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Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

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    Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

    Howiyis from me,

    So sorry I have not been around, still feeling shite, dodgy tum again, I am a crock of shite.

    Off to read back.
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

      Hiya Troopers.

      A little late checking in tonight. Older son dropped by for a visit and just left a while ago.

      Mario, sorry to hear of your uncle passing. My condolences to you. I only have one aunt and uncle still alive, my Mother's sister and her husband. I am not especially close to her but I will be sad when she and her husband go. Except for my Mom, it will be the end of that generation of our family.

      Oney - your cholesterol level isn't that high. Like the others said, diet can help and also exercise can help raise your good cholesterol level which is very important. So keep on walking, it's good for you.

      Red, how short are you cutting your hair? If short, it will be quite a change and I bet a nice one. I had my hair long - shoulder length for years and on our 20th wedding anniversary, I decided I needed a big change. So instead of trading in Mr. Stirly, I got my hair cut. Another hairdresser in the same salon came over to me afterwards and whispered - I saw you when you came in and your hair was lovely (blue-black and wavy) but don't ever leave it long again. You look fabulous. And it's still short to this day - almost 17 years later. And amazingly enough - still blue black.

      Zennie - I hope all goes swimmingly with you and your BF re-kindling your romance. Hope it turns out better than it did with BJ. That was a re-kindling too, if I remember correctly. Hope it goes better this time. When is some man going to appreciate you, anyway?

      Jackie, sorry to be rude, but how can you sit on yer own head?

      :wavin: to all of youz.
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

        mollyka;1275326 wrote: Evenin Zens an Tabs, oh and welcome back MrsA!
        D'ya'know, I reckon my self-esteem is awful friggin rocky! Thought I'd built it up a bit lately but got a phone call from one of the folks I was in treatment with asking for a lift to the party in Nuala's (Nuala was also down there and I thought we were great friends :-() --- I wasn't asked to the party, I felt really hurt at first, but now I have myself thinking that they must have all hated me down there and stuff. Fuck it, I thought I was above caring about stuff like that now --- the oul skin isn't as thick as I thought it was. Anyway's - sorry - I know it's not a biggie, but I do feel quite hurt.
        Feel better now for writing it down tho - before I'd have let it fester - so thanks once again my Army:heartsnflowers:
        Oh God I hate it when that happens. I start thinking "what have I done wrong" and start remembering all my misdemeanours. Well done on your FUCK IT. I love you and would be proud if you came to a party of mine.:l

        BTW hello Army


          Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

          stirly-girly;1275330 wrote:
          Jackie, sorry to be rude, but how can you sit on yer own head?
          Tis not the hair on me head..............

          Oh and hello Stirls.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Tuesday 6 March


            That would probably hurt me too, maybe there was a reason? how are they all doing? Are they all sober? Will there be drink there? There could be numerous reasons for it.

            Having been in your company on more than one occasion, I very much doubt it is any flaw in your personality as you are a great, lively, funny person to be around.

            Maybe Nuala has her own shit going on, nothing anyone does or doesn't do is because of you xxx

            We will defo do that coffee VERY VERY soon!
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

              Gawd Mollers,:l

              I can so relate to the self-esteem issues.

              It's the "I must have done something" thing rather than Nuala's an air head.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                Molly what they said --


                  Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                  mollyka;1275326 wrote: Evenin Zens an Tabs, oh and welcome back MrsA!
                  D'ya'know, I reckon my self-esteem is awful friggin rocky! Thought I'd built it up a bit lately but got a phone call from one of the folks I was in treatment with asking for a lift to the party in Nuala's (Nuala was also down there and I thought we were great friends :-() --- I wasn't asked to the party, I felt really hurt at first, but now I have myself thinking that they must have all hated me down there and stuff. Fuck it, I thought I was above caring about stuff like that now --- the oul skin isn't as thick as I thought it was. Anyway's - sorry - I know it's not a biggie, but I do feel quite hurt.
                  Feel better now for writing it down tho - before I'd have let it fester - so thanks once again my Army:heartsnflowers:Molly dear, could it have just been an oversight of Nuala's? She thought she had invited you but hadn't? They couldn't possibly have hated you, not even one of them. I haven't met you face-to-face but I can say that the Mollers I have come to know and appreciate on this forum, and whom I've seen in pictures is a very loveable woman. Please don't feel hurt, it could be a simple oversight and nothing more than that. Sending you :huggy and :heart:
                  JackieClaire;1275335 wrote: Tis not the hair on me head..............
                  Yes, I was afraid of that. Mr. JC, where are you? Do you know what Mrs. JC is posting on the boards?
                  JackieClaire;1275335 wrote:

                  Oh and hello Stirls.
                  Hello to you, JackieClaire and good night.

                  Sorry, but it's time for me to walk Freddo and then to bed.

                  Wishing all of you goodnight and sweet dreams....

                  See youz all on the boards tomorrowz...
                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                    Nighty night Stirls.:l
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                      Zenstyle;1275347 wrote: Oh no you don't! I've seen this before... with the bint from the library last year. Mollers... hasn't Jackie just been going on and ON and ONNN about what a lovely weekend she had and how nice you are and what a good laugh she had with you???

                      Jingos woman... you're a riot! A laugh a minute! Nuala either (a) overlooked it or (b) is jealous of you. End of.

                      Call her up and tell her yer coming! That's what I'd do. Seriously, I would! I'd say "Hey where's me bloomin' invite and seeing as I'm driving that way I'll be popping in..."

                      And one last thought. It couldn't be that they're all drinking and you're not could it?
                      Could I hire you as a motivational coach. All positive stuff and based on fact

                      And yes Zen you can have some of my exercise addiction as I am starting to look like my avatar:upset:


                        Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                        xpost Zen on the boyfriend stuff. Thinking about it??


                          Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                          I missed the whole Glen thing, I'm sorry Zen

                          I REALLY hope it goes well for you hon xx
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                            mollyka;1275326 wrote: Evenin Zens an Tabs, oh and welcome back MrsA!
                            D'ya'know, I reckon my self-esteem is awful friggin rocky! Thought I'd built it up a bit lately but got a phone call from one of the folks I was in treatment with asking for a lift to the party in Nuala's (Nuala was also down there and I thought we were great friends :-() --- I wasn't asked to the party, I felt really hurt at first, but now I have myself thinking that they must have all hated me down there and stuff. Fuck it, I thought I was above caring about stuff like that now --- the oul skin isn't as thick as I thought it was. Anyway's - sorry - I know it's not a biggie, but I do feel quite hurt.
                            Feel better now for writing it down tho - before I'd have let it fester - so thanks once again my Army:heartsnflowers:
                            feck 'em Mollers,it will be a crap party with out you,a pity party,all feeling sorry for themselves without their ole crutch. Prob jealous of your upbeat way of getting on with it. Nualas....pahh!! Any Nuala aint no friend of mine............
                  [/video]]The Nualas yummy mummy blues - YouTube
                            The Pity Party Blues........


                              Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                              Zenstyle;1275359 wrote: Oners... the Glen thing's OK... it was the BJ debacle. Gawd. Embarrassing. Well... if I can't be honest here where can I be honest, right?
                              the bj debacle................must have been before you got your new teeth then,eh?


                                Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                                Mario,sorry to hear about your uncle x

