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herbal medicine to make me happy

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    herbal medicine to make me happy

    day 3 of being very miserable,anxious and feeling like I can't face work - as well as very proud of myself.Also coming down with a cold/virus too so bit of both.
    I'm day 13 AF and have stopped smoking too - think I may be a bit low on serotonin or dopamine or something!
    I'm ordering book today, I don't want to take meds (I was drinking 20-30 units in 2 nights a week).
    I haven't suffered any noticeable withdrawal apart from feeling blue.

    What do you recommend I've heard of tyrosine boosting mood.I don't want to take tradtional anti depressants as don't think I need them and also have found nasty symptoms coming off, and one made me feel worse.
    one day at a time

    herbal medicine to make me happy

    Morning Bear,
    soory to hear you're blue,
    I'm trying SAMe for the same sort of thing, have a look at it on the online shop here. Not sure what I was expecting, but I'm not feeling so fed up! And it's supposed to help repair any liver win huh ??



      herbal medicine to make me happy

      Evening Bear,
      Getting the 'flu on top of everything you're already dealing with... what a bummer.
      Sorry I can't help you with medication. If you 're a bit wary of taking medication, can you "think" your way out of the feelings, or are they pretty overwhelming?
      Suddenly stopping two very powerful drugs at the same time will have traumatic effects on your whole body, and our brain, body chemistry and emotional makeup is madly trying to adjust. Which is no help in making you feel better. Are you getting enough rest and sleep, particularly i you're getting run down with a cold. Congratulations on 13 days. That alone must make you feel pretty good.
      I'll keep reading your posts to see how you get along.
      Sorry I can't help.


        herbal medicine to make me happy

        Hiya Bear - I've had the cold/virus/flu thing this weekend as well, just feeling better today, it really washed me out and I hate being ill (hangovers excluded of course, hah, ha!) I've heard some people take a herb called St John's Wort - you can find info on t'internet about it and it's readily available at chemists, H&B and Boots, etc. Worth looking into if you've not tried it before and not expensive. I thought at one time I might have a thyroid problem, underactive. I looked on the web and everyone seemed to recommend Sea Kelp - I tried it, but it kept me awake at night - I felt wonderful during the day though. I might try it again and see if I can get past the insomnia stage as it did make me feel full of oomph!! Anyway, wrap up warm and watch lots of mindless telly - how much Trisha can you stand??:H

        Take care
        The Terror


          herbal medicine to make me happy

          I'd definitely look into the SAMe, Bear.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            herbal medicine to make me happy

            Dear Bear in the Big Blue House (Sorry, can't help myself )
            I haven't tried the SamE, but I heard it's wonderful. I need to order it, as I get pretty blue sometimes too. I take the GABA and can feel it kick in about 20 minutes after I take it. Label says "supports a calm mood". I got my last bottle from the health food store, but am going to order the next batch from here.

            ALSO, do you have an iPod? MP3 player? Download some great music that gets you feeling happy (I've got LOTS, if you want suggestions and go for a walk/jog/stationary bike/sit and do nothing! I just find that getting some good endorphins going along with the fun music is an immediate and pill-free way to shake the blues. Sometimes it's hard to drag my sorry butt to the gym, so I'll just strap on the running shoes and head out the front door and down the road. Even for 20 minutes.

            Good luck, Bear.


              herbal medicine to make me happy

              I have tried many different types of anti-depressants and didn't like the side effects they gave me. (SSRI's). I have been on St. John's Wort for over 2 months and do notice they help me. I do have down days, but, I believe they keep me from going way down. You might want to check into it. I have also heard about SamE and HTP5 - they are supposedly pretty good. SamE from what I have seen is pretty expensive here.


                herbal medicine to make me happy

                I took St Johns Wort for about 2 years, thinking it could just be having a placebo effect I stopped taking it for about 4 months, my mood went right down, so I am back on it again.... IT WORKS.....
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life

