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Going back to Iraq

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    Going back to Iraq

    We had dinner with our son and his wife last night.
    This morning his unit moves to NC for a couple of months training and then to Ca for another month training. We may see him 1-2 short times before they deploy to Iraq in September.

    Please try to remember these are real people with families that are having to go and do their job. My son was three days away from "retirement" when they got orders.

    They deserve to know that we appreciate what they are doing . They have enough intergrity to finish what they signed up to do and not go off and hide somewhere even though we would all like to do that...

    "He never promised the cross would not get heavy
    and the hill would not be hard to climb
    He never offered victories without fighting
    But He said help would always come in time
    just remember when your standing
    in the valley of decision
    and the adversary says give in
    just hold on the Lord will show up..............
    and He will take you through the fire again"
    "ThroughThe Fire"
    Gerald Crabb

    :h Nancy
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Going back to Iraq

      Welcome back Grateful Em!
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Going back to Iraq

        How are you doing Nancy!! So you will see you son again before Sept? God knows their sacrifice is pure and appreciates it & so do I appreciate such valor & honor & constant protection of our country. I just hate war. I pray the war is over by Sept.


          Going back to Iraq

          Em and Nancy my thoughts are with both of you. I can not even begin to imagine what you both are going through and I hope for the safe return of your loved ones.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Going back to Iraq

            Gets me in the gut too. I am so sorry.


              Going back to Iraq

              Em and Nancy, you and your sons are in my prayers. As is Skylar, one of our newest members under my story.


                Going back to Iraq

                Nancy and Em, I simply cannot imagine your anguish. I can tell you however, how brave and valiant your sons are and how grateful we are for their service.

                I was on a flight back from TX a couple of weeks ago and the flight attendant asked all of the passengers to stay seated to allow our armed forces off first and without question, we wholeheartedly applauded every one of them, and if one passenger would have tried to get in front of any one of them, I can assure you I would have verbally and then bodily assaulted them.

                You raised such good sons, and my heart physically aches for both of you and all of the forces who are in Iraq to fight .

                My heart and my prayers are with you both.

                Enlightened by MWO


                  Going back to Iraq


                  Great commentary!



                    Going back to Iraq

                    Thanks guys!
                    It really helps to hear that!
                    We ALL hate war.......
                    I would like to share a letter from my son...
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      Going back to Iraq

                      hello to all of you! I just wanted to drop everyone a quick update on how the mobilization is going. If you are not aware, my unit is currently stationed at ------ now and we have officially begun our work-ups for this deployment. This pass week has certainly been challenging for me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually....but God has been supplying me with all I need every day. I managed to find the Library on base here thus the email you are now all recieving. Due to our training schedule I do not have a huge amount of time the check my email and reply, but any chance I get I will be attacking it full force.
                      I just want to thank all of you for your support and prayers! Please continue to pray that God's will be done throughout this chapter in (wife) and my life. We are seeking God's face in every way possible and looking to glorify Him in anyway we can. If we claim the promises of God's grace and forgiveness, we must also lay claim to the responsiblity of the mission He has tasked us to accomplish. Matthew 28:18-20 is the clearest direct-order that we as Christians have recieved from Jesus and it is the desire of my and (wife)'s heart to acheive. Having said this, I want to lift up the name of a Marine who falls under my command. His name is SGT -----. He is a supplement that came from one of our sister companys out of ----- --------. God has opened up the door for the two of us to converse about my faith and what he believes. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will give me the words and opportunity to continue to plant and cultivate a seed of salvation in his life. God's Word never returns void and I know that there is something increibly awesome that is going to come from this deployment!!!! May God be glorified and His name praised forever!!!
                      I love you all and I want you to know that I am continuing to pray for all of you as well. God bless and Semper Fidelis!!!!

                      in Christ Jesus,

                      Philippians 1:21

                      I removed names and places for security reasons.
                      This young man is my Heart, walking around out side of my body!
                      I love you all,
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Going back to Iraq

                        All I can say about all of this and I say this realizing that I will get flamed is that it is easy to throw rocks at the one(s) in charge especially when the media and the left has been throwing rocks at them for years. Yes, a surge should have taken place long ago but the left would not have heard of it. We should have bombed the h*** out of the Suni triangle and other areas long ago but the left and the media would have had a field day with that as well. The left and the media has been calling for a pull out for a long time. There is nothing that those in charge could have done that would have been right for the left and the media. Had they pulled out they would have been wrong, had they stayed, they would have been wrong.
                        Most coverage out of the war zone for the duration has focused on the negative, casualties, etc. There HAS been positive but very little of that has been reported. Schools have been built, roads have been repaired. Infrastructure has been repaired, etc. But most of that has not made the news because it does not serve the media's cause.
                        Are those in charge (i.e. Bush, Blair, etc) right 100% of the time? Do I agree with them 100% of the

                        The bottom line is, those in charge and our troops need our prayers and our support. They need God's guidance and support. Our prayers are with your son and all our troops.

                        Actually, as it turns out it seems I too will soon be back in the "big sand box" as my job as a contractor will have me there in support of our troops. I can not say exactly where or the nature of the support but I will be back there soon.
                        :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


                          Going back to Iraq

                          It must be desparate being American or British whilst Bush & Blair just keep digging deeper into S...

                          Em please stay strong for Don, just as he will have to be strong in Iraq. You have people from all over the world praying for his and so many other's safe return. Love to you both at this time.
                          A BushBaby with Attitude


                            Going back to Iraq

                            Stay safe.............
                            We have your "back".............
                            Semper Fi
                            "Be still and know that I am God"

                            Psalm 46:10

