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Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

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    Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

    Good morning Army:l

    Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

    Good morning Expattie and all to come
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

      Morning Tips:l How are you doing today?


        Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

        hi army.
        zenny, you should create a whole new language.


          Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

          it's hanging sweatily thanx zen (see, I chucked in an "x").
          terribly hot here whilst the eastern parts of Oz need flippers & a snorkel poor buggars.
          hey, my beans failed.:upset:


            Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

            Hiya Zennie and Done 'ya

            Zennie: she made it home yes, but is packing again. She doesn't want to be home when he gets out of the clinic (as early as Friday). She'll be staying with my brother while she sees a lawyer, sorts out a bank account etc etc and then come back to us. It's a fuck-up, actually. The man is mad. One of his friends have suggested we have him committed to an institution.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

              Zenstyle;1274992 wrote: I reckon, at her age, that this is pure shite. And she shouldn't have to deal with it. Sucks. Gloves off Tipps... you do what you need to do.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                no probs zenny, sounds like there is some trouble for poor tips, so will catch you later, ron.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                  Really busy in expat land. I've had a lot of work and for that I'm grateful but I can't take on anymore classes. Because of budget cuts, my company has not been hiring any more teachers so my manager is piling on the work to the ones who are still there. Good to have work but I just can't take on anymore. The little one had his school evaluation-:upset:. Always difficult to read. "Highly intelligent but does not apply himself". And the usual complaints about not paying attention in class, distracting the others, ....
                  They feel a normal school is not the right environment for him. Which really just means they don't want to deal with a child who has dyslexia and ADD. I don't have the money for a private school and the public school for kids with learning disabilities is crap. We have the meeting with the neurologist next week so I hope she can give me some advice.
                  So-feeling a bit stressed out, overwhelmed and tired but trying to take one day at a time.
                  Sending positive thoughts out to everyone else too.:l I have been reading back on the thread but too tired to post. I feel like lately there are not enough hours in the day. Or too many...:H I don't know which.


                    Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                    Sorry-xpost Tips, cori, zenners.
                    Good for your Ma if she can come back to your family Tips. She shouldn't have to deal with all that shite at her age.:l


                      Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                      Zenstyle;1274999 wrote: Patty... do you think he may grow out of it? I don't mean that flippantly, but is there a chance that he may adapt?
                      Well, people don't grow out of dyslexia. It's a lifetime handicap but they can improve and find the tools to deal with it. Did you know Orlando Bloom :h is dyslexic? He has talked openly about it. So I just have to continue trying to find the right place for my little guy.
                      Well, I'd best start getting ready for work.
                      Sending hugs and positive vibes to all of you. Sounds like there are quite a few of us who have a lot on our plates right now.:l x


                        Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                        Mrs. T is fine with her coming to stay with us. We'll just have to adapt one of the bathrooms for her - it's difficult for her to get into and out of the bath with the osteo-arthritis.

                        I have to run - people at my desk.

                        See yous laters.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                          Zenstyle;1275001 wrote: Fuck! I feel like a player on the sidelines. Yous guys have been dealing with stuff, and in admirable fashion.

                          OK. I will make breakfast for yous. French toast it is... reckon we all like that....
                          :l Thank you Zenners
                          Back laters x


                            Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                            ach now that is good news then zen 'bout Glen....
                            how's that for rhyming?!!!
                            does he have buttocks like those pipers in the photo posted in the Undies thread a while ago???
                            I'll second your liking of Orlando Bloom, expat, he is quite a cutie.


                              Army Thread Tuesday 6 March

                              now wasn't that a sight for sore eyes zen?
                              you could crack walnuts between them arse cheeks I reckon.:H

