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Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

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    Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

    Good morning Army

    Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

    Early start today but then I'm meeting a friend for lunch. And WEEKEND.
    I hope everyone who's going to the meetup in Dublin are back in top form.:l
    Drinking coffee and trying to wake up-too dark to see what it's like out there but should be mild again.


      Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

      Good morning Expattie

      Enjoy your lunch.

      I'm on leave today to spend a bit of time with my mom before she flies back tomorrow.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

        Morning guys.
        Thank fck its Friday. I need a break
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

          Morning Starty :l

          I take it you intend chilling out this weekend?
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

            Well I have to get my hair done. and I have booked a talk with Mr Starts for Sat eve. So not chilling, but maybe sorting some stuff out
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

              startingover;1272415 wrote: Well I have to get my hair done. and I have booked a talk with Mr Starts for Sat eve. So not chilling, but maybe sorting some stuff out
              Hope everything works out for you hon:l
              Tips-have a lovely day with your mum. xxx
              Off to have a shower-time just speeds past in the morning!


                Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

                Good luck Starty :l:l:l

                I'm off again folksies - I want to run a few errands before mum / mom (I call her Ma - which is what we say in Afrikaans) wakes up. She sleeps in till about 9.00.

                Have a good day at work, Expattie.
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

                  Hi Ms Zen. LJ seems to be in a bad way ?


                    Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

                    Vrooooming off to work......
                    Hope you all have a positive Friday:l
                    back laters x


                      Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

                      There is AL at the core of that thing we are talking about - kids dont lash out for no reason. A too off to get ready for work. Will Be in and out during the day. Talk soon:l


                        Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

                        Good morning folks. I am saddened to see Jan in such pain, I know we in the army have tried to help over the past few months and personally speaking I am not sure I even understand the full extent of what is going on. In addition I have no experience of this kind of thing so find it had to do any more then offer the very basic advice about chasing the authorities and Jan's family for support. These sentiments have been echoed here many times and it is very hard to know what else we can do from afar bar offering our support. Jan I truly hope your situation improves.

                        Starty I hear you on tgif. Good luck with the relationship talk, never easy I imagine but just like here 100% honesty all round and forgiveness of the past is imperative for things to improve and move forward positively.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

                          satz123;1272441 wrote: Hi Ms Zen. LJ seems to be in a bad way ?
                          Zenstyle;1272444 wrote:
                          Hi Ms Satz... :l

                          Yeah, LJ does seem to be in a bad way. We all worry about her and Ollie, us Army regulars, and we've tried... but we've run out of things to say or do. If anyone can do something to help then please step in. :upset:
                          Good morning Troopers!!

                          I saw Jan's posts and they've got me very worried. We have all tried time and time again to help her the best we could in any way we could - PM's, posts on the boards, text messages and even phone calls to both her and her daughter, Bonnie. I don't know what else we could have done - the support was always here whenever she's needed it and it still is. The thing is that something needs to be done by the proper agencies where Jan lives. We've been saying it for some time now - Jan and Ollie both need help and they need to have some time apart while they get it. Hopefully this will be the last in a series of unfortunate events that have taken place over the last while and that someone will finally get the ball rolling over there. I'm still amazed that someone hasn't stepped in before now. Jan, if you're reading this, we all care and worry about you and hope that this will be the time that you finally get the help for you and Ollie that you so badly need. Sending :huggy your way.

                          Startypants- sending strength your way. Hope your talk with Mr. Starts turns out the way you hope it does.

                          Patty - have a good day at work.

                          Tipster - lovely that you've had a nice visit with your Ma and that you're off work today to spend it with her.

                          Satz - I agree with what you said - Ollie definitely has a lot of anger in him and that is why he's lashing out. I don't know if you know the history there but that little boy went through some very frightening and uncertain times. I just hope they can help him to work through all of that and leave those memories behind.

                          Zennie-butt, I gather you're having problems with the Sleep Fairy again. I told him to take a hike when I got up this morning so he's available now.

                          :wavin: KTAB. Hope you have a productive day at work.

                          Wishing all of you a very

                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012


                            It is very very upsetting about Jan, I just hope that Ollie does NOT go back home with her after the weekend as it will all go back to square one again.

                            Starty, it will be ok, just needs to be done, big hugs to you.

                            Zen, do you ever sleep?????
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              Army Thread FRIDAY 2 March 2012

                              Good morning Expatty, Tippers, Starteroo, Satz, Zenners, KTabbers, cirly wirly stirly girly, Oners and all those yet to drop by.

                              Starts,:l sending you strength for your talk with the Mr tomorrow night.

                              Tips, have a lovely day with your Ma. Hope she's got some much needed R & R with you and the cubs. You're a good man.

                              Did I mention I'm going to Dublin tomorrow.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

