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    Hello All

    Hello. Well since I introduced myself, I thought I would jump right in. I'm in the central time zone and waiting on hubby to get home so we can go out and eat. Thank you all for posting such encouraging words for me last night and today.. depending on where you are....
    Here is a little of what I have been doing this week. I have been hitting the gym around 6:00 a.m. and doing weights and cardio. Someone, please tell me that I can get rid of this pot belly I have from drinking these last 10 years... Please???? I'm not going to weigh until Monday... So we'll see then if I have lost anything. But honestly, that is important to me because it is part of getting healthy.
    I find myself, really, really wanting to drink a glass of wine tonight. I'm telling myself that just one... you know...... I mean one is alot better than 2 - 4 packs..... I came home and walked my dogs... Been reall nasty rainy here for last week or so. They really enjoyed that. Well.. I just wanted to say :thanks: ...Thank you so much for your posts. I read them at work but I can't post. Not sure that I can and not sure that they would like that very much... If I don't post later, I'll post tomorrow. I hope you all have a great day/night where ever you are..... Bye

    Hello All

    Tee, sounds like you are on the right track with the exercise and determination. Lifting weights is the real key to fat loss. Keep it up.

    The wanting a glass of wine is your brain whining for what it usually gets around this time of the day. Try and ignore it if being alcohol-free is your goal. After a few days the whining gets less. It is not always easy but it sure does make you feel better in the long run.

    Enjoy your dinner tonight!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Hello All

      Thanks Lush.... I find myself arguing with myself during the day. I'll think, "Man I want to drink tonight" and then I think... No, that is just my evil twin talking to me in my head.... Powerful little booger though. Guess I'll have to lift more weights to get control of the thing... Take care


        Hello All

        Hi Tee-
        Good progress! The arguing in your head will get better. It sometimes helps to have a mantra that you say to yourself when that happens. For me when my mind said...just one, I started saying back 'that is not an option- you don't get to make that decision' or 'it isn't up to you anymore whether you drink or not just don't get to'. Pick something that makes sense to you and just keep repeating it to yourself...drown out that other little devil saying 'one won't hurt'.

        Well......that is just what helped me. Everyone does things a little differently. Just wanted to pass it along though. And - you are doing great. This is a process and can take some time so be kind to yourself too. Take care


          Hello All


          YES! You can get rid of the pot belly.

          I just posted in Fitness section tonight a bit about this, and lush is right. More muscle tissue is how you get rid of fat. I went slowly from 24% to 19% body fat over the past year, and still going.

          How I've done it:

          1. Zero booze. I also quit smoking over a year ago, and have lost fat, and put on muscle. (I had to go complete abs, but someone doing moderation consistently could get the same result I believe.)

          2. Aerobic zone cardio workouts. This is tricky, and I recommend a pulse monitor. The body burns fat tissue in the aerobic zone. If you go into anaerobic zone, then you are burning carbohydrates primarily, and the fat burning metabolism is overidden.

          3. Lift weights, and build muscle tissue! I have my own free-weight set, and have been regularly pumping the iron. Muscle tissue needs energy to sustain during your sleep, and gets it from fat tissue. Another great thing, more muscle tissue seems to curb the appetite automatically.

          4. Diet. I have just increased my intake of raw salad vegetables and fruits, and cut way back on red fatty meats. I still get filled and satisfied, but on different things now. I have not felt hungry or deprived for even one second.

          It is not my intention to lose XX pounds in XX weeks or anything. I never believed that was safe or prudent to do. Giving up the booze and ciggies was enough of a job on its own, so just a few changes.

          My blood pressure has PLUMMETED. My energy has SKYROCKETED. I still have a candy bar, or some cookies, or a bit of chocolate ice cream from time to time. So it has worked for me.

          The main thing is to perservere over the long haul. I did not try to run a marathon, or be an Olympic champion. I was just trying to improve my life in a way that I knew I could stick with. We have all had enough self-punishment. The trick is to do it your way, so that you can keep it up over the long haul.

          Best of luck to you. Again, IT IS POSSIBLE.

          Be well.


