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Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

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    Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

    Hi, gang. And thanks, Macks, regarding your question in the other thread. No need to worry, I'm just busier than busy since back from my trip. I'm starting this as a new post and hope to generate some feedback from team MWO....

    First: hello old friends and welcome new members! A belated Happy New Year to each of you. I had a fabulous time with my family in Hawaii. Such a blast.

    I've really enjoyed catching up on the board--wow! Not sure I'm entirely caught up, but working on it. I am amazed at membership growth in the past few weeks. And grateful, as always, for the support you all continue to provide to one another.

    Speaking of which, I'm looking to you for input as we move forward with some pretty exciting developments for ''s one of the reasons I've been so darn busy. (It's also one of the reasons the board was down for half an hour this weekend--and will be down "ten minutes" I'm told at 12:01 Thursday night, US Eastern time...Solly.)

    We plan to introduce a new subscription based service in the next few weeks and I'd like your input. What would you find of value? What would you like to see included? What do you think about our proposed package? Our best ideas always come from our members. Here's what we've got cooking:

    We're really excited about introducing a new subscription based service, MWO Subscriber, for those who are interested. A nominal fee (proposed $3/week) will be charged to support the associated costs, which are not insignificant. *Nothing will change for those who wish to continue as regular MWO members*. The proposed Subscriber Package would include :

    * Increased Private Message capacity to 300 (up from current 100). No more purging the mailbox every few days.
    * 7/24 access to "Open Line", backup chat site, for if/when the board is ever offline. Simply bookmark the site and visit it any time, day or night. Feel free to use it as an alternative chat site to catch up with special MWO pals.
    * Three additional password protected chat areas all linked from a special website, including:
    -- Monthly chat with RJ: fire away if you have any questions about MWO
    -- "Inspirations": collaborative chat plug in, very cool, you have to see this one to get it
    -- Video chat: for MWO buddies who want to play around with their webcams. This should be a gas for the more daring among you. :-)
    * Free bottle Kudzu Rescue when signing up. Value: $24.95
    * Free PDF book My Way Out when signing up. Value: $12.95
    * Monthly drawing for $150 free products from MWO Health Store., well, $150 to the winner each month
    * Still working out other details; again this is draft

    But value is key, really. We'd like to provide a service that offers a new level of features--and is something we can support financially. I understand while I was away the board went down no less than three times. (And we're not moving to a new server again!) But it struck me that we need a backup site of some sort. Our needs are fundamentally different than, say, an auto enthusiast's board. This is a lifeline for so many people. We simply can't afford that down time. Our web host is implementing a new system to minimize the problem. However, there's never any way to ensure 100% service, short of providing a backup site.

    And the only way to do that is with member support. So it makes sense to me that we bundle that backup with other enhancements and provide it as a new subscription based service. I'm very excited about this.

    Again, I'm looking to all of you to help drive this new initiative because you've always inspired the best ideas around here.

    Also, some other updates:

    * We're working hard to get DrinkTracker running smoothly. The duplicate entry error should be fixed, and I hope we can alphabetize names and address some of the other tweaks you've requested.
    * Check out the bottom of the forum home page for a new plug-in: ?Guests who have visited in the past 24 hours?. I?m thrilled we?re finally able to capture and share this info
    * We upgraded vBulletin this weekend which will allow us to add some fun new features in the next few months. I think you'll like them!
    * Do you live in New York, Boston or Philadelphia? I understand ?Metro? ran a story today (Tuesday), about MWO. Somebody read it and PM me?!
    * We?re working on an exciting new teleseminar series and Dr. Garcia will be our first featured guest. Stay tuned!

    Thanks for reading all the way to here, whew! Macks, are you sorry you asked, ha.

    Really looking forward to your feedback. :-)

    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!

    Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

    Hi RJ!

    I am new and have been reading the board and have read the book and am looking to get started as soon as I get a few $$$$ together.

    From all that I have read I feel very encouraged that I can get out of the terrible grip of Alcohol.

    Thanks so much for this web site and all the work you have done. I'm looking forward to posting that I have made progress soon.

    I did want to give you a link that has a very good product for liver health, that I have taken in the past. There is also information on how to detox the liver etc. This may be information that would go hand in hand and perhaps you could work out a link between you as many going there would be a great candidate for your program. The link is as follows: The product of intrest is Livitone and Livotone plus:
    Welcome To Dr Sandra Cabot's Liver Doctor Website

    Thanks so much
    Control the Mind


      Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

      Hey RJ!

      Well this is the first time I have had the privalege of reading a fresh post from you, I must say you have some fans in here with some mighty high respects for you!!(and well deserved I might add) , my first couple of weeks here have been quite a ride, but and enjoyable ride at that.

      I Must say when I saw the post written for you asking where you were I was excited for a response, seems I have made you a little famous in my mind, anyways...

      thanks for starting all of this...

      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

        Thanks Rocky and Victoria

        So glad you're here. I'm thrilled about all the new members who have joined recently.

        Yes indeed, the ride can be a wild one!

        Seems like we launched this site ages ago but it was only October of 2004. I remember posting (mostly to myself back then) but dreaming that one day there would be hundreds of "us" out there, supporting one another in our goal of getting healthy. But I really never imagined it would be so wonderful, the level of support that we've all witnessed here.

