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Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

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    Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

    Dear Roberta,
    Glad you had a great holiday, as it sounds as if you're going to be busy for a while.
    I'll support it as if I hadn't found this site I 'd be in my usual alcoholic haze every night.
    I am not a computery type person (you can tell.... I don't know how to add an avatar) so I probably won't take advantage of it, but if it will help reach a wider audience, and further help us then I'm for it.
    I agree with others.... If I'd had to pay up front it would have put me off. How about 4 weeks free rather than 2 weeks, as you know how indecisive, apprehensive and paranoid you can be when you're drinking!


      Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

      My fears would be that any sort of subscription would mean that anonimity would be reduced. By it's very nature most of us have come to this site because we don't want the world to know our problems. I myself share my laptop, internet access, email address etc with my partner who doesn't know I come on this forum. Either that or I read (not write) from work, either way I wouldn't want questions asked...

      I appreciate that the costs of supporting the current site must be met, but I wouldn't use anything flashier (bit of a technophobe!)



        Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

        As you know, I will donate or pay whatever it takes to make this place viable. I count on it daily, and the program has given me friends and "my way out," so I am eternally grateful, and I'll donate again if you put the button back up. My concern is that you will have the "hard core users" moving over there and forgetting to interact with newbies, as we have a tendency to do anyway. I, for one, often forget to welcome, and I need to keep Tawny's Sunday reminder in my head. The web cam thing sounds really cool, since there are some of us who would love to see each other. I like the idea of expanding, and I think we have to keep it in perspective that it's not something everyone is going to want. I think most of us are so happy here that we are threatened by the idea of change. And, I have to admit, I don't like the idea of dividing us into two groups.


          Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

          I think the idea is basically good, although I can see from some of the posts that it isn't understood by some that the basic level of service as it is will remain the same. The enhanced service will just provide some additional bells and whistles for those who want them.

          I'd be happy to subscribe, as MWO has been a lifeline to me through ups and downs for over a year now. I've seen my mindset change so much. It's hard for me to imagine my life without MWO.

          My only suggestion would be to make the subscription a monthly, rather than weekly, fee, although there are probably good reasons why a weekly fee was chosen.

          Maybe I'll even get a webcam. Com'on Tawny!:wow: I've heard you're a beauty!
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

            My guess, Kathy, is the fee would be monthly, maybe even quarterly, but it is broken down to "$3 a week" to show how cheap it is. It would be more costly for Roberta to have to process weekly payments rather than quarterly or monthly, I would think.

            I personally can't see how Roberta does all that she does here for free. I never got around to donating but would be happy to pay a subscribtion, even if I didn't use the bells and whistles. And no web cam! No way do any of you get to see me without my makeup, which I only put on if I have to.


              Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

              Hello RJ,

              I'd be interested and would pay to just get the kudzo and to help out. However it's important as you expressed this MYO site would remain primarily the same because it is a lifesaver. My life has been one of those saved by this board and it continues to provide a source of support I can get no other place.



                Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                Thanks, everyone

                Most of you have clarified the points I felt needed clearing up, but just to reiterate:

                * Existing Service
                The existing level of service will remain the same and will remain free. Once we launch MWO Subscriber you need not doing anything if you wish to continue here as a member with the exact same access. *THIS WILL NOT CHANGE* There will be no reduction in service, features, etc. Life on MWO will continue as is. :-)

                * Issues of Anonymity
                Not sure I'm clear about this. Currently an email address is required to sign up to the board and we are extremely vigilant about protecting our members' privacy. Also, one of the advantages of the new system is that access to the Subscriber site will be password protected, so it actually provides a little tighter security when online. Spammers, the occasional chat lurker, etc. will be locked out.

                * Interaction between members and new subscribers
                Biggie...this was my major concern when considering this change. It's why I decided *not* to create a new/distinct message board, I didn't want anything to split things up. Communication between everyone will continue to take place here on the board. The new enhancements will feature, among other things, four chat session linked from a website (Open Line/RJ's monthly chat/inspirational chat/video chat). They provide new and fun opportunities for subscribers to connect but will not interrupt the important interaction that takes place here in our forums. I may include a thread or something in the FAQ linking to the new new site; our developers are still working on this piece.

                * Billing
                Yes, the mention of cost was to illustrate it broken down weekly but it doesn't make sense to bill so frequently. It would be easier here on the back end if we could do so monthly and recurring, or even three months at a time, say. And yes, it'll be set up to accept PayPal and all major credit cards just like our Health Store. Got another developer working on that. :-)

                This input is extremely valuable, as always, so thanks a ton. I'm also very happy to hear from those of you who have been helped by MWO.

                Happy hump day.

                Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                  Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                  I think having a monthly guest, like Dr. Garcia would be awesome. So many of us have decent docs/therapists to speak with, but Dr. Garcia seems to be at the forefront of addiction research. Can't wait.


                    Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                    It's all very exciting, RJ. You can count on my support!
                    :h :h :h :h


                      Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?


                      I love ALL of these ideas, we can choose to utilize them or not- I have my webcam ready and can't wait to see my friends!!!! That is- if they want to see me!! :H

                      RJ- thank you for doing this for us- I know it must be taking a lot of time and effort on your end.
                      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                        Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                        I tried to sign up for this therapy online once and it was a big fiasco and they had of course my credit card info so I was freaked out about that for a while. I would never have joined if there was a fee to start but with the success I have found with this site I would of course now be more that willing to contribute now. Just this little bit of communicating and seeing that there are options has changed my life. I have drastically cut back on drinking.

                        Best Regards,

