Hope to see all the Febbers posting here - let's have another successful month!
I'm pumped because I'll reach 4 months on the 13th. I love racking up the days - it really solidifies my commitment to staying AF because the longer I go, the more I have to lose. And, thankfully, I'm not feeling the pull much at all now. I really am embracing the AF life - just trying to be careful not to suddenly do something stupid. I don't want to set off the craving and never-ending struggle to control my drinking by taking that first one..........
So, keep it going everyone. Life really is better this way - I still can't believe how wonderfully I sleep. I wouldn't have thought it to be possible. Literally, for decades, I thought I was just a bad sleeper. Honestly...........what an amazing gift I've been given to have found this site and garnered the strength to walk away from the poison!
A special welcome to you, Wine Wrangler, you were my buddy on the Newbie thread - so happy to see you here!
Love and hugs to you all.