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    Hello Guys,

    Just a quick check in as I'm traveling on business until next Tuesday. They're keeping me busy too! I'm in Southern Cal and it's downright chilly out there! I should have brought a jacket!

    Sounds like everyone is staying positive. K9 and Tipps - I will vouch for the 30 Day shred DVD. That thing kicked my butt! But, I'm still BY FAR not in bikini shape. I'm just hoping to be in one-piece bathing suit shape this summer myself. And Blonde, you're right - there are lots of other far from perfect bodies out there! LOL.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Thursday!



      Hi Everyone,

      Just a quick check in for me today......doing well.....lots of projects going on at my house. Hope you guys are staying strong and reaping the rewards of an AF life! Wow, this is SO much better than being hungover!

      UN :lilheart:



        Hi Guys,

        Sounds like everyone is doing great. I had some time to think tonight and started writing a list of some goals I have for myself this year. Some professional, some personal, and some just fun stuff. After I wrote them down it occurred to me I can do all of them, I can accomplish anything I want without any hindrance. I've never felt like this before, always had the black cloud of alcohol addiction reminding me of everything I can't do or won't do. Being AF is a lot of wonderful things but tonight, for me, its Freedom! Have a great weekend everyone!!!
        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.



          Good evening Marchies, we almost have this month in the bag, everyones still fighting the battle, whose going to name April? (100 days 4-10 for me). I'm so glad it's almost spring this was a depressing week rain and gloom. In the past I would have drank a couple of days away on a week like this, fortunately I let the urges pass, they seem to be less frequent and not as strong. I did feel a little melancholy and I'm not sure why? Hope we have a good day this weekend, I need a good long hike. I have over 120 cases (yes thats cases not bottles) of wine in my shop and I think I'll start selling it, I prefer the cash.

          Take Care Everyone WW
          100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

          6 months July 1st



            Hi Motivators! Only 2 days left, wow! Keep up the momentum! I have accumulated 38 days as of today and I'm feeling better than ever! Best of luck to everyone out there making good choices and living the good, sober life!
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              MARCH MOTIVATORS

              WW, I have those days too but I've learned to just let myself experience the down times and feel them rather than blot them out. You know, it's really okay. I've had a couple of rough patches but they pass. I don't ever want to have to start over. This has been pretty difficult and now that I'm finally feeling free, I don't ever want to have to start up again.

              Blonde, I think this is your time! Really happy to see your progress.

              I think we've done so well this month.......and here's to another. Cheers.......and I mean cheers as in feeling peaceful, healthy, and liberated from the terrible tyranny of alcohol. Let's keep it going.

              Alls, your post made me think of how I planned absolutely everything around alcohol and couldn't plan so many things because of it! THIS IS THE MAIN EVENT - OUR LIVES. And the absolute wonderful feeling of being able to do whatever we want is such a wonderful realization after it starts sinking in. Yes, it's strange at times to be without something we depended on for anything that was lacking in our lives. But what a feeling of strength and accomplishment to just be..........and realize it's so much better to do it naturally. I've never felt better. And to think I was convinced that I needed alcohol..........seems ludicrous to me now. I want to hold on to this feeling and remember the bad place alcohol invariably takes me!

              K9, My Life, Ginger, Tipps (HI!), Scottish Lass, Jolie, and anyone else stopping by. Strength and peace to us all. :lilheart:

              How about: April AF Attitudes and Aspirations for the April thread?


                MARCH MOTIVATORS

                i want to be part of an enthusiastic April thread. I want to Detox my life this April... a 30 day "Do What's Best for Me" month. That would include banishing the booze, juicing, commuting with nature, meditation, reading spiritual literature, eating fresh and raw more often, moving this body on a daily basis. Anyone into that sort of theme?

                I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                ? Lao-Tzu


                  MARCH MOTIVATORS

                  Hi all.

                  I'm kind of doing the "what's best for me" too. I started taking an aqua fitness class and am working out. The first day, I thought the class would be a nice warm up for working out, but the class is actually a workout all on its own. I could barely move the next day. Must go easy on the "good for me" stuff. :H

                  MyLife, it's been enlightening to realize how much time there really is in every day when I'm not drinking. Like you, I have to keep busy. Boredom is my enemy.

                  WW, sorry you've had a down-in-the-dumps week. I had a gloomy few days too and just muddled through them.

                  UW, were buried in projects here. It's almost terrifying. I just about have the walls ripped out in the kitchen. It's kind of miserable work because I have to wear a mask, which is really hot and uncomfortable. I get covered in plaster dust. Discomfort is having plaster chunks and dust stuck down your bra, mixing with sweat - EWWWW! But it keeps me busy.

                  The range is on it's way to Habitat for Humanity this weekend, and then I need to rip out the floors.

                  Hi to everyone who has or will drop by. Happy Friday everyone.

                  You are here:


                    MARCH MOTIVATORS

                    Hello Marchers!

                    Lots of posts and I am so looking forward to a sober April with everyone here! I have been busy and Ginger, you are right - it's a good thing. No time to think about drinking, but really I think that habitual longing is gone. (Knock on wood!) It's hard to remember how 5:00 was such a witching hour for me! It just isn't in my mind anymore. I'm so happy for that and hope it lasts!

                    Alls, what a great post! I'm going to write down a list of goals. You are right - we can do anything!

                    WW - from what I have read on this site it is very common to feel a mild depression around 3-4 months and then it lifts apparently. I've never made it that far so I can't confirm LOL! Hopefully you'll be reminding me of that in a month or two!

                    Blonde - you sound so strong and positive! I'm so happy for you and your success.

                    UW - I agree - now we get to experience all our emotions - good and bad. I'm actually enjoying that for a change.

                    Tipps - so happy that you're joining us in April! I always enjoy your posts.

                    Ginger - Its nice to hear from you and that you're doing so well! I'm impressed with your home improvements! I only watch them on DIY and think - wow it would be great to know how to do that stuff...

                    Have a fantastic AF Friday all!


                      MARCH MOTIVATORS

                      Quick check in - Friday, YAHOO! on vacation after this afternoon. Yes, the weather in California is not good, and I am heading to the beach
                      I probably wno't be posting much while away - it is hard to be away from work when I have computer on, so to avoid work I will be hiding the computer.
                      I will be back to join the April thread with bells on and plan to still be AF when i sign back in - hope to see each and everyone of you there!
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        MARCH MOTIVATORS

                        Hey UN, I think your name for April is great. 31 days of March done!!!
                        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                          MARCH MOTIVATORS

                          Well, March done with one slip! On to April and hopefully sunnier days here in my neck of the woods.
                          Whatever you call this thread I will be here with the rest of you.
                          Happy spring everyone!
                          Don't worry, be happy!

