Hi Everybody:
Sunshine, don't sweat it, slips happen. My doctor says that once you quit and have a significant taste of sobriety you will never drink the same. "You will have a belly full of boose and a head full of AA", is his quote, which I take to mean a head full of guilt.
Last night I almost caved. I forgot my Antibuse for a few days and had a very rough day. I found out hubby has been up to his old habits and is cheating again. Took a 26 year old out to dinner. Stupid old man left his hotmail up! He has a serious addiction problem too. My thinking is how do I abandon him
if he has not abandoned me over the drinking. (I think his problem is much worse quite frankly).
He was seeking treatment but started to get busy and ignore his program. I don't think he embraced it fully in the first place.
I took one sip of wine and then spit it out. I started thinking about how guilty and rotten I would feel in the morning and that the problems would still be there. I also remembered how hard it has been to quit and my four and a half months would be down the toilet.
This morning I had a serious talk with myself and took two 250mg pills so there will be no argument now. I really need to have a clear head.
I am planning to run 14 kms with a friend this afternoon so that should be a much better stress buster than drinking.
Sooooo glad I did not drink. Phew!!!!!
Take care everybody, have a great weekend.