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where did my brain go and will it ever come back?

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    where did my brain go and will it ever come back?

    My brain isn't the same anymore. Lately, I've found myself screwing up things at work (I deal mostly in numbers), things that at one time, I never would've gotten wrong. I know the hangovers don't help, I just hope that it's not too late and after a time of abstinence, things will begin to restore themselves. Of course I'm still working on that time of abstinence, but would love to hear some stories of things getting better after quitting.

    where did my brain go and will it ever come back?

    I find that I am not only more focused since I've quit drinking, I manage my days a lot better. In the past, Monday was always a wasted day because all I could think about was how bad I felt.
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      where did my brain go and will it ever come back?

      Yes, I notice on the non-hungover days that my concentration level is so much better. I don't think I have enough of them to improve retention, etc. but it certainly is better. It's so nice waking up and having something ready to wear instead of realizing you needed to laundry and pretending you have to go in the field (in my line of work, that's our excuse for wearing jeans and tennis shoes). Many a day, I have shown up in jeans, t-shirt, and ponytail.


        where did my brain go and will it ever come back?

        Eliminating alcohol really helped me at work. I get more done faster and do a better job. It's pretty simple, the less you drink, the more productive you will be. Of course, I had to fall on my face a few times to finally realize this. Good luck!

        I just realized, my post sounds like I drink at work, but I've never done that, what I meant was coming in hungover. oops


          where did my brain go and will it ever come back?

          my memory has improved much in the times I have been eliminating exessive/binge drinking from my to just do this ALL the time is the key.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            where did my brain go and will it ever come back?

            My brain has certainly become more sharper during the last few months, even my daughter and son have commented on it...I find it easier to remember things and whereas before I would find myself fumbling for the right word, now it feels as if words have turned into a waterfall and they are flowing through my brain all day long..

            The other great thing is, waking up with a hangover, you tend to focus on yourself for most of the day, how ill, tired, depressed and disgusted you feel...Consequently most of that day is lost...Now waking up sober and clearheaded, well, its as if somehow you have been given all this extra time, and its QUALITY time, the best sort....I know I wouldn't swap this new life for my old one for a million pounds...

            Louise xx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              where did my brain go and will it ever come back?

              Louise - I really like what you said (actually I think all of your posts are gems). It's not just physically feeling like crap, you are totally focused on yourself and how much you hate yourself for most of the day. That's not what life's about. Life would be so much more fulfilling if we could get our minds off of ourselves and find a way to help someone else. That can't be done if we're obsessed with how much we hate ourselves. Anyway, I have been so used to occupying my mind with selfloating that when I don't drink, I'm sometimes at a loss for something else to think about. It takes work!! Thanks for your post.

