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    Hi Everyone,

    Welcome Guy - the worst is almost over being 3 days in, hang in there OK.
    I think gratitude has to be the most important ingredient in changing how we think about alcohol and our willingness to rid our lives of it. White knuckling and willpower is not going to cut it long term since all the deprivation thinking is going to set it, being glad it's out makes everything so much more calm peaceful. SL - have a relaxing time next week on the coast, hopefully spending some time with your girls and doing fun stuff will be enough to keep any temptations at bay. ML, doesn't just having the AB put your mind at ease. Thanks UN for the recipe, I can see why my previous attempt preparing it didn't quite do the job. Hope everyone has a great night!!
    2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.



      This third day sucks was worse than the second, just shakes not too bad since I wasnt drinking a gallon a day... but still getting the effects...



        Hi Everyone, haven't posted in a wile, been busy worked a lot on the ranches before the rain settled in. I do read here almost every day though. Thank all of you for your inspirational thoughts, Unwasted, K9, Scottish lash, mylife you have all been lifesavers. Coming up on three months of sobriety! Man I feel like I've been catching up on 20 years of sleep deprivation. Thought about drinking a couple of times, all I have to do is recall a nasty hangover and other ugly things I've done under the influence and the drinking urge passes real fast. Hopefully I have a handle on in this time, its like something clicked after the NYE reck-up from the neck-up.

        Take care all especially the ones that are really struggling to start a sober life.

        100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

        6 months July 1st



          Hi Everyone,

          A quick stop in for me today. Wishing you all well. :lilheart:



            Good Morning Marchies!

            Can you believe we only have 5 days left of March already? Seems like we were just trying to think up a name for our thread! Guy-Welcome back, stick around! Scottishlass, Allswell, Mylife, UW, WW, and all my other friends here - I hope you're having a great day! I have to be quick today, lots to do, but will try to catch up later.

            Did you guys see that Bobby Brown just got a DUI on Monday? (Again) I hope his and Whitney's child is not destined for addiction, since they never could break free of it.

            Hope you're all well...:h

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              MARCH MOTIVATORS

              Hello Marchies,

              I guess we're all busy today. It's only going to get worse for me - I have a business trip over the next few days. The good thing is that I'll be clear eyed and clear minded to deal with all the meetings and travel etc. I will be able to look around the meetings in the mornings noticing my hungover colleagues and feeling great that I got a sober nights sleep the night before!

              K9 - I didn't hear that about Bobby Brown. I felt so sad for Whitney - maybe because I grew up with her songs and we were the same age - it also made me realize how truly awful addiction is and what it can do to a life.

              Aguy - hang in there. Remember last time how good you felt once you got past those first few days.

              WW - nice to hear from you and I'm happy to hear you're still enjoying the sober life. It is so much better than the drunk life!

              UW and Alls - great to hear from you both.

              Have a great day all.


                MARCH MOTIVATORS

                Hi - wet and rainy here again, in sunny California! This weather pattern better break for our trip to the ocean - the girls have new bikini's they want to catch some rays in!! Needless to say I do not have a bikini - I am putting on weight which is crazy as I am taking in 1000's less calories from no wine (or less wine at beginning of month) and I am excercising - the weight ought to be falling off!
                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  MARCH MOTIVATORS

                  Hi Lassie! (wait, does that sound like I'm calling you a dog? LOL)
                  I guess the wet weather is heading from your direction down to me...we actually had rain all weekend and now they're predicting it again for tomorrow. I hear ya on the bikini, I wouldn't dream of subjecting anyone to that sight right now. Eventually I'll tackle that (along with the ciggies).

                  I'm sitting here trying to figure out how I can win the $363 million lottery jackpot. Buying a ticket might be a good start. LOL
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    MARCH MOTIVATORS

                    K9 - I have no problem being a dog - they don't drink :H (unless their owners make them).
                    I have given up on the bikini - those days are over, but I do have 10yrs on you.
                    It is so wet and cold here tonight! I am tired too - trigger time, so signing in!
                    Too wet to go buy a ticket, that is a horrendos amount of money - just not real. The lnes of people waiting to buy tickets just make me sad - the stories about people cashing out savings or similar for such a long shot! Save your money and buy a coffee!
                    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                      MARCH MOTIVATORS

                      Wow, this week is flying by and the month almost over. I remember on my first quit a month felt like a lifetime now the days are going by so quickly. It's upper 70's here and sunny so I'm going to try to get out a bit this afternoon and go for a run. Hope everyone has a great day!
                      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                        MARCH MOTIVATORS

                        Hiya Marchers!

