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    Busy morning here too and only have time for a quick fly-by.

    Thanks for the article UW.

    I'm really looking forward to the clocks changing and having a bit more daylight in the evenings!

    I hope everyone has a AF day and hope that it can be counted as a good day too.

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      Hi Marchies!

      Happy Friday to everyone! I am sitting here listening to one of our Councilmembers instruct teens on how they can strive for greatness like she has done. She is only 24 and thinks she can walk on water. Needless to say, I am not a huge fan of this girl. LOL

      I mentioned in the Newbies Nest that I had a chat with my 18 year old nephew last night about alcohol/drugs. I am really trying to drive it home that while it seems fun now, it can lead you down a road where you do NOT want to be. I'm sure it went in one ear and out the other, but at least he knows the door is open and he can tell me anything, it's not my first (or 100th) rodeo.

      I have no plans for this weekend, and I like it! I want to just lounge around and maybe do a bit of housework, although I can't see myself putting too much effort into that. lol Plus I am running low on books so a trip to the Library is definitely in order.

      Everyone...have a wonderful day and please do not give in to the temptation to drink just because it's a Friday or a Saturday. I know I get a nagging little thought every now and then about the weekends, but let it be only that...a thought...then let it go!

      Sending love & strength :h

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



        K9, there needs to be more about prevention for young people.......don't we all wish we had never hard-wired our brains for alcohol! I wish I had that card to play over knowing what I know now......oh well, the human condition I suppose.

        Ginger, I'm looking forward to more light in the evenings too. I wish they'd leave it like that year-round. I just hate the switching back and forth.

        Sun, don't work too hard - yikes - opening and closing the store! Makes me feel like a lazy ass!

        K9, another thing, you're right about the weekend phenomenon....we have to remember Friday and Saturday are just days of the week.

        Choice, hope you're doing well.

        Hugs to all.:l



          Happy Friday afternoon everyone!

          I've had a crazy day at work and will probably work this weekend.

          But on the good side I have a job in this horrible economy! And I'm sober! So that's 2 thinks to be grateful for.

          I plan to go home and try to go for a long walk to burn off some of this stress and then have a nice dinner and tea. I'm hoping that will feel normal a year from now! LOL.

          Good to hear everyone sounding so strong and positive. Wishing you all a wonderful AF Friday night. :l



            ML, I'm looking forward to that feeling too. I still think too much about alcohol. I know it's irrational, but..........


              MARCH MOTIVATORS

              I have just poured a drink - we were given a bottle of chocolate wine at Christmas and it was still in the fridge and seemed like a good idea.
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                MARCH MOTIVATORS

                Sun, an actual drink with chocolate AND alcohol?


                  MARCH MOTIVATORS

                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    MARCH MOTIVATORS

                    Uh oh...Sun, you ok? What's going on?
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      MARCH MOTIVATORS

                      Sun, we're here for you. :l

                      You are here:


                        MARCH MOTIVATORS

                        Sun, are you okay?


                          MARCH MOTIVATORS

                          Sun, do you want to talk in PM or go to chat?

                          You are here:


                            MARCH MOTIVATORS

                            I am fine - talking with a friend from Mwo
                            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                              MARCH MOTIVATORS

                              UW and Ginger - thank you both so much - I really am fine - I have NO idea what got into me. I got home from work and opened the fridge and there was that bottle of chocolate wine staring at me. I didn't even really think. I opened it. I poured some. I drank it. I am not even cross with me. That is the weird thing. I feel really hypocritical though. all the stuff I said about never drinking and that this time was it. I feel as if I should not post again - or be really reticent about what I say. I KNOW that I won't go out tomorrow and buy any more - I have had one glass and already tipped the rest - but I still had the glass. I wanted the buzz. Thanks for being there for me both of you - it is so appreciated - hugs to both of you :l
                              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                                MARCH MOTIVATORS

                                Sun - sorry to hear about that. I cannot have AL in my house especially in an easy to see location. Even on antabuse I just don't want to see it. But without antabuse it would be a sure trigger for me - I have had too many Fridays walking in the door where if there was a bottle of wine...that would be it.

                                Hope you're OK. :l

