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You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

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    You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

    So I get up this morning, and walk out to my car to take my son to school... and low and behold it is covered in??? I'm thinking.... "somebody" has taken dog turds from around the neighborhood and dumped them on our cars for a joke! But then I saw what looked like syrupy-looking dregs from the bottom of an old coffee pot running down ALL sides of my car....

    So I looked around, and right across the way we have a big pond, and there were about 50 Canadian geese all fettering around splashing in the water, and I kid you not; when I looked over at them, they all stopped and stared at me, like, "What?" I know my house is in the "line of fire" of their flight path, but is this normal for the whole clan to take a dump at once? And why MY car? Are they ticked off because they expected typical Florida weather when they arrived only to discover people scraping ice off their windshields? Was it an act of kindness to help warm up my car?

    At any rate, I was horribly embarrassed in the carpool line this morning... could you please have a word with them about their manners when they arrive home in the Spring?
    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

    You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

    Oh Allie, I read somewhere that Canada geese are very generous and just love to share everything......
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

      Allie, trust me it's useless. We have tried every language known to men and beast. They just feel entitled to fertilize whenever they can. Did you perhaps mention to somebody, that your car was too small???? Oh, just a thought.
      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


        You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

        Allie LMAO!!!! My daughter's soccer field is nothing but CG turds and it is horrible. I would have given anything to see you driving to school in your car......
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!


          Our Canadian Geese never leave.....there they sit on the frozen pond, ready to hiss at you as soon as you walk by.

          I am a walker and we have a lot of ponds around this area, hence we have a lot of ducks and geese. God love those ducks but those geese are holy terrors. I've run from a few that just had babies swimming near by. I mean I RAN from them:H
          :h :h :h :h


            You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

            LMAO! I remember in the summer a whole flock of them flew over us while walking. For a moment there we were doing the "run for cover" bolt as they decided to drop their bombs. They are messy, and they are LOUD, but they are lovely aren't they????


              You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

              I think I'm gonna have to repaint my car.... this stuff aint coming off!! Any tips?

              They are still in the pond. They think this funny.... I hope a darn gator is in their waiting for them to let their "feathers" down.
              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

                Tee Hee, Allie, great to see you back and in great humor!

                The soccer field next to me sports a group of CG. They kick the ducks out and push the sandhill cranes to the back of the lot. They also make sport of every car in the office parking lot.

                BOILING WATER HAS DONE IT FOR ME, It is worse than glue . . Sill they are pretty lovely to see. . . YES???


                  You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

                  Allie, try washing your car with Sunlight Dish Detergent and very warm water. I use this and it works like a charm for me.


                    You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

                    You wash yourself in Sunlight Dish Detergent and very warm water and it works well for you?

                    :H :H
                    I HAD to. I won't apologize.

                    Allie, yes, it's good to see you start a funny thread. That's my girl. I'll have a talk with the geese, but since I've moved from Canada to the States, they may not recognize my accent.


                      You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

                      Our Geese to you

                      Two words:

                      Shot Gun


                        You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

                        I hate the geese. They have not a single redeeming feature in my eyes. I don't think an AK-47 is inappropriate or too much firepower for dealing with the little basta###. But that's me.


                          You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

                          ooh Hawk


                          TOO much feather spread - REALLY now....


                            You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

                            Oh...........BECCA!! I guess the truth had to come out! LOL.

                            But I will admit I have used Sunlight Dish Detergent on my hair a couple of times after a bad dye job!!!


                              You Canadians need to have a word with your geese!

                              They invade the lake district aswell...When you hear 500+ flying overhead...Its time to take cover...Its like the dam busters.
                              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

