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Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

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    Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

    Good morning, Army

    Looking forward to a mid-week break tomorrow - we're celebrating Human Rights Day.

    I hope everyone will have a terrific Tuesday!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

    Good morning Tips and everyone else to come
    Going to read back on yesterday's thread. x


      Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

      Port la Nouvelle, apartments in Languedoc Roussillon
      This is where we are going in July. We needed something -of course in our price range! (which is not very high)-and easy to travel to, safe beaches, kid clubs, accepts dogs (pugs), and as it's self catering-easy to-get-to super markets and shops. Lots of cool stuff to see in the area, like castles and gorges and stuff for day trips. I'm just praying for good weather but it's usually one of the sunniest regions in France.
      Saying all that-Stirly's pics of Greece made me drool!:H But I don't think we can make a trip so far off this year. South of France is so much easier (and cheaper) for us as I can just load kids, dog, bags into the train in Paris and then dump us all out when we arrive in the South.


        Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

        Morning Tipps Expat and molly. That place looks fab for you and the kids expat how long are you staying for? The prce is very good also and lots for you and the kiddies and pug. The Greek Island beach pics on yesterday's post looked stunning. I'm off to Mainz in Germany for 4 days in June so guess that will be my only trip out of Ireland this year but hoping for a few days in the country some where later in the summer. Dull here so far but mild.


          Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

          Good morning Tips,Expat, Foxy and Molly.

          Feeling a bit better after a codeine induced sleep and no hangover. Look even worse than I am feeling as all the bruising is coming out.

          My daughter is still very upset but this is all part of life. :upset:

          Expat that place sounds lovely just the place to take kids. When ours were young and we were skint we used to get a bus to the south of France and camp.

          Foxy do you have any family in Germany? Are you feeling better?

          Tips how is your mum?

          Molly thanks for the kind words (as usual) always hits the spot.

          In fact thanks to everyone in the Army I did get more kind words than I deserve for going out and running 22 miles when feeling shite falling over at mile 10 and carrying on for another 12.

          It is like when I was drinking I would get nicely mellow then carry on until I passed out:upset:


            Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

            Morning everyone. Nice thoughts and a hug for anyone who needs one today

            I am going to work out some shit with jim today.

            Then carry on cleaning the patio.
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

              Hi Anon my cough is still bad so i'm phoning my dr for appointment when the surgery opens around 9pm. Hoping for a slot for tomorow as today may be busy after public holiday wekend. I have a nephew who lives near Mainz and is married to a lovely German girl. They had their first child a girl last december so we are going for the christning and their is a festival on also so should be a good weekend with nearly all of the family. I have an appointment for 2pm today at an addiction centre so hopefully it will go well. I need the extra support as too many slipups. Its 9 days since my last bender and i have desire to drink or go there again long may it last. Apart hangovers etc i spent money for bills so can't go on. Hope you feel better soon anon. It will take time for your daughter to get over her ex its just goin to be tough on you both right now:l. Now more coffee.:cupajoe:


                Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

                Morning Pingu have a good workout with Jim. I'm going for a walk before my 2pm appointment have a good tuesday army.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

                  Cullintra House, Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny
                  Foxy-you might want to check out this link for a country get away later this summer. I went there a few times and it was always lovely. The lady serves dinner in the evening and it's very cosy and relaxed where the guests can chat-good for both single people or couples. Lots of nice walks and-they have lots of cats!
                  Great post on us addicted types needing a release/escape Molly. I can really relate!:l
                  Anon -I hope you feel better soon hon. x
                  Hugs and positive thoughts going out to everyone-and please send some my way too! Another school meeting this afternoon.:upset: I don't have to work today so I plan to keep busy-tidy the flat and start jotting down notes for the meeting. I am fluent in French but definitely not bilingual so when I get nervous I sometimes end up forgetting what I want to say! I'll be checking in here throughout the morning before leaving. xxx


                    Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

                    Good morning Tipperooo. Expatty, Mollymoo, Expatty, Our Whizzy, Pinguuuuuuu, Fireyfoxy

                    Just getting me caffeine drip moment please
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

                      Oh Molly-I know the school stress crap for our kids is really horrible. It seems to never end. I feel like my head is going to explode!
                      And I can relate to the anti-social thing and feeling like we are boring/smelly:H/hated whatever!
                      I went out with a group on Saturday night and when I didn't hear anything from them-I immediately assumed I had bored the shite out of them or said stupid things etc. Well, one of the English girls finally posted on her facebook site what a fun lovely evening it was (posted pics too!) and my name was mentioned.Said she couldn't wait to go out again soon! So I had made myself sick and worried for nothing. Low self-esteem or what!? Really have to work on this.


                        Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

                        Morning JC


                          Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

                          Thanks for the kink expat it looks a lovely relaxing place. I only stayed in Kilkenny once for 3 days in a city b&b but i had a lovely day out in Bennettsbridge. I was thinking of going to the Arann Island of Innis mor for along weekend of cycling and walking trips. And a day trip to Innis ere as i have never been on that Island but spent a nice day on Innis maan last time i was in Galway. But might get to Killkenny again and stay there. Sorry to hear ytou have been glum Molly i have had days like that too. Getting sober is half the battle. I wouldn't tkae it to heart if people don't get back to you. I get that at times too but i try not to let it get to me. I've had to avoid some peeps too who r drinkers and don't think they have a problem so life can be lonely sometimes. But i can't be around folk with a bad influence on me and who are in denial over their own drinking. I think they may have dropped me too but all the better for me :H. Sun has just come out now and it looks like its going to be a lovely spring day.:sun::flower:


                            Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

                            Ooooooooooh thas better,

                            Patty, that place looks gorgeous. If you need a baby sitter, dog walker, suitcase carrier I'm yer woman.

                            FF, I'm so pleased you got an AL worker lined up. Getting it all out there with a complete stranger will do wonders.

                            There seems to be a common theme about us not finishing things unless they're perfect. I know mine may be quite small compared to running a marathon but the number of knitting/sewing projects I've chucked out because they weren't up to my standards are mind boggling. I spent 2 hours yesterday unravelling a baby cardi to get it to where I want it.

                            And there's another common theme I reckon we all come home from a bit of a do wondering what other people thought of us. I'm very self conscious.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Tuesday 20th March

                              Have a good day at work Molls. Talk to ya later.:l
                              It's turning into a lovely spring morning here too Foxy!
                              Off to do the washing up-bacinabit xxx
                              xpost JC-

