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Ever feel like a fraud?

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    Ever feel like a fraud?

    Well said Sammys thank you!
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


      Ever feel like a fraud?

      Yeah to sammys

      You are right about everyone playing some role or another. Everyone has an idea of how they like to be perceived and then they work to create that image. Not just drinkers.

      We role play because we are influenced by expectations from others, by tv shows that show perfect moms/dads (heck, they just are tv shows)! and all sorts of other influences.

      It takes a lot of inner work to find one's inner self and have the confidence/courage to reveal it. I believe for the drinkers it comes eventually, but for most of the non-drinkers out there it never really comes.

      I spent Christmas week with my husband's family who have "perfect lives", with "perfect kids", etc. no alcohol is involved with this family, but whenever they aren't relating to neighbors, friends, etc. they were pretty miserable and phony people.

      The family of MWO have a real advantage, we can be ourselves any day we want to and guess what - we are truly loved and accepted by our family. Do we really need acceptance from the people who don't share our daily lives.

      Let's just do the best we can.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Ever feel like a fraud?

        Yes I am NP.....Positive name change
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Ever feel like a fraud?

          Beaches - I can so relate. The facade - volunteering, having coffee with friends etc. during the day - but in the evening! Yesterday - my husband and I went to dinner with firnds - I , of course, had to have a couple of drinks before and during - don't remember too much of the conversation and we left early cause I wasn't "feeling well".I hate when I do that!!! So, we don't make too many plans to go out at night. I noticed that you have a quote in your post about autism. Do you have an autistic child? I have an 11 year old autistic son, which adds another set of problems. It's ironic, people admire me for taking care of him so well. If they only knew that alot of nights - he puts himself to sleep - because I "dose off" before 9pm.


            Ever feel like a fraud?

            Hi and yes I do have a child who has autism. He is 4. Camper who posted on this thread also has a child with autism. There are quite a few people out there who have children with disabilites who are quite inspiring. Yes that is another reason why I feel like such a freaking fraud because of how great everyone says I am with my son. Again...if only they knew. But today is a new day...Right????
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Ever feel like a fraud?

              Beaches & Samadhi

              My daughter has epilepsy. and it's quite severe, so much so that she had brain surgery last august to remove the area of her brain triggering the seizures, It hasn't totally stopped them but they have decreased .... but because of the improvements the neurosurgeon want to operate again which is soo scary..

              Anyway I can relate because people always say that they admire the way I cope !!!!

              If only they knew .....


                Ever feel like a fraud?

                Paula and Beaches - Sometimes what helps me is to look at my son's face, or at a picture and I think about how much he will need me at the age of 50-60 and I have to be healthy, vibrant and alive for him, much more so than my other son. My 13 year old will be independent. So, maybe I should carry a picture of that innocent angelic face and remember that I am his most important caregiver, advocate and friend. I just have to be around and availablefor as long as possible - and that won't happen unless I go AF. Moderation hasn't worked for me, I've gotten better, but not where I want to be. I had a great day yesterday and plan on the same today. Good luck to you ladies, I know how your day to day lives are!!:h - samadhi


                  Ever feel like a fraud?


                  Thanks for that advice. You've all made me feel a lot better. I'm no postaholic but when I post I really post huh?

                  I went out and bought a whole bunch of food for myself, just for me! I am going to make myself eat and get my metabolism going again. I think it will help my mood and will make me feel healthier. I will fill my scripts for Naltrexone and Campral and attempt AF next week when the insurance kicks in. Generally have a better outlook right now!
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    Ever feel like a fraud?

                    I just saw this thread, as I was away for the weekend for a girlie weekend with my sister in law. Drinking, of course, and I don't know how sick of it I have to be to stop DOING it. Talk about a fraud... people used to say I was an inspiration and now I'm continually sick of myself and this roller coaster. Well, I'm not drinking this week. No way. (yes, I say this now and it is SO HARD. Not the first few days, but hitting day 4 or 5 has not served me well this month)

                    Patty, I'm SO glad you are feeling better. You had me worried. You and your dad went out?? wow. I want to hear more about it.


                      Ever feel like a fraud?

                      I used to think all that and that helped me get AF. I wanted to become what others never knew that I wasnt....(actually was but didnt want them to actually know)
                      Gabby :flower:


                        Ever feel like a fraud?

                        I am too!

                        i am the biggest fraud ever! everybody thinks i have it together. and i can when i need too! bigtime but when i am alone i hit the wine bottle HUGE! why is that? when I am with my grown up children I have no urge! weird but it works. when i go back it is drinking bigtime. i so wanted to be good but the mind keeps telling me i have good times too come! I AM A LOST CAUSE! no, I should have put it in lower case but i am really hurting! Everyone in myfamily think I am the best thing since sliced bread! How sad is that!
                        Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!

