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Going back to Iraq

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    Going back to Iraq

    Now I'm on the other end of this 2 week hiatus from worry and not doing so well. Don will leave on Wed. to head back into war. After hearing what he had to say, seeing his pictures and video clips, I'm even more sickened than when he left in August. Sadly, I've turned to what I've used in the past to console me - wine!
    I just feel sick at the thought of him heading back over there. He is also grieving for all the soldiers who will be sent in this new "surge." He said if this had been done 2 years ago it might have meant something. Now, the Iraqis are hardened against Americans and the positions are drawn between Sunni and Shiite. He said that they can't trust the Iraqi troops that they train at all. The "surge" guys will be sent to Baghdad and embedded in the city - much slaughter is going to happen. I thought my son was in a fairly safe area, in Samarra, but he had picture after picture of blown up cars from IEDs. Nowhere is safe in Iraq. This has been the most mismanaged way in this nation's 200 odd year history.
    What, as Americans are we going to do about this? The President says on prime time that he doesn't care what anyone thinks. King George, our dictator will have his way. I can hardly believe, as an historian, that I am living through this deplorable epic in our history.
    I know that I have to get back on the sober wagon and stay strong, but for now, the flood of feelings are just too overwhelming. This has to be the lowest point our nation has reached since its beginning. I wish Donnie would go to Canada but he's too committed to his unit and the guys who are his life now. He spent so much time on this leave buying things to send to his buddies in Iraq - he thinks of them 24/7/. He and I have spent quality time together and it's just breaking my heart that this is that way our nation is going under the leadership of this incompetent who should never have been in the highest office. To those of you whom I offend - do some reading and research. This guy is playing God with our country.
    Thanks to all of you for your messages of support - they are SO appreciated. Hopefully, I can get through this phase too but I don't think I'll really be O.K. until this nightmare is over. Em

    Going back to Iraq

    You and your son are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish him safety in Iraq and I wish the quick end to this senseless war.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Going back to Iraq

      Em................There are no mere words I can say to help you get through all this. My and my husband's hearts hurt for you and Donnie and your whole family as we read this. We just want you to know that you are not alone.
      Please know this.........

      Hedges of protection and peace prayed for you and yours.
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Going back to Iraq

        Em......I just thought of something I was going to ask you to do.
        Could you ask Donnie for some names and addresses so we can send some things that they need?
        When Brandon was there, we sent shoe or boot boxes with all kinds of things that he requested.
        Their needs and wants may be different now so a list of things would be great.
        If you don't want to post it here, you have my email address or PM me.

        :l Nancy
        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Going back to Iraq

          Em, I like Nancy's idea. We don't have to tell him where it's from, but it would be a way for us to stand by you and by those we care about who are in harm's way. And, by the way, it's something of an embarrassment to be from Texas, but George is so unpopular that nobody here likes him either. We'll stand up. It was good to see Jane Fonda yesterday. Deja vu!


            Going back to Iraq

            Em, my heart just absolutely aches for you. I admire your son for living up to his commitment and giving so much love and emotion to his fellow comrades but I also think it is senseless for him to even be there. For any of them to be there. I will pray for his safe return and hope that somehow that idiot we call our President comes up with a BETTER plan soon. Sorry if I offended anyone. I am just so angry about what is going on over there. Peace to you Em, that is all I can hope for; some peace for you.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Going back to Iraq

              Dear Em,

              Your post brings tears to my eyes. Words fail me--I don't know what to say. My heart is breaking for you as you say goodbye to your son. I admire his commitment to his buddies and his duty. The one amazing difference between this war and Vietnam is that Americans won't make the same mistake and blame our troops--we support them all the way!

              I wish there was something that I could do to console you, but please know that you and Donnie are in my thoughts and prayers. George hasn't had his way yet.

              Much love,

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                Going back to Iraq

                Hi Em.
                As a Biritish citizen I have to say that I am ashamed at the way my country has acted throughout this whole sordid episode. I do not blame the military at all; they are doing their job as best they can. Tony Blair is leaving office soon and I feel that he is using this to boost his image, and to get a nice write-up in the history books. I don't know anyone here who supports the war. It was launched on a platform of lies and deceit. The true motive must be the usual Western one. Money.
                I feel for you Em, and for every mother and father who has to watch their children go to war. It would be easier if the war was justifiable, but not much.


                  Going back to Iraq

                  As another Brit I totally agree with what PaulB wisely says.
                  Nobody I know suppports the decisions that have been made on this issue.

                  Dearest Em
                  As a mother with a son of 21 I relate to your situation, I am not one for praying but all my thoughts are with you both.
                  Lots of warm wishes


                    Going back to Iraq


                    I have cried many tears since I started this journey with MWO, tears for myself and tears for others when I have read their stories, but when I read your post just now I cried more than ever before...I have a son, he is just 28 years old and if he was in Iraq I don't know what I would do...
                    I would like to add my name to Pauls in the condemnation of Tony Blair, and I will add the name of George Bush as well...Two despicable and weak buffoons, weak because they know they have made a big mistake but they won't admit it..
                    Em, it will be hard, but for Donnies sake try to stay strong, and I'm sure it goes without saying that you have the support and prayers of all of us here...
                    Will be thinking of you,
                    Love from Louise xxxx
                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life


                      Going back to Iraq

                      Paul, Loiuise & changeling I agree wholeheartedly with your comments ....

                      Em, like the others, I cried for you when I read this, My prayers are with you and your family ....

                      Take care Love, :l :l :l


                        Going back to Iraq

                        Expat sentiments

                        Hi Em,

                        I, like so many others who've posted their replies, want to lend my support. I haven't posted here for quite a while - well, since mid-December. (I was very good until I returned to Europe after spending Christmas with my family in the States. Then came back here and fell off the wagon big time :durn: ) Anyway, just to say.......I am an American who's lived overseas since 1997. First England, then Ireland, now Switzerland......have seen such contrast in the way Americans were perceived since "KING GEORGE" took over. I am, and always have been, supportive of our troops. But, as you say in your post, King George doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks!! Doesn't this totally go against what we should be advocating to the rest of the world?? Shouldn't we ALL be trying to find the most non-aggressive, peaceful solution to this conflict?? The BIGGEST issue that the rest of the world has with our President is just that.......he doesn't seem to CARE what the rest of the world thinks!!

               my soapbox now. But after lurking around for about a month now.......trying to "get it back together"......I just had to send my support. Hang in there........let us know what your son needs. Until those guys are out of there and that horrible situation, all we can do is DO WHAT WE CAN DO.

                        Much love to you and your son,


                          Going back to Iraq


                          Our love and our stringht go with Donnie and also with you, we will all be here for you both

                          Love Deb the Aussie girl


                            Going back to Iraq

                            Em - just wanted to add my words of support and you and your son will be in my prayers. I have 2 boys and don't know how I would handle it if I was in your situation - especially when it's putting your life on the line for what seems like such a useless cause. I was in support of the war at first - but lets face it, It's been a wreck for a few years. What's the difference if we get out of the war now or 10 years from now? Thousands of lives, thousands of severe injuries and billions of dollars. Everything else will be the same, they need to make the change in their own country, we can't be enforcers. Enough of my soapbox!


                              Going back to Iraq

                              Em, I have you and your son close to my heart. With love, Boo Boo

