to eat choccie for b'fast, with a cup of earl grey of course?
Missy, I wouldn't worry too much about the radio dude. I don't think that there is a complete brain cell amongst most of them here in Sydney these days, unless you're listening to what my family describe as an 'old fogey' station!
My partner is a Kiwi and I adore NZ (south island - so far). I was seriously thinking of moving there until I experienced a rather large quake last June. So scary and I can't imagine living with the thought of another any old time. Such a beautiful country. We are supposed to be heading to Auckland at the end of March and I have a conference in Rotorua in June. I never thought about posting a hair pic - maybe will do.
I'm home alone - golf day for the boys. Don't know how that will work out because of the weather.
Have a great day one and all!
NiceyIt is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
Mother Theresa
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Miss Behaving;1273601 wrote:
Have got over my inadequacy.
I wonder if you read New scientist Missy, as often as you say!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Where are my manners? Morning all Undies and Internationalists!
Apparently I cannot sit here peacefully, burning incense - yeah I am! after having done yoga and chook yoga, with my cuppa. NO! I have to assist in building the great scrub turkey wall.....if anyone saw the piccie of the Great Wall of Beans, you know what I'm in for...will post a photo...
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Hey there folks. I'm standing on a corner (w/crutches) in Winslow Arizona. Not one flat bed ford. Just back from the Meteor Crater. Stopped for coffee and heading back down into the valley. AWESOME. Later!Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Guitarista;1273606 wrote: Well i for one think this is a national disgrace! EVERYONE knows Tom Cruise not only starred in Cocktail, but wears Bremont watches, spent 1 year in a franciscan seminary at 14, and is a size 32 waist.
I wonder if you read New scientist Missy, as often as you say!
Thanks G - now I feel really inadequate :H:HNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Morning Jonesy.
Cross post at 6.45! :h
G'day Techie! Can you drive the Saab? Sounds beautiful mate. Hope your having a beaut weekend and healing well.
EDIT: (Geez, hang on. I have a vague memory that you were in a car accident recently? If so, sorry re Saab mention, in case you stacked it? Maybe i'm dreaming......)
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
Morning all you lovelies.
Missy, at least it was a memorable morning.
I eat chocolate at all times of the day. I usually have some chocolate in the mornings just to start the day right.
The house is CLEAN, and ready for guests. While at work yesterday hubs bought some second hand furniture and did some picture hanging so everything is even better than when I left.
Hopping in the shower now and leaving and picking up the folks in 30 minutes. They're flying into the gold coast so it's a 10 minute drive, and a uncomplicated parking.
Have a wonderful day everyone, will check back in later! :h:h
Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington
Underoos, Doodyheads and internationalistas
in the Volvo w/ daughter. the new Saab in is the shop already, due to steering recall. we are going to stop again Flagstaff for late lunch. it's 7c in Flag and i'm wearing shorts. have a jacket, hat, and a large piece of petrified wood purchased from shop in winslow.Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read