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How Many On Their First Quit?
How Many On Their First Quit?
I am on my first quit (23 days). However, I keep seeing people say that NOone quits the first time, and countless others saying it took many quits to stop completely. I feel like I'm guaranteed to fail, since this is my first time quitting.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia PlathTags: None
How Many On Their First Quit?
Hi LG - everyone is different. If it was a real problem for you and you're really serious you can definitely quit your first time. I think a lot of people (like me) came here thinking we'd quit for 30 days and then moderate. Then we found out that didn't work so well...LOL.
The good news is you can quit forever right now!
How Many On Their First Quit?
Please don't let others experience influence you. You know the reason why we always say it takes many quits to get to the real quit? It's because those of us who have failed many times need the comfort and hope that comes from that train of thought. It's not neccessarily true. We need to believe that and it can happen either way.
Save yourself the misery of failure and learn by all our mistakes. You will feel so proud (and intelligent) if you can take all you've learned here and use it to avoid all us others put ourselves through.
Stay strong, Library Girl. You are inching your way to hero status one day at a time. Picture yourself in a few months encouraging others and giving tips that worked for you.Tipplerette
I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.
"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
? Lao-Tzu
How Many On Their First Quit?
Listen to Tipp. And actually there ARE people here who quit the first time.
Personally this is my 5th attempt - It took that many to realize I cannot modd and should just quit for good.
Actually - it took this long to learn about the effects of AL, to read the books reccomended, to practice urge surfing, to get into new healthy habits.
Had I been more commited to quitting the first time around I'd have made it then and there. I really really regret not doing that.
You are doing great !!!! Don't go back!!! There is nothing holding you back but yourslef.
The rest of us are irelevant.
:h:h:hworkaholic, shoeaholic and yes ... alcoholic
How Many On Their First Quit?
I think you can definitely quit the first time if that is what you want to do and you are committed to achieving that. I quit smoking cold turkey many years ago. Funny thing is, I had three cigarettes this past summer at my neighbor's birthday party with some girlfriends. I woke up coughing and remembering why it was I didn't LIKE cigs anymore and haven't had one since. So, if you quit and quit for good....GREAT. If you quit and fail.... just try again!
How Many On Their First Quit?
LG - I don't even remember when I first started quitting. I know it was years ago when I'd try to go 3 days between drinks. Then I was only going to drink on weekends. I never even thought about quitting for good. It was only after all my failed attempts at cutting back that I realized I'm an all or nothing kind of gal, and ALL wasn't working for me anymore. Even when I quit for long periods of time in the past, I always knew somehow that someday I would drink again. THIS quit is different for me. Maybe I needed all those failures to get where I am. There are no hard and fast rules for quitting, whatever works for you, works! You're doing awesome. Don't worry about the future, just live in today and keep up your great work!
K9:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
How Many On Their First Quit?
LG, my first real quit has been MY quit forever. I drank daily for ten years. During that time i tried AA, counseling, IOP and Naltrexone. Even though i was "trying to quit" i never even went 1 day without drinking. I had a huge, humiliating fight with a friend last March, of course while drinking, and thought this is enough. I made a plan to cut down everyday for 7 days and started Smart Revcovery. My last drink was March 16th and i gave the rest of the alcohol to my nephew on the 18th-that was very empowering because i didnt even feel any hestation about it. I knew i was done. Yes there were days i questioned if i could keep this up but i never gave in. My motto is "NO DRINKING NO MATTER WHAT". It works for me because i never even entertained the thought of even just 1 drink(cause we all know we dont just want 1 drink).
So to sum it up, you dont have to fall of the wagon to finally get sober for good. You can do this on your first quit.
Stay strong!!!!AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.
Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.
How Many On Their First Quit?
Im pretty guilty of throwing that bit of info around. When I say "no one" I guess Ive never heard of anyone doing it the first try.
That of course doesnt mean that it cant happen, or hasnt happened in the past. Dont sabotage what you have going just because of what you have heard.
When you do it, Ill preface my comments with "Library Girl, is the only one I know that quit on the first try"............and how cool would that be!Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11
How Many On Their First Quit?
Ya know, I dont know anyone that gave up any habit or addiction the first try. Hell i start a new diet every monday and by Tuesday afternoon, it has went to the crapper. My OPINION, we put so much pressure on NUMBERS. I stopped doing it. I was sober 2 solid years, so I recently slipped, hell I still had two years and i will get 2 more, 1 more, 10 more...what matters is I get today.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
How Many On Their First Quit?
It can be done Librarygirl - Im living proof! :yougo:
I had only ever tried to moderate before (totally unsucessfully) as actually quitting for good was unthinkable to my previous mindset. Never ever had I considered giving up alcohol before. Once I really looked at my faulty beliefs and changed them to "yes I can live without it" I put together a plan and really imagined my life as a non drinker. The moment I had my very last sip I knew that was it forever and I celebrated 2 years AF on Jan 1st.
Being a stubborn control freak probably helped as I have strong determination once I decide on something. Thats not to say it was easy, it most certainly was not. I think when you look round the world at our achievements, its not the most intelligent, talented ones who success, its the ones who want it the most.
"Whether we think we can or we cant.......we are absolutely right""In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996
How Many On Their First Quit?
Well, I cannot look into the future and know that I will be AF. In fact, it seems more likely that I will not. I am just taking it one day at a time, and so far so good. I guess I think I've lost enough over the past twenty years to AL, that it is high time to quit for good. Maybe if I had been trying to quit for the last ten years, it would be understandable to have finally got somewhere....but, since is the first time I've quit, I don't have the luxury of giving away any more of my life to AL. I am almost 48 years old, overweight, broke, and hanging on to the last shreds of dignity I have left. AL cannot help me whatsoever.
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
How Many On Their First Quit?
I personally never tried to quit before for good,It was always just giving it up for a few weeks/days or I would say to myself ,Self don't drink to much tonight,Never worked for me and I still thought that I was controlling the alcohol and not the other way round,After many years in 2009 I hit my rock bottom and that was that for me,But has been said everyone is different on this journey and we all quit in our own individual ways,Go for what works for you libraryGirl :goodjob:
:congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:
Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
I know enough to know that I don't know enough.
This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.