        A reporter recently told me she'd visited a lot of message boards but had never ever seen anything like ours.

        I am humbled every time I visit this site.

        Thanks for your generous words and for making MWO a part of your lives. I'm glad you found us and look forward to learning more about you!


        Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


          Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

          See what I mean?

          Good ideas here, hadn't considered the earlier donations, which went to supporting the current site.

          We could certainly apply those donations towards subscriptions if members wanted to do that. I don't know, just an idea. We had eight or nine donors, including you Fan, and it certainly did help out. I can understand your point.

          And of course, there's no obligation to subscribe; this is simply an additional service level which provides a backup site, free products and other goodies for those who wish to opt in. :-)

          Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


            Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

            I would certainly become a subscriber. The appeal for me is to have guaranteed access. A lot of us were quite "lost" when the board went down again recently. I also like the idea of increased PM storage space. I would, however, pass on the video chat. Just not that brave!

            Considering how much money I've saved since being here and cutting down on the booze, I could easily afford $3 a week and as this place has been a Life-line for me on many occasions, I would like to support it in any way I can.

            This seems a good way.


              Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?


              I agree that i would not be put off by paying a fee, only problem I see is when I was searching for help I immediately dismissed any website that mentioned money anwhere within the first few minutes, so all i can say is try to keep the theme the same and friendly and keep this place from seeming like it is selling something. I stayed here because I could talk to people for free, buy books here or at a store, buy supps here or at my local store, no pressure anywhere, come or go, as long as that atmosphere is maintained I think it is a great idea!

              It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
              James Gordon, M.D.


                Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                Hi Roberta,

                You can certainly count me in.....Although I am 100% satisfied with the way things are run now if paying a subscription each month means you can reach out to more people in need then that is a good idea......

                Picking up on what newgrl said, about the mention of paying a fee and it being the first thing potential members would probably see, how about they get the first two weeks free just so they can test the water so to speak, then if they think MWO can help them they can sign up for the subscription package if they want to....Or would new members have the choice of free membership with the basic package as it is now and only pay if they wanted the extras....If you know what I mean...

                Must say though, its good to have you back....This place is starting to BUZZ again....

                Take care,
                Love from Louise xxxx
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                  Thanks, thanks...

                  ...and thanks. All very hep'ful!

                  I completely agree that a hard sales push up front is a real turn off. I don't like that on other sites, either.

                  I do, however, want to create a long term, sustainable site and I appreciate that you all understand we're trying to find some balance. :-)

                  To clarify: everything here on the board will *remain the same* and will remain *free, free free, no charge*. The service I'm referring to and proposing is an enhanced package of additional schtuff above the basic, free membership everyone will always be able to access. This board is here to offer help, free of charge and always will be. So Louise, to answer your question, a new member (or existing one) can opt for the same basic membership here as always. Or s/he could select a paid membership and try to entice Tawny into participating in a password protected video chat one night.

                  And yes, absolutely, subscription revenue could provide a means to reach out to many more people who need help--depending on how many members opt in, of course. That would certainly be a benefit.

                  Thanks guys, for the feedback, and keep those thoughts coming, I really do appreciate it. I'll be offline for a while but will catch up soon!


                  p.s.: Yes, it's buzzing. Fantastic!
                  Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                    Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?



                      Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                      I bet I would have been turned off by a "subscription" fee, RJ. Just thinking back to when I started... I would have thought it was a gimmick. So I'm glad to know that's not what you are proposing! The enhanced site... you know I'll be there.

                      I DO want you to put that dang "donate" button back on!! I never made a contribution because I was putting it off (imagine that... with moi????). At least gimme the paypal acct. I can donate to. The instant I see it, I will do it this time! PROMISE. I do buy my Kudzu from here now...

                      I LOVE the idea about new chat options, the webcam... fun and evil... yikes. I KNOW these people RJ. They can be CRAZY:H :H :H I say that with the utmost love for those of you who don't know me well. The increased PM capacity would be awesome. You'd think 100 messages would be enough...but I hate erasing some of my best inspirational ones, some of my best "smack in the face" ones...they are all precious.

                      Thanks for all your continued efforts to make this place awesome. I tried to go without it and found I do better WITH it. It's when you close out all your friends and support system that something horrible happens. I was closed. I'm sorry.

                      As usual, "you da best", and thanks for keeping us informed.



                        Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                        Wow RJ, you have been busy. I love the new ideas...LOL and i'm not sorry i asked..
                        Maybe a sticky thread or a new catagory for suggestions..
                        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                          Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                          Hi RJ,

                          I'm for anything that keeps this family together.

                          Thank you so much for your efforts.

                          Hilary:thanks: :H
                          Enlightened by MWO


                            Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                            thanks for everything RJ, I know it takes a lot to keep this kind of website going and count me in! if we have the option of paying for the subscription by paypal that would be most helpful.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Yes, still kicking :-) Input, anyone?

                              I am with newgirl regarding paying websites. This site has helped me a great deal and I know that I have referred others to it and they have been helped - But I am always put off by pay for view web sites. I know there are adds on every page and I am sure they do provide income - would there still be access at a lower level without paying?