                        Just wanted to pop in and say hello to your wonderful folks on the Motivators's almost month's end! This is my first entire month sober in long while. Next month I will celebrate 60 days. Did that last year and ended up caving in after 70. Have no intention of doing that this time around!

                        On the bikini issue..I have been working out real hard all winter long and fully intend to make it pay off by wearing a bikini on our cruise to Bermuda this summer. I know I am not perfect in body shape but hey, neither is anyone else, right? But I ain't too shabby for a gal in her late 30's and so I will sport my 2 piece in stride (note to self, extra sit ups from now till cruise!)

                        Have a super day everyone and K9, if you win the lottery, don't forget your pals on MWO
                        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.

                        BE HAPPY...BE CONNECTED...BE HEALTHY!


                          MARCH MOTIVATORS

                          Good Morning Everyone,

                          I'm doing really well and hope you guys are too. I wanted to post a link to a program I heard this morning which was well balanced and worth taking the time to listen to if you can spare an hour. It's a podcast about Alcoholism which aired Monday on the Diane Rehm show on NPR.

                          Have a super day!

                          Alcoholism | The Diane Rehm Show from WAMU and NPR


                            MARCH MOTIVATORS

                            Morning Marchies!

                            Glad to see everyone here! It's another rainy day here, wanted to stay in bed and read a book, but since I didn't win the lottery (ok ok, I didn't even buy a I had to drag my butt into work. These days it's not so hard to drag myself in, not compared to the old days when I literally was in a fog and couldn't remember getting dressed, driving in or actually spending the day here.

                            Blonde - Good job on working out regularly and being determined to wear a bikini...and you're right, nobody is perfect so you just flaunt what you got girl! I keep meaning to get back into my 30 Day Shred's amazing that I can actually get back into shape in the 30's just a matter of getting started. I better do it now though before I hit the big 4-0, my body may decide to stop responding. LOL

                            Well not much to report, other than I'll be alone this weekend, daughter and nephew both leaving town and my first thought was a 12 pack...arrrggghhh...BUT it only lasted a second and I have a solid supply of Antabuse in my system so there's no way...but I'm ready for the thoughts to go away! I guess they will in time. Comparing this years calendar to last years, I drank most of March 2011, had about 11 days sober total for the month. I noticed that I really tried in May-July, but sadly fell back into old patterns...that's why I am determined to get past the 120 day mark...and beyond! I'm hoping it triggers a long-term change in thinking.

                            I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay strong!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              MARCH MOTIVATORS

                              K9Lover;1287401 wrote: Blonde - Good job on working out regularly and being determined to wear a bikini...and you're right, nobody is perfect so you just flaunt what you got girl! I keep meaning to get back into my 30 Day Shred's amazing that I can actually get back into shape in the 30's just a matter of getting started. I better do it now though before I hit the big 4-0, my body may decide to stop responding. LOL
                              Is that a Jillian Michaels DVD? Can you tell me about it and will it change one's body in 30 days. It might be just what I need to attack the month of April. I am only 5 pounds overweight and am naturally muscled (except for the bat wings...)

                              I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                              ? Lao-Tzu


                                MARCH MOTIVATORS

                                Hi Tipps,
                                Yes, the DVD I was referring to is Jillian Michaels, I also have another one of hers called "Ripped in 30". Let me say that they DO work if you follow her exactly and do it every day. They are only 22 minutes long, but she works you hard in those 22 minutes!

                                Our little thread is slowing down, where is everyone??? We're almost at the end of March so we need a name for April....hmmm, let me think, this may take a while. LOL

                                UW, Blonde, WW, Alls, Lassie, Mylife and everyone else...have a GREAT day and stay strong. Oh, I did want to say to Lassie, good job on making it home safe last night even though you had to stop for gas. I know it's hard, but you kicked AL's ass last night, keep it up!

                                Talk to you later my peeps!

                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

