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lost soul in the wine aisle...

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    lost soul in the wine aisle...

    I think i'm losing the plot. I have just been to the supermarket and must have looked like a right weirdo in the booze aisle, straing into the middle distance, scrutinizing the detail on bottles, leaving the aisle, coming back (did this a few times). I promised myself I would never drink alone again, but I have no desire to go to a pub and I have had a really stressful couple of days and would like a drink.

    Well I bought myself a teeny tiny bottle of wine, honestly it's a glass worth and when the kids are in bed I might have a ceremonial itsy bitsy 1.5 units...

    permission please, I have done 32 days AF xx

    lost soul in the wine aisle...


    As much as I wish I could help, that decision is completely up to you. If your goal is AF, then you know the answer (just like you do if your goal is mods). Congrats on your AF days to date, btw....

    Know that we've all been there and fought (and lost) the same battles. No one will judge you if you have the drink - just jump right back on the wagon again tomorrow. I'll be sending good thoughts your way regardless of what you decide.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      lost soul in the wine aisle...

      If your long term goal is AF open the bottle right now and pour it out.

      If your long term goal is moderation, don't ever buy more than two of those at a time

      You can do this!
      :h :h :h :h


        lost soul in the wine aisle...

        You don't need anyones permission, you need to decide for yourself, but I agree with Rachele (well said Rachele LOL).

        Seriously this time I do aggree.

        BTW well done for your 32 days :goodjob:

        Paula xx


          lost soul in the wine aisle...

          Been there done that! It depends, as Rachele says, on your goals......Good luck with your decision.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            lost soul in the wine aisle...

            Hi stoat,

            The answer is within yourself. We often "reward" ourselves with alcohol after a time of deprivation. If you feel you have to test the waters make an educated decision. For a lot of people is takes them back to the slippery slope.

            Good luck, and loving thoughts.

            Enlightened by MWO


              lost soul in the wine aisle...

              Well I have overcome my stress without the alcohol so i'm feeling good about that. I think (although I am not sure) that I can do mods and I guess this is testing the theory. Although my teeny tiny bottle is still unopened and it's 7pm. I guess I want to see how one glass feels and see if it is worth it. My feelings of anxiety are back, think it's pms.



                lost soul in the wine aisle...

                Could the anxiety be from thinking about the wine? I suffer from anxiety and it hits me at some strange times, PMS was a bad trigger for me but now I recognise it I can control it......

                I'm sure that teeny bottle of wine will talk to you all night ...... :H

                If you pour it down the sink, that will be the end of the torture .....

                Paula xx


                  lost soul in the wine aisle...

                  Pour it out! But again, that's your decision. I know that I would drink it; then decide it wasn't enough and off I go again.


                    lost soul in the wine aisle...

                    Hi Stoat,

                    You've been on my mind all evening, what did you do, I won't judge because i'm in no position to do so, i'm just intrigued..

                    Love Paula xx

