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Blood test

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    Blood test

    Thanks Paula

    My doctor is really nice but it's the nurse I'll be seeing tomorrow - she makes everything seem very grave! Does anyone know how long you have to go without food before the test?


      Blood test

      Owly your right to be concerned about an ok test result and what that could do mentally. I had just the same thing happen. I went AF after a real doozy and then got tested and the doc said no worries. WTF? then about a year later the same thing happened and they said a liver enzyme was slightly out of whack but not to worry. I didn't tell them about how much I was abusing myself at the time. that was two years ago now I guess. they did however note that I had an enlarged liver from an ultrasound test.
      My worry is that the day I do get a bad result it will be after irreversible damage has occured.... incidentally I'll be 37 this year.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Blood test

        I think if you keep getting tested regularly they will be able to spot it long before any permanent and serious damage is done...

        Just had the test - four separate ones, like a full MOT they said, checking for everything so it should give a good all round picture. Will find out next monday, or sooner if there is something seriously wrong - they'll phone me or come round.

        How serious is an enlarged liver? I have to go for a test at some point this week to check for an enlarged heart. Trouble is it's a drop-in center so can go when I want which probably means I won't go. :/


          Blood test

          Sorry if you had been binge drinking it WILL Come through in your bloods.Wouldn't
          You like to know, if there was damage?


            Blood test

            Well, I think I am speaking for a great many of us...

            Please let us know the outcome.

            I realise that you must be so worried. Just wait and see. Then decide on your next move.


              Blood test

              Thanks :h

              Yes I would like to know, I'm just not very good at organising myself unless it is forced on me, especially if it is going to cause anxiety like an ECG would.. I will try to go tomorrow.


                Blood test


                I hope you will be OK!! I'm scared to. And I am affraid I have been on a binder for 4 days.
                AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                  Blood test

                  Have you thought of making an appointment with the doctor to check? My doc was so helpful and friendly.


                    Blood test

                    I posted this in mods section.

                    Owly dear,

                    I have been on HBP meds for almost 2 1/2 years now. when I started rolling mods back to look like AF with an occasional drink ight in there, I was able to cut my BP medicine in half. Tried to go off it completely but that wasn't quite what I needed. Just another reason to inspire you towards . . .how did you put it? . . .LOTS AND LOTS OF MODS!

                    congrats on your accomplishments so far!


                      Blood test

                      Thanks Mary

                      I was a little down on myself today in training because of saturday (9 pints), but my coach pointed out how much progress I had made - one over the top day in a week, which is a lot better than I was doing before starting this program and the exercise, I guess I am doing a lot better now He said it's difficult to change the habit of a lifetime but gradually it can be replaced with other habits - gradually.


                        Blood test

                        Good for you, Owly! See you are making progress. And yes, Mary, I forgot about the blood pressure. Owly, yours will likely get better with time. Mine is normal now, and it was high when I was drinking every day. Thanks for reminding me of that, Mary!
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          Blood test

                          Owly, Hang in there and let us know how you go buddy. Better to know and then you can do something about it than to not know and keep making things worse mate. Just remember we are behind you all the way no matter what. Kim
                          Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                            Blood test


                            Just two weeks ago got my blood test (liver, pancreas, the usual panel). My last test was in 2002 when I had Lyme and had been AF for about a year and a half (pregnancy and young motherhood days). Nothing had changed when the new test came through. All was normal. Actually the doctor said "marvelous."

                            I'm a wine drinker, about a bottle a night for the last three years. Was blissfully AF/Mod this summer, but the old ways have crept back. Had to go off the Topamax and that sent me into a bit of a tailspin (or tailchase it seems some days). I started Campral three weeks ago, went off for a week, and now am back on and will go up to the full dose. (Seems the doctor had me at a lower dose, hence no difference in my cravings.)

                            Didn't have to fast for that particular blood panel and I was a bit hungover. All the same, it did make me sure to take my Milk Thistle twice a day and up my water. That and add bit of gratitude to my attitude.

                            Hope all's well and do let us know!



                              Blood test

                              Thanks everyone

                              Just been for my ECG. I was given the results in a sealed envelope to give my GP but couldn't resist opening it. Can't say I have a clue what it means, lots of graphs and numbers:

                              QRS: 90ms
                              QT/QTcB: 332/403 ms
                              PR: 128 ms
                              P: 100 ms
                              RR/PP: 676/670 ms
                              P/QRS/T: 81/63/36 degrees.

                              Wha... ?


                                Blood test

                                Hi Owly,

                                I haven't a clue either, but hope all is well for you.

                                Love Paula xx :h :l :h

