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Army Thread friday 16th March TFIF..

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    Army Thread friday 16th March TFIF..

    see you expatty - have a nice walk
    It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


      Army Thread friday 16th March TFIF..

      Hello Army!!!

      I haven't read back over the posts except for the last few....
      Zeppie2;1281538 wrote: Takes a bit of getting used to, feeling the babby move I mean.
      Ah Zeppie - it's just so amazing that you've got that wee one growing inside of you, isn't it? The first kick is like - "What was that?" and then you realize it was the baby and it's then that you really realize that there's a little one in there. I do hope you're enjoying your pregnancy. Some women don't - they can't accept the changes in their body. If you can just go with the flow, so to speak, accept any extra weight you've gained, the changing shape of your body the cravings for foods you don't normally eat, the odd hormone upset, and all the rest of "the little things", in the larger picture, you are living a miracle. Mind you, as far along as you are, you've no doubt gone through most of that. The last couple of months can be a bit tiring so be kind to yourself and take it easy as much as you can. The last month is the one that needs some extra patience, just waiting for each day and week to pass as you get closer to your due date. I'm just so thrilled for you. Sending you huge, huge :huggy's

      And a big :hello2: to the rest of youz.......
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Army Thread friday 16th March TFIF..

        Evening all. Not long home. Had to go out get my glasses fixed pick up a prescription and did some shopping at Lidl and euro store in Bray. Damp evening and i got caught in the rain. Got 2 cheap solar lights to stick in the window boxes outside. Oh and a packet of glitzy stickers for puting on plain glass candle holders to jazz them up. I just did one it looks cool lol. Love doing little craft things. Had a nice skinny latte and scone while out. Still got my cough and sinus so goin to have hot water wit lemon honey and cinnamon that might help. Chest is very wheezy. in my pjs now and glad to be chillin on the sofa. Hi Zeppie nice to meet and nice to hear your pregnancy is goin well.:television:


          Army Thread friday 16th March TFIF..

          Well, just to make a few replies to today's posts.

          Molly - good for you on talking to your son in a calm, no-nonsense matter. Looks like you got the handle on the right approach. Do come here and post whenever you feel the need to vent or share. That's what the forum is all about. Hope you enjoyed your day at your favourite branch.

          Jackie - good to hear you sounding so much better and thanks for the laugh.

          Mrs. A - hope you had a "me" day today, rested, got spoiled a bit and that tomorrow you're feeling up to punch.

          Limers, what can I say? You write the funniest posts. Your son's been "smoking his barnacles off". Oh good grief - that gave me such a chuckle.:H

          ExPatty - different is good. It sets us apart from the crowd, from the boring, apathetic people. Celebrate your son's individuality. I know you love him for who he is. Others will as well.

          Satz, I love the way you post - always makes me smile.

          Reccie - hope you enjoy your time with your Mom. She'll get used to the "new you" slowly but surely. Just give her some time. Love the socks BTW...

          Zennie - hope you're back to your old (new) self. :l Um, er, don't go for the blonde look, my dear. The dark hair sets off those gorgeous blue eyes of yours. Blonde would not be such a striking contrast IMHO. If you need a change, how about a change of haircut instead? Ever thought of going short and curly or pixie-like. I'm sure you could pull it off brilliantly. Go and try on a short wig somewhere and see what you think. Just a suggestion.

          Jan - I hope this is going to be day 2 for you. You can do this. You've done it before. :boxer: that AL beast to the curb.

          Foxy - hope your cough and sinuses clear up soon. Being sick sucks.

          :wavin: to Mario and Panno and to anyone else I might have missed...
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            Army Thread friday 16th March TFIF..

            Well, it looks like the barracks are deserted tonight. I'm off to walk the dogger and then to bed, as usual.

            Troopers, wishing you all...

            See youz on the boards tomorrowz.......
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Army Thread friday 16th March TFIF..


              Orf to read back.
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                Army Thread friday 16th March TFIF..

                Off to watch a dvd. Might be back later for a lurk but probably not! Not used to staying up so late these days.
                So I'll say nighters :l


                  Army Thread friday 16th March TFIF..

                  Hi gang....
                  yes stirly wirly....still hanging in... feel very strange, not like the last time..
                  .but must do this, Bonnie is soooo pissed off with me, and Ollie just wants to come home..

                  they both came tonight,I think she did more to check the house's still a mess..depression and lack of food doesn't help......!

                  I cannot go in his room without breaking it stays shut..
                  I can't sleep on my bed, cox thatz where we normally sleep..
                  only sleep when I can on the sofa with my girls....
                  but things are looking better booze..not even coffee..dunno why no coffee..

                  just trying to get my head together, just wish Bonnie could understand that...:l

                  sorry it's just about me again not had time to read back, but send you all loads of love xxxx:h

