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Blood test

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    Blood test

    I have a blood test tomorrow to check for organ damage - from high blood pressure and alcohol abuse.

    However yesterday I drank 9 pints over about 8 hours. Will this have an effect on the results? I know I shouldn't have done it but you know how it goes....

    Should I re-schedule the test in case this gives a skewed result?

    Blood test

    Hi Owly,

    If you've been drinking all along, I don't think it will affect the results much. If you've been alcohol free for a while, it might.

    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Blood test

      Well I binge drink, I'd gone all week AF except a couple of glasses of wine.


        Blood test

        Has anyone else been tested for this? What results did you get?


          Blood test

          I've been tested in the past, Owly. Once before, in 1999, by liver enzymes were slightly elevated. Then in 2000 they were back to normal (the 1999 test scared the (#%^#*%^ out of me). I have to go get tested again next week for routine blood work, and I am hoping everything is okay this time around.

          Maybe you should have your test a little later in the week.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Blood test

            Yeah maybe I should, I feel really rough today

            How much were you drinking when you got tested?


              Blood test

              Just my humble opinion here, but I'd get tested tomorrow anyway. If it affects your results, that may be a scare that you need to see. You can get tested again later to see how your program is healing you. That's just my opinion though.
              "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
              -- Oliver Wendell Holmes


                Blood test

                Yeah I could do with a scare - my friend had a bad result a few months ago and hasn't drunk since, he was a big binge drinker.

                But what if the result is perfect? I could see that being bad for my alcohol consumption...


                  Blood test

                  I was a huge binge drinker ( I would go on a week binge).

                  I usually got tested between 1 week & 2 weeks after being AF. My liver enzymes would be elevated. My Dr. finally said to get tested after a month in order for all alcohol to leave my system & liver to have rested.

                  Had my bloodwork (this past week) & am on day 31 AF and all liver enzymes are great.

                  Good luck.

                  You can honest with your doctor & he/she will know the truth. I always told my Dr. the truth that I binged a week before the tests etc. That way they are not in the dark & know your history.
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Blood test

                    Congrats on 31 days AF!

                    I have told the doctor that yes I think I have a drink problem - sometimes it isn't obvious if you are a binge drinker - and when my old records come through he'll see that anyway.

                    Do you mind if I ask how old you are seabreez and if your doc said there was irreversible damage?


                      Blood test

                      When I had elevated results, Owly, I was drinking about 5 good-sized glasses of wine/day. I had normal results when drinking about 3 glasses/day.
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Blood test

                        That's about a bottle of wine a day? Did you drink the day before the test or on the day itself?


                          Blood test


                          I'm 37 (35 when I first started seeing my Dr & vodka was my drink of choice) and I would see him on follow-ups (every3-4 months). My enzymes were only up above the limits a little. No damage. He never was concerned. He was only concerned when I started the MWO program & my vit. B levels were WAY up (told me to stop taking B complex & extra vitamins & stick with just a multi-vitamin). He just wanted to keep monitoring my liver so that the enzymes didin't go up higher or anything else weird came up. The bloodwork was needed since I was put on Campral & he wanted to make sure the liver was working properly & then on Topomax when I stopped Campral to check the kidneys.

                          The liver is a fiesty thing. Don't worry. I've heard of people who have actually turned yellow from jaundice & are ok.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            Blood test

                            Thanks seebreez - I always fear the worst, the doctor is concerned by the triple impact of alcohol, prozac and high blood pressure so I guess we'll see... haven't turned yellow yet though


                              Blood test

                              Owly (adopted son of mine) LOL

                              Just be honest with your doctor, and I really hope that all goes well for you ......

                              Thinking about you love .........

                              Paula :h :l :h :l

