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Bad Week

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    Bad Week

    Well I was doing well for three weeks. Drank a few times and not to excess, then all the sudden I lost my control this week. Of course to hide it from my kids I went for the half pint of vodka, which makes me crazy! Today, Sunday, I feel like crap! Drank a pint of vodka yesterday and a bottle of wine. I just do not understand it! I felt great for three weeks, GREAT! But things get a little stressful and the first thing I want to do is reach for the bottle. The guilt is overwhelming. I have a 13 year old daughter and she and I are butting heads a lot lately which isn't helping me to attempt to stay sober.

    I'm a single mom with no significant other. Lately I feel like for the past few years the bottle has been my best friend, boyfriend and the thing I look forward to everyday. I'm going to kick this habit, I'm not giving up but boy it gets frustrating. I know I'm not alone because I come to this site and read and realize how many people are struggling just like me. Sometimes the people in my life make me feel like I am the only one with this problem and they just look at me like, what is so difficult, you just stop drinking end of story.

    I have been down the AA route before and have a very hard time with some of the concepts, okay most of them! My brother is sober three years and its the gospel to him. I'm very glad it works for him.

    I guess I just get off the pitty pot and move forward right? Thanks for listening. Here is the craziest thing. I am hungover right now and there is the part of me saying, I wish I had a drink to right now to take the edge off!

    Bad Week

    Hi ThuzzyQ

    First of all don't forget that more drink won't really take away the hangover, it will just prolong it ... if you don't drink today you will feel good tomorrow, but if you do drink you will feel awful tomorrow....

    So ... how do you want to feel tomorrow????

    Secondly, please don't beat yourself up love, we have all been there, me included ....

    You are winning ......

    Keep it up.

    Love & Hugs :h :l :h


      Bad Week

      I'm a single mom, too, Thuzzy, and yes, those teenage girls can make you want to down a drink faster than I don't know what!! Part of the head butting with daughter is their trying to separate from you emotionally, which isn't much consolation at times. There is a great book, Get Out of My Life, But First Would You Drive Me and Cheryl to the Mall, that has been a lifesaver to me at times. My daughter is now 17, and with some notable blips, we have a pretty good relationship. We've also butted heads a lot in the past! Buying and reading the book might help you to buy out of some of the power struggles that go on at this age and help you have some peace of mind.

      Hang in there, kiddo, and keep trying!


      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Bad Week

        Hi Thuzzy,
        I was going along pretty well myself and am not sure what the heck happened. I am at a new beginning for myself as of today. I have to be. My god I fell back into a place that I hadn't been in awhile and woke up today with a new found motivation to be better.
        I guess we all cycle. Just need to figure out the triggers and catch them before the catch us!

        Take Care
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          Bad Week

          We've all been thier.

          I can't remmember how many times I've stopped and started again. (Drinking). I tried the AA route & found I could'nt get into it. MWO - seems to be working for me. I've decided not to temp fate & not drink at all. I hope you can find your system of stopping. Hang in thier! IAD
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            Bad Week

            Thanks for the tip on the book. I will definately check that out. I think I'm going to check out a few AA meetings again. I really need somewhere to get support besides here, as much as I love this site, I don't get on nearly enough some days as I need. I'm staying positive I just need to shake off the guilt and move on! Thanks for your support!

