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Going back to Iraq

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    Going back to Iraq

    Em, I think Nancy's idea is wonderful. I would love to be able to help support in anyway.

    :l Rachele:l
    :h :h :h :h


      Going back to Iraq

      Safety and Godspeed to your son and all the troops.
      Control the Mind


        Going back to Iraq

        My heart is breaking for you and your family. My brain cannot even process what it would be like to possibly send one of my 3 boys to war. Just can't go there! Devastating. I pray for your son and the rest of the troops daily. I would love to participate in supporting them too as Nancy mentioned. All our love and support to you Em!! :h :h


          Going back to Iraq

          You and Donnie are in my thoughts and prayers. So many wonderful men and women have been killed during this terrible war. Please know we are all here to help, listen, and lend a shoulder.

          :l :h :l :h
          "What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
          Catherine Pulsifer


            Going back to Iraq

            Dear Em,

            I am so sorry that Donnie has to fight this war, along with the rest of the soldiers who are fighting George Bush's war. He is a brave and valiant young man.

            You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

            Stay strong and lean on anyone you need to.

            Enlightened by MWO


              Going back to Iraq

              I would like to do what I can as well. I am ashamed to live here. He truly is a sick man and he really doesn't care what ANYONE thinks. Again sorry if I offended anyone but there's going to be a special place for him when his time comes, and wish it would come soon! Ugh I just hate him!
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                Going back to Iraq

                This two weeks seems to have passed so quickly. I am sorry that he has to go back. I echo what Paulb says.

                Thinking of you both.:l
                Enough is enough


                  Going back to Iraq

                  Thank-you, Thank-you

                  What can I say! You all are bringing tears to MY eyes. I can't even believe this outpouring of love and support! This is way over the top. I wish that I could bring every one of our precious boys home. They are all trying so hard and are so dedicated to each other. But the bottom line is - this war should never have been started in the first place! Isn't it like Hans Brinker trying to stop the flood with his finger? All the troops we have to send, can't stop what's been set in motion by GEORGE W. BUSH. This man needs to be impeached and disgraced. Only that will atone for the senseless deaths that have already happened and will happen. He is "the decider" as he likes to say and this is on his shoulders. I would suggest a book, "Bush on the Couch," that I read and couldn't put down, for a psychological analysis of this crazy person.
                  Donnie is going back, and not to Canada, as I suggested because he is loyal to his unit. He is also bringing back lots of candy and gifts for the Iraqi children who swarm our soldiers. They are the victims of this needless war. What keeps me going is that Donnie is doing what his heart called him to do. Unfortunately, I think a big motivation for him was watching "Band of Brothers" and seeing how heroic men fought against fascism. He never bargained for this senseless and needless war.
                  As for me, I'm trying to go easy on myself. If I can't be abstinent right now, then that's O.K. but I'm trying hard not to go overboard too. I ran/walked 3 miles tonight to the ocean with my black lab and that brings me peace.
                  Thanks to everyone of you who wants to send items. I can post his address and also one of his buddies who has no family. They especially want to get good quality protein bars, current magazines, Pepperidge Farm cookies, and movies. Those items are always appreciated. I understand the food is terrible.
                  Again, thanks, so much. I feel lifted up by all of you. Always Grateful, Em


                    Going back to Iraq

                    Thinking of you and your son Em. :l
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Going back to Iraq

                      I have been thinking of you over these past two weeks. It must be so hard to see your son go back to Iraq!!!God bless him for his noble heart. I think of all those wonderful men and women in Iraq and the sacrifice they are making. Then I think of that bufoon of a Commander-in Chief and my blood boils!!!
                      I always watch the State of the Union Address faithfully but this year I had to turn off the tv as I thought I would have a stroke.
                      Please take care of yourself. My prayers are with you and your son and with hope that we end this stinking war .



                        Going back to Iraq

                        My heart is broken Em. I love you & Donnie. I pray for him out loud every moment I can... at mass every every Sunday, in prayer circle, healing circle.... You are doing great. Keep it up -- for him. I love you. C
                        Know that you are stronger than me, than most of are a strong light..


                          Going back to Iraq


                          Just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you.....i am a brit and i totally disagree with the whole handling of the my opinion Blair is just bushes puppet, i'm sorry if i offend anyone but this whole thing is many people are being hurt and dying...and for what????

                          all my love and thoughts are with you strong

                          Lou x x x

                          P.S Em if you want to PM me with adresses and things i can send please do...i'd really like to help out in any way i can x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            Going back to Iraq

                            Items for our soldiers

                            Dear Em,
                            Would love to make videos to send to the soldiers. Can you say if they can use dvds or vhs format? Also, If this post appears twice....its because I apparently don't know how to do this.....would LOVE addresses to send these items to......can you help us all show support by posting addresses? Thanks, Love, My


                              Going back to Iraq

                              Oh, what I meant to say is taping tv shows and movies etc.....I can do either format, but need to know what they would be able to view....Love, My


                                Going back to Iraq

                                God bless you Em..............our arms are around you and yours.
                                Our problems are very small tonight.

                                I'm will purchase items for my first box tomorrow.

                                :h Nancy
                                "Be still and know that I am God"

                                Psalm 46:10

