Don't know who it was who started the "personal message (PM) a person on such and such a day" but it always felt a bit strained to me. Just a bit too Hallmark card and just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Well, today I received a PM out of the blue.... Made my day

I was sitting in a day class for PowerPoint (yeah, sooo exciting), feeling like two cents waiting for change and was monotoring my personal mail and work mail. Personal because my boss has a hard time remembering which and where he replied to last. And there it was, "You have a Personal Mail from My Way Out."
Someone, some gracious and kind soul, thought about me. Someone who knows what it is to be where we are, is thinking of me. It was one of you guys. Won't say who. For me, what I felt was:
You exist. I recognize that and celebrate you. Go girl!
How could someone ask for more?
I'm so grateful. I ask that if you, like me, find the PM thing a bit too much, reconsider. Just a hello, can mean a lot.
PS: My PM friend. Alas, I wasn't asked for bodily fluids at test time but was hard tried not to piss on his keyboard. Not in the format requested, by hey! Where's the creativity with a Number Two pencil? Any fool can fill in a dot.:H