Zen: tried telling her I'd buy my own, she still likes to get me a treat here n there though, has no clue what I'm up to or how much i actually drink bless her and I could not throw that kind of stuff at her
No announcement yet.
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
Zen: tried telling her I'd buy my own, she still likes to get me a treat here n there though, has no clue what I'm up to or how much i actually drink bless her and I could not throw that kind of stuff at herI have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again
To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
JackieClaire;1278616 wrote: Honey's I'm home. Getting me first cup of coffee of the day.
I'm just going to have a read back.
And thank you so much for all the texts and good wishes. Made the day a little less longer than it could have been.
I REALLY LOVE YOUS LOT.Well I'll be. Look who snuck in while I was composing a multi-post. Haven't half missed you...:h
Zenstyle;1278621 wrote: There she is!!! Welcome back hun!!! :l:l:lYep.
Recluse;1278622 wrote: Yay, Jackie's back!
JackieClaire;1278624 wrote: Thank you. I feel as if I've been in there for a fortnight.
Oooh I had me very own drip and by gum the morphine's very morish.
I feel grand Reccy, bit woozy. But I can live with that.For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
stirly-girly;1278623 wrote: Panda-man - are you kidding me? "reasonably ok with the drink" ??? Only reasonably okay after two months AF? You are doing brilliantly.:goodjob: And I mean it sincerely. And you will get through both early summer and summer itself. I know you will because you've worked so hard to titrate down and then stop the drinking altogether that you won't let yourself get caught up in that downward spiral again.
As for the private psychotherapy/counseling, do whatever you're most comfortable doing. If you would feel out of your comfort zone in group therapy with strangers because of your deafness, then I think you'd best go for the one-on-one therapy if you can afford it.
JackieClaire;1278627 wrote: Ooh Reccybear,
One of things I worked out this aftie was your 61 DAYS AF. SO BIG CONGRATS TO YOU.
Yes, yes and triple yes take the AL worker up on his offer.)
As is molly!
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
No, she was teasing him with food, well she didnt think she was teasing, he was in the crate and she was trying to push it thru the bars and couldn't so decded to open the door of it and he snapped at her habd with the food in it."It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"
AF 10th May 2010
NF 12th May 2010
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
Back...everytime I check in the bloody phone goes!!
Reccy that is awesome..61 days I'm dead proud of you
Its now my turn for sure
My best friend was sectioned this morning under the mental health act...Alcohol induced, she was hospitalised 10 days ago for malnutrition and to detox, its looks like she has got PAWS very badly, they are doing more tests just to make sure its not wet brain! she had ct scan last week and all was clear but she has really gone down hill!Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
Panno;1278640 wrote: Back...everytime I check in the bloody phone goes!!
Reccy that is awesome..61 days I'm dead proud of you
Its now my turn for sure
My best friend was sectioned this morning under the mental health act...Alcohol induced, she was hospitalised 10 days ago for malnutrition and to detox, its looks like she has got PAWS very badly, they are doing more tests just to make sure its not wet brain! she had ct scan last week and all was clear but she has really gone down hill!"It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"
AF 10th May 2010
NF 12th May 2010
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
It is very sad Oney, the family are devastated as you can imagine and they keep blaming themselves for not intervening earlier, but to be honest she would not have gone anywhere for help, I have been trying to get her to cut down for years. You would not believe but she is still in denialLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
Panno;1278640 wrote: Back...everytime I check in the bloody phone goes!!
Reccy that is awesome..61 days I'm dead proud of you
Its now my turn for sure
My best friend was sectioned this morning under the mental health act...Alcohol induced, she was hospitalised 10 days ago for malnutrition and to detox, its looks like she has got PAWS very badly, they are doing more tests just to make sure its not wet brain! she had ct scan last week and all was clear but she has really gone down hill!
And now then Mrs lets get you to 60 days. Get thee a new oven timer.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
JackieClaire;1278646 wrote:
And now then Mrs lets get you to 60 days. Get thee a new oven timer.
If I'm not on here before 6pm every night you can send a search party
My daughters are now on my case, they have known my friend since they were babies and have always told us off for drinking too much! and I don't know if you remember but we lost our friend last year through alcohol!Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Army Thread SUNDAY 11 March 2012
One thing she did say to me was ...Why me and not you :H:H shouldn't laugh really but I did find it quite funny, if I didn't laugh I would have wacked herLearn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.