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    Hi Everyone,

    I had a bad day yesterday. I am currently moving out from my partner after a break up. Even though it was my decision and I know it is for the best, when I finally started packing boxes and going through the separating of files and paprer work etc, it made me so very very sad. I think this is normal but I have never been through it before......

    anyway, when the emotions really hit, it made we want to buy wine and drink it very fast and just cry.......I well I did that but also went to my best friends place. Today, my eyes are puffy from the tears and my face has been hijacked from the wine!

    I will be good again today but why is that our emotions are so powerful and the desire to quell them equals their that power! I wish I had Weemelon's humour in my posts!!

    Thanks for letting me spill!

    Trish:upset: :upset: :upset: :upset:
    Allow yourself to become all that you dreamed you could be..... and more. :banana:


    Aww Trish, I am sorry for your pain and loss. Breaking up is always hard, even if it is the right thing to do. I wish you the best as you move forward with your life.......
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



      Hang in there. Sometimes when we go through the most emotional times we think we are turning to our "best friend" to help us through only to realize it was no friend at all. Glad you are getting back on track. Drink lots of water and take care.
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



        I'm so sorry Trish. I am not sure what to say to make you feel better, if there is anything I can say. I just want you to know we are here for you. I am glad you had a friends you could go to.
        Take care of yourself.
        :l :h :l :h
        "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
        Catherine Pulsifer



          Get some cake down your neck. A good bit of cake can work wonders when you're feeling down. How about a couple of almond fingers or a portion of brownie? You let me know how you get on. I have some great recipes for you.



            Trish, I's so sorry you are having difficult times.

            Stay with us and we will be herefor you. In the meantime treat yourself kindly.

            Enlightened by MWO



              Hey Trish, Know how you feel babe hang in there just done the same thing myself not so long ago. You do come out the other side though you don't feel you will at the time. Hang it there and be good to you. We are all here for you and yes I wish I had the Melons sense of humour as well she puts things so aptely doesn't she, hope she is doing o.k too.
              Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!



                Hey guys,

                Thanks so much for your support. Have just come back from a meeting and the day seems better today than it did yesterday. This place is so good for posting what is really in your soul and knowing that you will get like souls reading and reposding from the heart. It means a lot!

                I am moving tI really do fhis satuday with my best friend, so only three more days to go packing and living in a place that has a couple of years of memories. I know I will lok back on this time and be thankful I had the courage to do it and hopefully I will look back and know that I did it with a clear mind and a moderate drink to celebrate or lament....with friends.

                I really do feel like I am a different person today, for the better. It still amazes me how things can just sting you when you least expect it.

                When I was talking to my friend last night, I thanked her for alwasy being there for me and likened it to suspension in an expenive car. Having makes the bumps so much less painful! She offers th suspension an expensive Rolls!!! God Bless and this website does the same. Thanks again guys.

                Love Trish xx
                Allow yourself to become all that you dreamed you could be..... and more. :banana:



                  P.S. Just re-read my post and realised there a quite a few typos. I really am a full blooded Australian. You would think English was a second language based on that post!

                  I think my head runs quicker than my fingers can type. Note to the post before posting! And leave the Bridget Jones knickers alone!
                  Allow yourself to become all that you dreamed you could be..... and more. :banana:



                    Hey Trish,

                    Well done for making such a hard decision. I had to go through the same thing and it's true that it really does get easier, although at the time it is such a nightmare.

                    The best thing is finding out how many real friends you have - it is fabulous to see how many people are so supportive.

                    Gem x
                    Free since 26th February 2012

