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Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

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    Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

    Yoo hoo from me. Stirly I will be careful if it hurts I'll stop

    Lovely news JC when's the wedding?

    Tips best wishes to your mum, she is lucky to have you and your family for support. I lived with a man with a narcissistic personality, horrible horrible person. Cruel, totally self absorbed and SO controlling, I'm glad your mum has broken free even tho I'm sure he will perform when he finds out.

    Daughter No 1 got engaged while she was on holiday, only told us this weekend. He bought her a lovely ring. No wedding plans yet thank goodness!

    Hope everyone having a good eve x


      Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

      yo Soots,

      I was so excited for her I forgot to ask.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

        Hi gang. Back home making dinner getting hooked on this ��


          Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

          I can think of worse addictions, Satz.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

            anon;1276279 wrote: Hiya Stirly:wavin: Mrs. A.
            JackieClaire;1276280 wrote: Yoooooooooooo hooooooooooooo Mrs A.

            She's over the moon, Stirls.I'm sure she is.
            sooty;1276286 wrote:
            Yoo hoo from me. Stirly I will be careful if it hurts I'll stop
            Daughter No 1 got engaged while she was on holiday, only told us this weekend. He bought her a lovely ring. No wedding plans yet thank goodness!

            Hope everyone having a good eve x
            Sooty, YooHoo from me, too. Do be careful with your exercise. Older son got engaged almost 4 weeks ago. Lovely ring, wedding scheduled for October 13th. His best friend will be best man, younger son's girlfriend, best friend of the bride, will be maid of honour. I couldn't be more thrilled. inkele:
            satz123;1276291 wrote:
            Hi gang. Back home making dinner getting hooked on this ��
            Hooked on wot, Satz? My computer reads it like this...��

            Troopers, am off to walk Freddie, then to read my new book and then to bed. Wishing all of you...

            Talk to youz tomorrowz...
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

              Nighty night Stirls,

              I must away meself and get some dinner.

              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

                Nite Stirly. Congrats on your sons engagement. I'm excited too - gotta seriously diet incase they spring a date on me!


                  Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

                  Hello all,havent read back except that Tipps,hope everything settles down for you.

                  Hope everyone else is ok

                  My son was singing in his choir at a concert this evening and he did so well,im so proud of him,he looked so handsome on the stage. I also got a rush of pure happiness thinking about how great it is to sit and enjoy watching these kind of concerts that I normally sit through wishing theyd hurry up so I can catch the offie on the way home and get the kids into bed asap,not focusing on the kids achievements much as I should be. Thank God ive copped on,how much time ive wasted. I know its early days but this time I feel so different ,its been much easier,im just not going there with myself anymore.
                  Anyway,good evening to you all fine ladies and gentlemen,I have one hell of a crazy day ahead of me tomorrow so I will arise and go now to my bed. Reading a good book of Jodi Picolet , House Rules about a boy with aspergers, interesting for me.............nite all xxxx


                    Army Thread Wednesday 7th March

                    satz123;1276144 wrote: Got great tip for constipation from 'Damien Devil Boy' my Gym trainer ................ large soupspoonful of raw linseeds (flaxseeds) in water and knock back like a shot - morning and at night.

                    Swear to god - now up to 3-5 times a day on loo. The seeds work like an internal brush and sweep all the 'crap' ( excuse the pun ) toxins etc through your system...... excellent.
                    thanks for that,going to buy some flaxseeds tomorrow.....Im backed up like the M50!!!:H

