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    A few weeks ago I started a thread called the swimming pool....It was just about this website and I compared the site to a swimming pool which consisted of learners, intermediates and experienced swimmers....

    I was both overwhelmed and touched by the reaction of people who read it...The main thing though which struck me as I read the replies from everyone was just how many people out there, myself included, are putting on this face which tells the world that, hey, everythings fine, I'm okay, but what we really want to say is, please help me, I can't do this alone, I need support.....

    That is one of the reasons MWO is the success it is...We are all in the same boat, making the same journey....We can empathise with each other, cry for each other and congratulate each other, on here yes, we can do all that, but what of the outside world, what about relatives, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, your childrens teacher, even the check-out girl in the supermarket who greets you by name.....They see you, or rather they see what you let them see, and they assume you are fine....

    So, as we are pretending to them that we are okay, how do we know that they aren't doing the same to us....Presenting that smiling happy face but inside shouting for help....How many of us, I wonder, would be able to recognise the signs, to look beyond the smile and see the pain, to hear the cry for help?

    Years ago I found a poem written by Stevie Smith, it has always been a favourite of mine and I think it illustrates the point I am trying to make....

    Not Waving but Drowing.

    Nobody heard him, the dead man.
    But still he lay moaning.
    I was much further out than you thought
    And not waving but drowning.

    Poor chap, he always loved larking
    And now he's dead
    It must have been to cold for him his heart gave way,
    They said.

    Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
    ( Still the dead one lay moaning )
    I was much too far out all my life
    And not waving but drowning....

    Take care, Love from Louise xxxxx
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


    That brought tears to my eyes. I recognize what you are saying all too well.
    Over 4 months AF :h



      Much love and respect to you Louise..........this is me tossing you a line..................................

      :l :l :l :l
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        NOT WAVING.

        Thanks Precious, Iv'e caught it and I won't let go..
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          NOT WAVING.

          I remember vividly a cartoon I saw when I was much younger.

          A man goes to work on the bus and everyone who sees him says how lovely it is to hear him sing.

          He travels up to his workplace in the lift and people say how his singing cheers their day.

          He calls at the supermarket on the way home and the cashier says how his singing gives her hope for the future.

          In the mirror at home the man says," If only they knew. I sing to drown out my screaming."
          Enough is enough


            NOT WAVING.

            How sad is that? Makes you realise the fragility of the human race.


              NOT WAVING.

              Thanks for the poem, Louise. It really made me think - sad how we all seem to know exactly what that feels like ....



                NOT WAVING.

                Louise and all,

                Once again such wonderful posts.!!
                I think I can respond better when the shivers stop going up and down my spine.
                Unfortunately some of those shivers are shivers of recognition........



                  NOT WAVING.

                  How moving, Louise. How true it is of so many of us. How many of us can share our true thoughts and feelings with even just one other soul?
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    NOT WAVING.

                    I loved the thought of the grocery gal who you know and the librarian who you know and the client who you know and the classmate's mom who you know..............

                    Who and What the &*$# do we know really know???? INCLUDING OURSELVES?????

                    And the scary part is - we HAVE to maintain the "you don't know" thing. and - SCARIER - we ALL do it.

                    However... to sustain our livelihood and "society" we feel we have to play along (even here) or collapse.

                    You know what?

                    Too fucking bad the aboriginals didn't have access to nuclear wepons. At least we'd die in a circle...


                      NOT WAVING.

                      I think that, yes, we do have many faces for many people. Whether right or wrong it is just fact.

                      It keeps us in "control" of what we want people to think of us.

                      Or we think it does.


                        NOT WAVING.

                        MWO is a lifeline to all of us...Just grab on..Hang on...all are helping each other

                        Thanks RJ and MWO!!!
                        Control the Mind


                          NOT WAVING.

                          Hi every1

                          This post got me thinking. I know many a times, I have stormed out of the house because something has happened and I want to scream and shout. But instead I do something that makes another person say "thanks", smile at me or at least one way of aknowledging me, so that I feel better. Never thought that they could be having a similar day to me.

